A New Era of Mobile Apps Development with 5G Technology

5G Technology

The Network and its perks

The telecom and signal industry have performed great development and made major amazing changes in smartphones and other portable device usages including mobile apps. This was observed when the 3G network took over by the 4G network by the period of 2012-2015 in the country. This change made a boom in the IT industry and assisted it a lot. Ad people started to expect the 5G network technology to the world later or early.

We never thought that such a great volume of data will be transferred at a faster speed as lightening. Now, this great change intended mobile app developers and software creators to design and develop in a new manner to match the functionality of the application with new faster technology.

How the mobile app development world caught a boost with the versatile design of app leading to the creation of on-demand business apps and now people can follow up the activities listed down:

  • Book ride services like Call a cab/bike/auto at any location
  • Get ready to eat delicious food at home
  • Cleaning, relaxing and other leisure services at home
  • Book online event/flight/movie/train tickets
  • See your family and friends from anywhere through a video call
  • Do your office work done remotely
  • Get Daily need product like groceries at a better price
  • Apparels to sports & fitness and other accessories
  • Go cashless with UPI apps providing a safe payment option

All operations listed above are performed in few clicks now with technological development.

The Network Phase Development

To better understand the network world, let’s get a thorough analysis of various phases of the network. for this, we will have a look and understand evolution over the history of network starting from the oldest network family called 1G and then go further.

The Analog network is also known as 1G

This used to be the first cellular network of the generation had the 1.9Kbps only speed for data transfer. This network has just basic voice service and analog-based protocol.

The General Packet Radio Services or GPRS is also known as 2G

If including even age, everyone must have heard and used the 2G network because it was used for a long time that came in 1991 and enabled us to use text messages and the internet even at the speed of 10Kbps (upload and download) this made people access mobile phones.

The UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) or 3G

Still in existence and a BSNL user can tell you best about it, this lad came into existence in 1998 offering transmission speeds of 200Kbps – 14.7Mbps much more than its forefathers and thus dominated the market and gave way for a large number of development processes to emerge. The users were allowed to send audio/video/image files, and video call was a feature that was most liked.

The LTE or Long-Term Evolution commonly referred to as 4G

Real-time data transfer, live streaming services, online lag-free gaming, video meetings, and conference calls everything got an open platform on web app development including all the services. And still, it is a leader in the market with a speed of 100Mbps used widely.

The 5G or 5G Technology   

This technological beast will capture the entire market in no time with its roll-out in 2019 it promised to give its user the speed experience they never imagined along with additional feature listed below:

  • High Precision for all services and devices (consuming less battery and better IoT services)
  • Exceptionally great connection (less to no call drops)
  • Number of devices can connect for a particular range (enhanced connection density)
  • Additional features such as E-Health, Smart Cities, Cloud VR/AR services

Final words

With amazing speed and smoothness served by 5G technology will surely change the usage and functionality expectation from iOS and Android devices. Also, web app development for remote browsers will revolute most. We are rendering world-class artificial intelligence and machine learning services globally just for you, contact us now.


Everything you need to know about Live Streaming Apps Development

Live Streaming App Development

With each passing day, technology is expanding more electric and faster, and people are just accustomed to it entirely. In the past few years, video streaming apps have popularized because of the growing penetration of smartphones. The limitless border of live streaming has now enabled people to attend events, conferences and concerts and all by staying at home. With live-streaming apps, there will be an ability to perform video broadcasts and share globally in real-time to open up new experiences for the other users. As far as the live streaming market is concerned, by 2021, it is projected to plunge to $70 billion.

Not only in the entertainment industry but this technology became popular in business also.

Several corporations and start-ups have now started to build a live streaming app for goods and services promotion, training, team building, and much more. As far as the live streaming market is concerned, by 2021, it is projected to plunge to $70 billion. Research disclosed that about 82% of viewers prefer watching live videos over social media posts and 80% like it over reading a blog. In short, it can be understood that live streaming might help businesses to expand their reach, establish brand loyalty and capture more user attention.

What is live streaming?

Live streaming is a live broadcast of all the actions happening on a particular computer which many users can watch together in the real-time. Streaming not only stands for video games also to show the activity in real-time. Social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Periscope, launched live streams to show their actions in real-time to their potential users.

This article is somewhat a guide where you can study all about the live streaming app development. So, let us now start with our discussion.

