Most Recommended Android App Development Frameworks for App Development

app development

Over the past couple of years, the trend of mobile app development has accelerated rapidly. Moreover, this happened as the people, especially businesses and entrepreneurs have discerned that mobile applications are an excellent idea to connect with a large customer base worldwide in the real-time. A mobile application enables you to acquire many things. Some of them are listed here:

  • Strengthen your brand
  • Stay connected to your existing and potential customers
  • Generates a loyal customer base efficiently
  • Offer more reliable customer support when it comes to availability and readiness of performance

The most outspoken form for android app development is by downloading Android Studio, which is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) having the necessary packages to assist you in android application development. Also, Android Studio is only an environment that supports mobile app development, and you must have the programming know-how for writing the required codes for developing the app.

The standard Android application language is Java, which is backed by Google. Java is employed to build the backend, whereas XML is applied for outlining the layouts of Android app. So ideally, android app developers should be well-versed with Java and XML if they are looking forward to android app development using Android Studio. You can use various SDKs, for example, the Android Native Development Kit in incorporation with Android Studio, if you are competent with C#, C++, C, or BASIC.

Written below are the most recommended Android app development frameworks:


Xamarin is a blessing for C# app developers for the development of android apps without diving into Java. Since it is one of the best Android app development frameworks, it is practiced by 1.5+ million users as of now. It presents a comprehensive set of C# codebase for native app development not only for Android but also for other mobile operating systems. Applying .NET codebase, Xamarin as Visual Studio is practiced by Android mobile app developers widely for native application development.

React Native

The open-source version of Facebook’s JavaScript framework to develop native mobile apps has been used by numerous Fortune 500 companies such as Instagram, Tesla, and Walmart, for mobile application development. Users cannot differentiate amid apps built on Java & React Native, and this is because React Native’s fundamental building blocks are the same as native apps. By attaching codes in other languages such as Java, Swift, or Objective C, you can optimize your React native app manually.


Ionic is licensed under the MIT License, which is a free and open-source app development framework and will remain open always. Using Ionic framework, you can build progressive web and native mobile apps. The framework is cross-platform; enabling quick development of mobile apps for Android, and then you can convert it to other platforms as and when required. But one problem with Ionic is its poor documentation. Ionic demonstrates to be an exception here by conceiving documentation with real-life examples.


Mobile applications are the native extension to web applications. Considering this as the base, people behind Apache developed a free and open-source development framework using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Cordova as a mobile app development framework lets developers build multi-platform mobile apps applying a single code base. The app can access native device APIs, which makes it tough to locate if the app has been developed using native languages or not. Despite the fact, it was initially invented for developing online apps; Apache Cordova presents assistance for offline situations also, addressing it an excellent platform for desktop app development too.


After Apache Cordova, the same team built another mobile app development platform, Adobe PhoneGap. Using Adobe PhoneGap framework, web app developers can speedily transfer their skills to mobile app development. PhoneGap is nothing but Cordova distribution with various tools and plugins launched. With PhoneGap, you can build cross-platform apps with a single base code as it provides an intuitive desktop app. The popularity and ease of usage ensure its ever-growing maintenance community and vice versa.


Titanium, an open-source mobile app development framework has a mobile-first approach at its essence. It enables developers to create clean and visually attractive apps that have not only native looks but also has native-like functioning. Titanium incorporates API Builder with Hyperloop, all available for the Titanium developers.


It’s a Microsoft game engine used by programmers widely for developing 2D and 3D games. Other than this, it can be employed in cross-platform app development. It is ideal to start with mobile app development when incorporated with C# as it has an IDE just like Android Studio.

The App Builder

It is an online application development framework that possesses stimulating clients in building brilliant looking apps without any knowledge of the design. So, if you cannot distinguish or determine where elements of the app should lie for better designing, this framework is for you. The applications built on app builder are very interactive and synced instantly with all the devices the user is logged on. In-depth analytics open to the app developers empowers them in making strategic decisions like retaining features that are embraced by the users while discarding the features which slow down the app.


There are many android app development frameworks available today, and the big decision is to pick the best amongst them for your application development project. Whatever framework you adopt, you have to first create a layout of your app with details such as sections, features, and design elements. These details in turn will decrease the development time whatever the scale is. All the Android app development frameworks explained above are free and have burgeoning community support to assist the users when they stuck. You can also grab the opportunity of android app development by hiring an android application development company which can do wonders for your business.


Flutter Vs React Native- Comparative Study and which is better


Do you desire to build applications more swiftly and to diminish costs with cross-platform development? What if you don’t know about cross-platform app development frameworks also if you are not sure which technology you should choose? No worries, this article will clear your every doubt if you are confused with Flutter and React Native, the leading market players. We will be conducting a comparative study on these two from the app owners’ perspective to help them distinguish which framework adequately suits their application development idea. Cross-platform app development is gaining enormous popularity these days. Flutter and React Native app development frameworks are leading market players, but you must analyze which one approach best fits your requirements before heading towards app development.

