Topmost Prototyping Tools for Your Mobile Apps Development in 2019

prototyping tools for mobile app development

Mobile app prototyping is a process of that entails how will the flow of mobile application appear and what functionality it will deliver. All app development projects have different requirements and goals. The seamless transition of the mobile app from its one screen to another is the efficient user interface. Developing a user interface is not an easy job. There are a variety of prototyping tools which support different features. The mobile app development company designs dynamic mobile app prototypes to create innovative and useful mobile applications.

Features of a mobile prototyping tool

A good UI prototyping tool must have a facility to customize the component library to suit different mobile screens and the mood the company brand want to highlight. The changes made on the prototyping tool should be visible on the portable display immediately. The prototyping tool should be able to adapt to the animation transition view on shifting from one mobile device to another.

Benefits of Mobile prototyping tool

It is not enough to know features the prototyping tool to finalize the best tool. Instead, designers of an app development company must understand the context of every tool, how it will prove beneficial for attaining the app development. The mobile app prototyping is shared with the user base, investors and the associates and stakeholders. They, in return, give their valuable feedback on the looks of the application. This even saves the time and cost that would be incurred in delivering application development services. The mobile app prototyping gives the mobile app development company and its designers a clarity on what is to be developed and then delivered to the customer.

Topmost prototyping tools


The sketch is a vector-based designing tool that has an intuitive interface that comes with a set of symbols. The designers get the ability to use pre-designed buttons, widgets, and other items. It allows the designers to work freely without thinking of the resolution of the screen while designing mock-ups, logos, and layouts.

Adobe Experience Design

The Adobe XD is used a lot by the designers as it allows integrating the creations of other Adobe software like Photoshop and Illustrator into the Adobe XD. It even provides a clear, intuitive interface like the Sketch without any complexity


InVision develops interactive mockups for web and mobile projects. The designers can review, design and test their developments and share them with their team. Like Adobe, InVision even integrates the Sketch and Photoshop files. It has a unique feature of adding animation and transition to static images and further saving the data in JPEG, GIF, PSD, PNG, etc formats.


Azure is known as a complete tool in itself. It allows the designer to design the applications from the beginning to the end using the vast function library. It develops mock-ups, idea-board, diagrams, etc. Both designers and coders can use it. Coders work by adding code to create good designs.

Just in Mind

This highly interactive mobile app prototyping tool comes with more than 500 widgets for the web and mobile app designers.


The mobile app prototyping tool helps to bridge the gap between the specifications and execution of mobile app development. Considering various characteristics of app development inclusive of team size, product preferences, the experienced app designers, and our company has the best app development designers. The aim of our app development company and its app development services is to develop an application that is efficient, visually pleasing and delivers high performance. Contact us to avail application development services for mobile devices now.


Is Blockchain a Boon to Mobile App Development in Tech World?

mobile app development

Blockchain has come into the limelight after its first design of Bitcoin Cryptocurrency in 2008. Blockchain created digital ledgers to keep an account of all transactions distributed all around the network. It allows all the members of blockchain spread around the network to have the view of the transaction and contracts that are committed securely between two parties. Its unique problem-solving features are making the leading fields of industries adopt it to channelize their businesses. Blockchain app development companies have begun to deliver blockchain development services to many areas like health, banks, media, education. The technology is used in many websites and mobile applications to increase performance by all means.

Mobile application development and blockchain

Increased security

The transparency of blockchain makes it reliable to use for committing a transaction. The robust nature of technology makes it tough against any crash. The availability of data at every point in the network again makes it reliable. This makes it impossible to fake transactions and contracts. Thus, blockchain is secure to use. It can safely store more data as per the need by expanding itself. The blockchain is anytime suitable for blockchain app development that needs to save vast amounts of information.

Tamper resistant

Since the blockchain is reliable due to its robust nature to survive any crash, it is not possible to fake any information or data into the blockchain. The data is stored at every point in the network called blocks. Changing any information in one block leads to altering the neighboring block. Blocks count can vary from million to billions making it impossible to change the cryptographic information. The blockchain application development company is familiar with all properties and benefits of the technology to use it for blockchain app development.

Simpler – The better

Blockchain being a simple technology to use, develop applications, integrate into the system; is a fast-growing technology as compared to other technology serving a similar purpose. On cutting down the development time opposite to the sophisticated techniques that take a long development time, blockchain considerably reduces the cost of development.

Agile in itself

The blockchain is developing at a lightning-fast speed with the latest innovations taking place. With the ease of to access blockchain technology, there is an excellent scope for delivering exceptional applications shortly concerning all leading fields of technology.