Depending on their functions, live streaming apps can be categorized into two main categories. These are as following-

Apps for Video Streaming

These apps are about the video playbacks where videos are uploaded to the server where they are stored for an unlimited time. Users can view the videos anytime, anywhere, and the number of times they want. Alternatively, it doesn’t mean when is the video uploaded.

Apps for live video broadcasting

These apps are specially designed for online broadcasts. These videos are not uploaded to the server; instead, the videos are broadcasted directly to the subscribers. The videos are stored on a server, converting them into video streaming apps.

What all is to be examined before live stream video app development:

Being a mobile app developer, the following elements are to be considered before commencing the project.

Accessibility to many audiences

Due to the increased number of subscribers to live video streaming apps, you need to develop the app with a highly accessible back-end to cater to a more significant amount of audience.

Should support all video file formats

Your application must support all types of file formats so that the user can operate his video seamlessly without encountering any hassles.

Securing the uploaded videos

Pirated or plagiarized videos often lead to the infringement of copyrights, so mobile app developers must ensure to furnish adequate security to apps for preventing such situations.

Tools and technologies

Before you proceed to work on the project, you have to accumulate all the essential tools in the right position to have a smooth development process.

Selection of a Viable Platform

You need to think on the platform for which you are going to develop the app. An app is most built on native or a hybrid platform.

Why do you need a live streaming app?

It is beneficial for a business as specific challenges of business be resolved by streaming mobile apps. Let us consider them-

Grab more attention from potential customers

Live streaming helps you in capturing more attention from the users as it is perceived by users differently. People today are interested in real-time streaming, so live streaming attracts users easily and helps you hold more potential customers.

Brand loyalty improvement

You can display more about your brand to new customers with a live streaming application. In real-time, your product looks much brighter and captivating, giving a chance to increase the loyalty of your brand.

Richer content

Live streaming gives users a richer content that they feel more engaging and interactive. Users won’t get motivated to avail your product or services even after reading a detail description on social media, but live streaming can do that for you.

Real-time engagement

Streaming is a better option to interact with your customers. You may reach more potential customers and reply to all their queries which have a positive impact and bring you more lead generation.

An ad-free way of interaction

Users don’t like watching unwanted ads and get annoyed due to these ads on videos. However, live streaming will give users a pleasant ad-free experience that can turn your visitors into new users.

[Also Read: What is the Cost of Developing Video Streaming Mobile Apps Like Netflix?]


The topic is not over yet. Live streaming has got so much to discuss and has eliminated numerous obstacles. Here we have discussed everything you need to know about live streaming app development. It is essential to get updated with what’s new to learn in this field. Several obstacles might arise while developing and marketing your app, but a competent mobile application development company can inspire you with more ideas.


Few Reasons to Pick Ionic Framework for Hybrid Apps Development

Hybrid App Development

Companies do understand the dominance of mobile apps, so they are finding all ways to provide the convenience of using their services/products and approaching them to the customers on a single go. With mobile app development growing as a trend, various frameworks, technologies, languages, and paraphernalia are accessible in the market. The big decision is choosing the right one to develop the application for the companies as each has its pros and cons. From the beginning of mobile application development, native apps had the edge over hybrid apps. But things have radically changed and, so is the scenario for hybrid app development since the advent of the Ionic platform.

Unlike the days, when hybrid apps were criticized for sluggish performance and immature user interface, Ionic has succeeded to overcome these drawbacks of hybrid application development. Ionic has streamlined multi-platform application development, presenting a classy feel to the space of hybrid apps. In this article, we will see why web app developers should choose the Ionic Framework for hybrid app development. Before proceeding to the benefits of ionic app development, let’s look into what ionic framework is.

A brief introduction to Ionic-

It is an open-source User Interface (UI) toolkit used for building a high-quality desktop & mobile app which employs a combination of web technologies like HTML/CSS, and JavaScript. The main focus of Ionic app development is on the frontend UI interaction (looks), i.e. gestures, controls, animations, and the user experience. The best feature of the Ionic framework is that it can be integrated with other frameworks and libraries efficiently. Also, this can be used as a standalone framework that helps you get the best user interface for your targeted audience. So, if you are developing a visual app, Ionic app development is best for you will focus mostly on the looks.

Here are a few reasons to pick the Ionic framework to build your next mobile application:

It is more obvious to migrate across platforms

If you are planning to get an app developed that can work across all major platforms instead of focusing on a single OS, then Ionic Framework is your go-to platform. Ionic gives the ability to convert from one OS to the other with the option of languages more easily. You will have to spend a little more time and money in developing the app as well as learning each language for each platform by selecting a native language instead of a hybrid language.