Flutter Vs React Native: in a Nutshell

                 Flutter           React Native
What is it?A compact UI toolkit for developing natively-compiled apps across mobile, Web, and desktop with a single codebase.Framework for developing native applications applying React.
Official releaseDecember 2018, Google I/OMarch 2015, F8 Conference
Created byGoogleFacebook
Free and open-sourceYesYes
Programming languageDartJavaScript
Popularity68,000 Stars on Github till June 201978,400 stars on Github till June 2019
Hot ReloadYesYes
Native Performance  GreatGreat
UIFlutter apps resemble as good on
the modern operating systems
as they appear on earlier versions.
Application components seem exactly similar To the native ones (Take, for example, a button on an iOS device that looks the same as to native iOS button, and likewise on Android).
As it has a single codebase, the applications appear and perform likewise across iOS and Android.
Thanks to Material Design and Cupertino widgets, they can also
copy the platform design itself.
The reality is that React Native uses native components under the hood, which assures you that, after each OS UI update, your app’s components will also instantly upgrade.
Flutter comprises two sets of
widgets that adhere to particular design languages. Material Design widgets implement Google’s design language
of the same name, and Cupertino
widgets imitate Apple’s iOS design.
This might break the app’s UI, although it occurs very seldom.
That indicates that your Flutter
the app will look and behave exactly
native apps on each platform,
imitating their native components.
If you crave that your application looks near-identical across platforms and also on older versions of the operating system same as that of Flutter), then examine using third-party libraries. They will empower you in using Material Design components, in place of native ones.
Sharing CodePresently on iOS and Android – Although the long-term insight for Flutter is offering an integrated
solution. These integrated
solutions enable mobile app
developers to write a
single code for both desktop &
as well as for the Web.
iOS and Android – but there are preferred libraries that let you apply the same code to create iOS, Android, web, and Windows10 apps.
However, Flutter for Web is not
stable, and it is now accessible
just as a preview.
Also, you may derive shared code in mobile, desktop, and web apps, to a separate repository; and treat it as a different project; then add it in the same approach as other dependencies.
APIs are in their initial stages of development when it comes to
building desktop apps with Flutter,
so will be apparently released,
just further down the line.
This enables cross-platform app developers to converge onto writing code for a particular platform without considering the compatibility with another one.
Best apps produced employing
this technology
Xianyu app by AlibabaInstagram
Hamilton app for Hamilton MusicalFacebook
Google Ads app   Facebook Ads
Time-to-marketUsually, very quicker than native development.Probably as fast as Flutter app development.
Competitive advantage    Excellent appearance and feel
because of the rich widgets.
It has Stability as it has competed for 4+ years in the market.
A swiftly expanding community and popularityVarious thriving and leading market players have employed React Native.
Exceptional documentation with
robust support from the Flutter team,
making it easy to start development with Flutter.
Mature and has a broad community and Easy-to-learn technology.
 Advancing Flutter for Web, giving the potential for single codebases
across mobile and web platforms.
Lots of tutorials and libraries are available that allow agile and secure development.
 Tough to overcome time-to-market length.Code can be easily reused for the web app and desktop app development.

Final Words

Remember that each application is different, which makes it essential for business owners to consider each one on its own merits. It’s always worth discussing your project with a cross-platform application development company to discover different approaches, with a varied skillset when it comes to cross-platform development. Both Flutter and React Native are eminent technologies and have immense popularity and enduring trust. Also, both can help your application spread its wings and fly and possess key reasons that compel you to consider either framework for your project.


UI Design Errors that Might Ruin your Conversion Rate

ui design

When talking about designing your website or the mobile application, User Interface (UI) is the king. Usually, users see the UI design of any app or website first and then interact with it. In addition to it, Website visitors give great importance to the UI, and the same level goes for the apps as well. A regular user makes an impression of your site instantly. For the growth of a website, it should provide a better user experience as a site which doesn’t give a better UX cannot develop much. Visitors generally leave websites or apps, if they find layout dull/ unimpressive or content useless/inappropriate.

If a site’s pages loading time is more than 2 seconds, its performance suffers too. Furthermore, when a website’s design is not interactive, or navigation is disordered, it profoundly affects the growth of the site. So, undoubtedly, UI is the key to the success of any website. We may encounter several UI design errors, which cause deterioration in the conversion rates of a website. Moving forward, let us come to the point and analyze what some common UI design mistakes committed by website designers, UI developers, and business owners are. So, if you have made the exact errors then take preventive actions depending on your understanding and analysis.

Messy layout

Websites with messy layout irritate the end-users and disgrace user experience. In case the design is cluttered and disorganized, it affects the site’s conversion rates because clients cannot get the CTA status. The use of unnecessary content, colors, pictures, and insufficiency in focusing on creativity can cause layout cluttered, which is not right for your site.