A digital ledger

Blockchain technology works like a digital ledger, where the information is stored at different locations around the computer network. This works in maintaining consistency among all the members of the system. Whenever there is a change in one block, the changes are conveyed to all the other blocks holding the same data, and the data is maintained at the same time.

The blockchain is proving out to be an exception in mobile application development. The technology is so new with huge scope to show its grandeur. There are immense prospects to use Blockchain in association with other leading technologies like artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and so on. Blockchain so far has shown how it can securely improve businesses against malicious attacks that intend to degrade the performance of the system.


With the budding features of Blockchain technology, there is a visible growth in blockchain app development services in the mobile industry. Blockchain application development company is using the technology to prove it a boon for mobile app development. With the level of security that it provides along with the benefits offered by blockchain development services, avail the blockchain app development services for your business and get secured.


Mighty Reasons to Adopt Mobile Apps Development for Retail Business

mobile app development, app development, mobile application development

With digitization, many things have come to us in our pocket in the shape of a device called mobile. Mobile has made many lives easy, and people have grown addicted to its use. For even small work we rely on mobile devices. It has been noticed that people spent 3 to 4 hours on average in a day on a mobile phone, out of which majority portion of the time is spent on mobile applications. This has led to the growth of mobile app development in the market.

Variety of businesses from all over the world, do not rely anymore on the physical dimension for promoting their businesses. There is no need for the retailers to communicate discounts and offers to the customers through billboards, pamphlets. All of these promotions can be handled through mobile applications. Majority retail business owners are now shifting to a mobile app development company to grow their businesses universally with mobile app development services.

Reasons to adopt mobile app development

Build a stage

Mobile application works as a stage for the business to reach people all around the world. Mobile apps have benefited both the retailer and the buyer. The mobile app development company has many aspects to consider developing an application. Mobile app development services are economical, prices of app development, the collection of information, listing of products, all is very affordable. Mobile apps for retail or e-store prove to be beneficial on both the client and the retailer’s end.

Smart e-shopping

With the rise in the trends of online shopping where things are just a click away, having an e-commerce store or an online retail store is so beneficial. It helps the business owner to reach the potential buyer only still in one place. Likewise, it helps the buyer to look for a commodity anywhere in the world and purchase it with just a click sitting anywhere in the world. All it takes is shipping the product from the business house to the customer. Get in touch with our mobile application development company to own your mobile app for your business now.

Anyone can have a mobile app for their business

Even if you don’t own a physical store, you can still have customers via your mobile application. The web is a platform where you interact with your customer. This provides the customer with a comfortable shopping experience with no need to stand and shop for hours. With added benefits, customers like buying from your application. Like speedy delivery, discounts, combo offers and so on. Whether you own a big shopping house or not, you can still have a huge list of loyal customers.

Unique and better user experience

With the swift progress in the field of technology, mobile applications today can deliver ultimate user experience. With artificial intelligence it is possible to show customer only that option which interests him in purchasing. Virtual reality, augmented reality all of these technologies can provide the customer with a prior view of the commodity they intend to buy and raise the level of shopping experience. Thus once you have the customer’s attention, profits are not far off your reach.


Today, there is a need to change the way we look at business and means to make a profit. With the world going digital in many ways, it is essential for all to make alterations in the way of doing and creating business opportunities. Staying updated with the trends of e-commerce and adopting the latest trends in the market place is essential to stand ahead in the business race. It’s never too late, get your business app developed from our mobile app development company.


Determinants to Check Mobile Wallet App for Digital Payment Solution

Mobile Wallet App

Mobile devices and their apps have monopolized the public attention of the whole world. Starting from providing information, to a variety of services, it even manages our accounts. Beginning with using net banking for debiting and crediting money, now the mobile wallet app has taken the world by storm. Equipped with the modern technologies E-wallet software development has given the market niftier mobile wallet app. These technologies like Bluetooth, Beacon, QR codes, NFC  tags have made mobile wallet app development result in operationally powerful e-wallet software’s.

So what is a mobile wallet app or e-wallet app?

A mobile wallet app is a software that allows one to transfer and receive money via mobile devices. Such an e-wallet development is aimed at providing ease and convenience with the money transfer. It is simple to use, easy to access, loads the money in few clicks, helps in various kinds of payments like bill payments, DTH, postpaid, purchasing air or train ticket, bo0king shows, kitchen cylinders and what not.  Mobile wallet application development has made human’s reach wide and large by all means.

Determinants a mobile wallet app development company has to keep in mind.