It is free

This is one of the best benefits of using the Ionic Framework. Building an app is quite expensive usually being beginning with research and ending in a marketing campaign. You might have to spend a cost around $1000 in general for a framework, but with Ionic Framework you do not have to pay a single penny for it. So the fact that Ionic is free will undoubtedly ease some of the burdens. Instead of spending the money on app development, you can utilize that in research and marketing ad campaigns.

The user interface will turn out as a piece of art

As we mentioned it earlier, that if you are in the hunt for a beautiful app, Ionic Framework is the way to go for you. CSS and JavaScript features incorporated in Angular allow you to customize the app with different buttons, menus, color schemes, etc. This framework gives a lot of options in this area that enables Ionic app developers to create an app that looks not only good but also has high standards regarding the UI.

The Ionic framework is open source

Open-source means instability, which can be the fact that the Ionic framework can be a hindrance while it is valid for many but not for Ionic Framework. It is true that usually, open-source frameworks are unstable, but the Ionic framework is a very stable platform. The Ionic app developers can assure the stability of the app that is created on this platform and does not encounter any stability concerns.

The base framework of Ionic is Angular

Angular is a trendy framework for creating mobile applications and web applications both. Therefore, even if you have not learned this programming language before, after working with it, you will also be able to build web apps. It has a lot of other additional benefits like the choice to extend the syntax of HTML so that components can be incorporated within the application you created, as well as data binding.

Ionic uses Cordova plugins

Plugins is a piece of code attached to your app that is coded in JavaScript that is the most beneficial and inherent features in developing apps. This code is attached to the app that allows you to do several things because it is close to the native language of the platform you are working on. The ionic framework uses Cordova Plugins that enable you to access various features of an OS, like Camera, Battery, Geo Location, and so many others. By applying one or more of these features of the OS, this type of plugin allows you to build an app that may reach its optimal working capacity.

You have a big community to talk

It is a tough job to start with a new framework to figure out things even if you are a champion in web app development and mobile app development. Ionic is built on the top of successful technologies such as Cordova and Angular so has a vast and active community. They are an enthusiastic group of developers and users who are always ready to help you with any issues and questions. These people keep on posting and updating regarding the Ionic framework, Angular and associated subjects on different forums or specialized YouTube channels. You will find Ionic founders on social media if you search them, and if needed, they will also help you.


Compared to the iOS app or any Android app, Ionic Framework, when integrated with Angular JS and Cordova, provides a perfect platform for hybrid application development. Also, with Ionic app development, developers ensure maximum exposure and help in easy creation and deployment of the application. If your business demands a robust hybrid platform app development, you can consult a web and mobile application development company that follows the latest trends and features. Besides, you need a passionate team of web developers having the know-how of the Ionic framework and who would be able to create stunning hybrid apps that work best in the market.


Waterfall Vs Agile- Choose the Right Development Methodology

Right Development Methodology

As a business, if you are about to get an application developed with a vision that it would enhance your operations, managing productivity, and your workflows. The very first thing you will encounter will be to plan out your approach for development. It needs a lot of discussions, often a heated debate that you should follow Waterfall or Agile. If you have no idea where to begin, It is best for you to think about the project as a whole and then choose the right development methodology.

What is the Waterfall methodology?

Waterfall Model methodology is also termed as Liner Sequential Life Cycle Model which is followed in sequential order. In this model, the development team only proceeds to the succeeding phase of development or testing after the previous one is completed successfully.

What is an agile methodology?

The agile development methodology is the practice that helps constant iteration of development and testing in the development process. Under this model, development and testing activities are simultaneous; also, the process lets better communication among clients, mobile app developers, managers, and the testers.

Moving onto which is better for mobile application development; let us find out their advantages and limitations to recognize readily, which development methodology is better.