Mobile wallet application development can only be successful if the customer can have complete faith in the security system it deploys. Mobile wallet app must offer robust protection. From time to time, it must be reviewed. Clients have their confidential details on it. Therefore such technologies must be used which are hard to decrypt.

E-wallet Passbook

The e-wallet software has to have an e passbook as well. Such a book provides the client using the app with the list of transactions. The history helps the user to keep a check on the balance, amount received and sent via the application.

Digital Receipt and Notifications

On making a transaction, the mobile wallet app should send a digital receipt of the purchase via emails and SMS. Irrespective of the debit and credit amount, a notification must follow every action made by the client on the account. Promotional offers and discount are also sent via these notifications. Timely alerts must be transmitted irrespective of any activity performed or not.

Hire a Mobile wallet app development company

Hire a mobile application development company to develop a safe mobile wallet app and simple for the client to use. A mobile app development company is aware of all the latest technologies and can develop an app as per the need of the client.


Mobile wallets are need of the time. In the fast moving life where time is money, the flow of money must not be delayed. Having an e-wallet app right there on your phone can speed up the money transaction process. When are you going to get your mobile wallet app developed? Get your e-wallet software designed from the mobile wallet app development company. We opt for a robust platform and technologies to secure your details. The cloud computing architecture that we use stores and safeguards the vast amounts of data without any leakage. We take care of all features that are incorporated into the app to make a successful mobile app.


Equitable Mobile App Developer Selection- Hints & Tips

Mobile app developer

Hiring mobile app developer is a hard task if the developer is unknown and you know qualifications and skills only through the CV of the developers. An assumption about talented app developers is that they are hard to hire, as they usually have immense expectations- it may be the package expectation or job profile expectation or environment and colleagues with their work.

Consequently, it is essential to clearly elucidate the roles and responsibilities from the very beginning to developers, so that you get the most suitable and beneficial developers for your projects.

Initially the question arises ‘how you can hire the most appropriate developers?’

Here are some hints and tips to be followed while hiring and dealing with developers.

Financial Blueprint (Budget)

To hire professionals, you should clarify their doubts from the very beginning, so that no chaos arises in the future about the demand and what expectations you expect from the final project.

All developers want to get hired from a company which can assure them financially. The budget should be discussed thoroughly and in detail. A true and fair estimation should be quoted for the proposals accordingly.


  1. Unnecessary negotiation should be avoided.
  2.  Don’t settle for the lowest prices, low prices will impact in maintaining the quality of the app because of the unavailability of resources.

Handing Over (Delivery)

On-time delivery should be given prime importance. You might get the quality work according to your will but, if it’s not within the reasonable time framed it’s of no use and futile. As a result of this, you might lose the chance to succeed in the market and philanthropy.

 So, make sure you achieve your targets in the given tenure for your survival in the market. Developers should openly discuss the estimated delivery date and the expectations on this matter, so that the level of risk is diminished.


  1. Set deadlines and work accordingly.
  2. Uninterrupted coordination should be there.


This is the most relevant and critical criterion among all the criteria of the selection process. In this process, the actual expertise and skills of the mobile app developers are scrutinized.

That is the only reason to immense stress in this process of selecting finest developers. We strongly recommend you to hire app developers who can honestly do what they profess.

  • Check their resumes, references, reviews if any.
  • Analyze the work they are actually performing and what work you want them to do in terms of the size & complexity of the projects.
  • The results of hitherto launched apps should be also taken into consideration that was their contribution and performance in those apps.
  • Discussion with the clients about their views who reviewed their projects.
  • Based on what you found, take a survey and note the expected quality and creativity, you have from that app developer.
  • If possibilities are there, take their random but small tests before appointing them to the app development company.
  • Some reviews might not be real so be aware and ask for the proofs such as salary slip, experience letter etc. to avoid fake developers.


  1. Choose that developer who suits the requirement of your project.
  2. Select developers who can maintain the company will and act professionally.


This is a major selection criterion which actually covers many aspects:

  • There should be a proper communication & clear understanding of requirements between developers and selectors, overall approach of the projects.
  • Language proficiency of the developers should be checked.  
  • Transparency must be there between the developers and the selectors.
  • Communication skills of developers should be given immense importance to avoid delays in completion of the project.
  • Compatibility and responsiveness is to be taken into consideration.
  • Proper support and consultancy


  1. Mobile App developer must be asked as many questions you can so that no confusion persists in the terms of completion of project & cost of the project.
  2. Have a proper flow/ medium of communication.
  3. Clear understanding should be there and developer’s perception should also be asked for efficient development of the best apps.

We must give attention to some of the points highlighted below for a better selection criterion. The grounds which should be taken care and what should be avoided:

Tips- things that should be considered-

  1. You should be clear about your demands and expectations from the very beginning to avoid unnecessary issues.
  2. Selection criteria should be moulded according to the requirement of the clients.
  3. Discussion of strategies and plans which they adopt and decide accordingly.
  4. Your requirement may vary with the complexity of the projects, so keep that in mind while selecting your app developer or app development company.
  5. Work strategy and time requirement should be clearly asked.

Tips- Things that should be Avoided

  1. Avoid irrelevant delay structures.
  2. Don’t assume anything from your own mind.
  3. Don’t think that everything is going well if developer has no query.


To select mobile app developers in an efficient way, some of the above given key factors must be taken as a matter of concern. These factors must be regarded prime while selecting the mobile app developer to have ideal and optimal developers.


Is Apple’s Core ML 2 better than Google’s ML Kit?

Apple's Core ML 2

The last two months have been exciting for developers as both rivals, Apple and Google introduced their Machine Learning Kits named Apple’s Core ML 2 & Google’s ML kit. This marks as a new phase of development and it won’t be late now that some really advanced applications will venture into the market.

The focuses to develop these kits have been to reduce the pressure on implementing large data sets which are typically required for AI and ML development. Both Apple and Google have released the kits keeping developers in mind who are not very proficient in their coding.

First, let us look at Apple’s machine language it and following that the Google’s and compare which one is better.

Apple’s Core ML 2

This allows a robust integration of different models in machine learning. Using this framework, it is possible for developers to write machine learning applications with the least code possible. According to Apple, this Core ML 2 is 30% faster thanks to the capability of batch prediction and it can compress the models in machine learning by almost 75%. Batch prediction is the process of identifying several images at the same time, rather than trying to predict each of the image one by one. The models in machine learning can be compressed by representing the weights in fewer bits.

This framework for development allows the usage of deep and convoluted neural networks. and they support the different ree models as well as linear regression. This new version of the Core ML can also load the different models from cloud platforms such as the AWS and Microsoft Azure during the runtime. The Core ML is built on low – level technologies and thus, it ensures the minimal usage of the CPU and GPU while providing the maximum efficiency. The developers can almost run all their ML models onto the device so that the data will not be needed to leave the device, according to Apple.

Apple also said during the release by stating an example of a company called Memrise who have used the machine learning framework to build a website where people learn multiple languages. During the past, the developers would take almost 24 hours to train their AI to identify 20,000 images but with these frameworks, the time is brought down to just around 48 minutes. Also, the size of the models of the machine learning is brought down from somewhere around 90 megabytes to just around 3 megabytes.

The Machine Learning Kit from Google

During the conference by Google during the last month, they released this kit for developers who are not very strong with the implementations of Machine learning models. It is a type of cross-platform development framework along with the firebase development platform. Creating the ML requires a lot of work, as you will need to learn how to determine the exact weights, to use the different libraries and also acquire the sufficient training data to even build the most simple of the models.

Both the Firebase and the Android development kit makes it very easy for the developers to implement their models by allowing only some features of the machine learning to be called on the fire-base platform.

According to Google, one would not have to have the deep knowledge about deep neaural network and model optimization if they need to use this framework; they can achieve the task in a short span of time using minimal lines of code.

The framework supports certain ML features such as scanning the barcode, landmark, facial and text detection. Also, this model helps operate in both offline and online conditions. For instance, the offline version will be able to identify a particular image as that of a dog while the online version will be able to specify the breed of the dog as well.

So which one is the right for you?

Choosing between these developmental kits at the end of the day is purely a preference of the developer. The developmental kit from Google, although it is still in the Beta version, offers so much for even the amateur developer through the use of models, and pre-exists that if you want to get into the world of machine learning quicker, then this must be the option for you.

On the other hand, Apple’s framework is not as efficient as that of Google fist, mainly because it does not operate on multiple platforms. And second, it can only be operated on iOS devices and also is not a cross-platform suite which decreases its efficiency. But Apple has been claiming that their second apple updates the developmental kit is more efficient. It is to be waited and seen if that is truly the case.

Apart from these two, there are core machine language kits released from both Intel and NVidia. The former is free of cost and is great for students and scientists to test and conduct experiments related to machine learning. The latter on the other hand is a great tool for advanced users of Machine learning. Make sure that you choose the right one according to your needs.

If you are looking to develop or design a Mobile application, please contact us for any support.