Advantages of the Waterfall Model:

  • It is the most accessible model to manage because of its nature. Each phase has specific deliverables and review process
  • Works adequately for small projects where demands are merely understandable
  • Faster delivery
  • Process and results are well documented
  • Adaptable method for shifting teams
  • Beneficial in managing dependencies

Advantages of the Agile Model:

  • It is a client-focused process, ensuring the client is involved throughout every stage
  • Likely to provide a better result from the development projects
  • Agile software development method assures the quality of the development is controlled
  • The entire process is based on incremental progress
  • Reduced risk in the development process

Limitations of the Waterfall Model:

  • Not an ideal model for big projects
  • It is a less effective method if your requirements are not predefined at the beginning
  • Very complicated to makes changes in the previous phases
  • Testing process starts once development is over
  • Higher possibilities of bugs to be discovered later in development where they are costly to fix

Limitations of the Agile Model

  • Not a beneficial method for small development projects
  • A requirement of experts to make all essential decisions in the meeting
  • Cost of implementation is more compared to other development methodologies.
  • The project can evenly go mistaken if the project manager is not able to get what outcomes the client wants

Making a Choice Between Agile and Waterfall:

We consider the below-written factors when considering which development methodology to use:

Agile Methodology Waterfall Methodology
It divides the project development lifecycle into sprints. The development process is divided into distinct phases.
An Agile methodology is an incremental approach. Waterfall methodology is a sequential design process.

Agile methodology is known for its flexibility.
The waterfall is a structured app development methodology; that is why it can be quite rigid most of the times.
Agile can be regarded as a combination of different projects.  Application development will be accomplished as one single project.
Agile is a flexible method that allows modifications in the development requirements, even if the initial planning has been completed.   There is no room for modifications in the requirements once the project development commences.
It follows an iterative development approach because all development phases may appear more than once. All the project development phases like designing, development, testing, etc. are performed earlier in the Waterfall model.
The test plan is examined after each sprint. The test plan is considered rarely during the test phase.
Ideal for projects in which the requirements are expected to change and evolve.    The method is ideal for projects having definite needs, and changes are not at all expected.
In Agile methodology, testing is performed simultaneously with app development.   In this methodology, the Testing phase comes next to the Build phase.
It works exceptionally well with Time & Materials or non-fixed funding and may increase stress in fixed-price scenarios.    Reduces risk in the fixed-price contracts by accepting risk agreement at the commencement of the process.
A dedicated team with a high degree of coordination and synchronization. Team coordination/synchronization is minimal.
Test team can take a role in the requirements to change without hassle. It is challenging for the test team to initiate any variation in conditions.
The project details can be modified anytime during the SDLC process.   No scope for the change in the needs of the project details.
The Agile Team members are interchangeable; as a result, they work quicker. There emerges no need for project managers as the entire team manages the projects. In the waterfall method, the process is straightforward; therefore, project manager plays a fundamental role during every stage of SDLC.

Final Thoughts:

Well, agile and waterfall are different application development methodologies and are useful in their particular way. However, there are significant differences highlighted above that define which is best for application development. Most of the digital projects and entrepreneurs opt agile methodology; on the other hand, if you are scaling up and have stable project requirements & management, you may consider the waterfall approach. Regardless of the approach you take, it is imperative to be flexible and ready to adapt on the go as neither methodology guarantees project success. Right methodology matters in delivering the sustainable product that meets your customers’ expectations.


Must-have Features of On-demand App & their Advantages

On-Demand App

On-demand app development has taken the lead in the current time as these apps provide a wide variety of services. Convenience is the word that comes to the mind of all when they think of on-demand services. These services are easy to book and avail whenever you want. For instance, Urban Clap is an on-demand application that has gained massive success in the market.

The concept of on-demand mobile app development can tie small startups with huge enterprises and in return, provide superior quality of services to the end-user. The minor sector service providers can anytime get in touch with these app holders and showcase their services and products on their platform for good. As a result, it helps both the app holder, as well as the services provider. The app holder gains user base leading to the download of the application, and the service providers get new customers and the services user get services at their doorstep.

These days since on-demand services are quite in trend. So there is a possibility of landing up with two types of applications. One application is which holly solely dedicated to the concept of the services is being offered like Uber. The other one has all random services from various service providers. It is entirely up to you to choose the kind of on-demand mobile app development for your business. After all, it is the service and the user experience at the application that decides the success of the business.

Key features of an on-demand mobile application


The sign-in portal is meant to provide every user with its own personalized space on the application. This space can be created using Facebook, Google, Twitter id, and so on. The feature aims at providing the name, location, phone number, and D.O.B. of the client.

Informative and visually appealing

The products and services placed on the application have to be informative and visually appealing so that the client can book or place the order on the necessary information like an address. The application will likely provide the expected delivery time and date.

Also, there should be a facility like a cart where the customers can add their favorite products to buy or order. The order summary contains the list and details of the products and services ordered before the order is confirmed.

The whole process of shopping with the app has to be very easy to offer the client a good user experience, where he/she can look for what they want. The app interface on the mobile has to be very user-friendly, where searching and locating service is just a piece of cake.

Appropriate algorithm

With the help of a proper algorithm, the app should be able to locate for the closest and the fastest courier services to deliver the products based on the location and the route of the destination.


The on-demand app development company has to embed a G.P.S. tracking system into the app to help the customers track their orders and services after placing the order. This facility can leave the customers satisfied and informed about where their order has reached. Various push notifications can be sent to the client via SMS and emails to help them stay up to date regarding the status of their request to be delivered. Placing a proper phone call before providing the products and services to the destination can help the courier facility, and the customer to accurately locate the address or even reschedule the delivery.

Integrating payment gateway

It is imperative for the on-demand application development company to incorporate a variety of payment options into the app. the client here gets the facility to make payments from whichever mode he wishes to for example like credit cards, debit cards, Google Wallet, Apple pay and so on.

Portal for receiving reviews and reviews

Sometimes it becomes necessary to have feedback from your customers regarding the products, services, the customer care dealings, and delivery process, etc. in order to improve the current scenario delivering services. This helps in restoring the faith of the customer in the brand and its services. Customers find themselves valued when they are asked for feedback, and when they share their experiences.

Such an amount of response from the client even helps in attracting more clients towards the brand and its services, and likewise, they invest their time and money in the services.

Add ons

Besides the feedback policy, the on-demand app development company in the U.S.A. can also add features like coupons, discounts, and other fair loyalty programs that interest the client more into the services of a particular brand.


So it is profitable to invest in the on-demand application development for your business as it helps in attracting more customers and increasing the revenue generation by delivering an excellent interactive user- experience. If there is an innovative idea that you can use in developing your on-demand business application, then get in touch with our company in the U.S.A. Our app developers will guide you with the best solutions and help you with the same.


How Augmented Reality changing Mobile Travel Apps for better

augmented reality

So far, mobile technology and the internet have made the public dependent on themselves. The upcoming mind-boggling Augmented Reality can enhance everything to which it is added. Mobile app development company using augmented reality by eliminating the distance between that offers a digital experience of the real world from anywhere and everywhere.

Tourism is one of the growing industries around the globe. People now and then have to travel to other parts of the countries and the world. It is here that the augmented reality can make a massive difference in the experience of the travelers. Before commencing the trip, it is essential to have all the reservations made, for instance, the lodging, transportation modes, and so on. A perfect trip has all its booking is done prior, which can be stressful for the traveler. It’s a demanding task to plan every activity and adhere to it while on the journey in an unknown city. The recent updates augmented reality technology in mobile applications help travelers a lot while planning out their trips and tours to different parts of the world.

There are many ways in which the AR has made planning for a trip a piece of cake. Let us see how.

Selecting and Booking the Room

Much mobile development company has developed applications that offer virtual tours of the hotels and their rooms. During the journey, it is the stay that has to be very comfortable and also per the budget of the traveler. So with AR, the apps can provide more information about the rooms, hotels, spa, pool room, restaurant and much more. Accordingly, the tourist can make reservations.

Live Navigation

Besides the hotels, the apps with AR integration also provide interactive information about various places in the city. People can look for sites where events and parties are being organized. Not just that the apps also include information about the places and maps to guide the traveler to reach the destination. This helps the traveler get acquainted with the places nearby and look for the desired location during their journey very quickly. Such mobile application development help in enhancing the user experience while traveling through the world.

Language Translator

One of the exciting features added in mobile apps is a language translator. A traveler from any part of the world can freely travel to a new place without any hesitation of language as the apps come with a language translator. One can make use of the app and speak through it to the other person. The app will translate what one speaks to the native language of the person. Even anything written anywhere can be scanned and turned into the required language. The AR and AI help with such facilities.

Augmented Reality

The AR technology has managed to deliver breathtaking experiences to the end users. People can explore new places, cultures, features, histories, and so much more with such aided applications. The apps enable the user to understand what is being studied in a meaningful manner fully. The users gain virtual experience of the place beforehand through their mobile applications. Almost seventy-five percent of the real world can be witnessed from these apps on the mobile phone and smart devices.


Our mobile application development company the USA has been using the latest technology in various mobile app development processes to deliver the best services and facilities to the clients. The purpose of integrating augmented reality to mobile apps is to enhance and upgrade the level of user experience. If you have an idea of integrating AR uniquely to your travel and tour mobile apps for growing your business then get in touch with our expert team. We will make sure to deliver the product with an unmatched user experience that will surpass the competitive applications.