Wrong position of CTA

A site’s CTA must always follow the users’ state of mind. Their opinions and purchasing attitude would become active when you choose the specified features of your CTA like color, design, size, shape, location, language, and length. So you must determine the well-defined combination of features and check your CTA several times before making it live. Also, you must accurately describe the users that it can be clicked and they must hit on it. When you see the ideal balance, you will experience loads of conversions.

Unresponsive design

This is the significant UI design flaw which most of the UI developers make which restrains a website’s growth and causes failure. An unresponsive design depicts the site useless being responsive across platforms and devices as users cannot access the features using the devices of their choice. Moreover, responsiveness is liable for the ranking of the website, and sites that overlook this significant feature encounter a lot of issues. Even, an unresponsive design stops sites from giving a better UX.

Use of stock images

Stock images are undervalued as they are fake, and users immediately notice that. The visuals heavily influence website branding and marketing as it adds your site’s mood and tone, which cannot be done by stock photos. Also, users look for particular products or service, and when visitors visit your site, they believe in your products or service. However, you must not use stock photos as they portray falsehood, and if they find a false image on your site, it may ruin their psychology badly. You must recognize the reality that website imageries must be such that it boosts users’ confidence and engagement, which is only attainable by using authentic images.

Improper navigation

If your website’s navigation is not organized correctly and inappropriate, the users leave your site earlier than predicted. A site’s objective is to let users navigate efficiently from one place to another or through the website to have data easily. If there are accurate visual signs and images for everybody to move from one place to another, the navigation is spontaneous. If in case, the navigation is unclear and menus are not appropriately placed, it may irritate users and make them leave your site.

Inadequacy of social proof

In case the robust UI design is concerned, the user-produced contents, testimonials, or client feedback won’t be deliberated as the fundamental elements. An appropriate web page must comprise of all social proofs of your quality as these proofs are profoundly crucial for your website or app’s branding and conversion. If there is no credibility, visitors won’t visit your site, and they won’t trust you without social proofs. Furnish authentic messages to your promising clients to take a sigh of satisfaction, and this can offer you more increased conversion rates than the CTA or product details can afford. We cannot deny the fact that genuine client reviews are believed more than the sales pitch.

The slow speed of web page loading

Another user-interface error is the slow speed of web page loading could impact page views, make clients dissatisfied, and as a result, ruin the conversion rate. Besides, when the loading time is increased, the users move on to the next one, leaving your website, somewhat of your competitor which clients never expects.

Indulging yourself into the UI design

Involving yourself in the UI design is one of the deadly errors you can ever make. A UI/UX designer should follow & maintain all rules set for sufficient user experience. You can be creative but ensure that you maintain and follow all the terms fixed for obtaining adequate UX.  You should work skillfully with your team of sales and marketing to discover the most suitable ways of UI designing. Outline the most challenging UI aspects that provide excellent exposure.

Content congestion

Having loads of content on the pages can confuse users rather than keeping them focused on your site. Users don’t prefer reading excessive content to get information. Instead, you must focus on telling more in more restricted content and having a copy which makes emotional effect, not repetition. You can create dynamic website development and retain impactful content on site pages as this will overcome UI design errors.

Final words

It’s evident that UI comes with a lot of obstacles, but you can overcome them by applying the suggestions given above while designing the user interface of your app or website. And fixing the above-discussed issues will make your design perfect. While hiring a mobile app development company or a web app development company, ensure that they also follow the above suggestions. An efficient application would inevitably increase your site’s conversion rate, and you will undergo an improvement in client satisfaction.


Waterfall Vs Agile- Choose the Right Development Methodology

Right Development Methodology

As a business, if you are about to get an application developed with a vision that it would enhance your operations, managing productivity, and your workflows. The very first thing you will encounter will be to plan out your approach for development. It needs a lot of discussions, often a heated debate that you should follow Waterfall or Agile. If you have no idea where to begin, It is best for you to think about the project as a whole and then choose the right development methodology.

What is the Waterfall methodology?

Waterfall Model methodology is also termed as Liner Sequential Life Cycle Model which is followed in sequential order. In this model, the development team only proceeds to the succeeding phase of development or testing after the previous one is completed successfully.

What is an agile methodology?

The agile development methodology is the practice that helps constant iteration of development and testing in the development process. Under this model, development and testing activities are simultaneous; also, the process lets better communication among clients, mobile app developers, managers, and the testers.

Moving onto which is better for mobile application development; let us find out their advantages and limitations to recognize readily, which development methodology is better.

Advantages of the Waterfall Model:

  • It is the most accessible model to manage because of its nature. Each phase has specific deliverables and review process
  • Works adequately for small projects where demands are merely understandable
  • Faster delivery
  • Process and results are well documented
  • Adaptable method for shifting teams
  • Beneficial in managing dependencies

Advantages of the Agile Model:

  • It is a client-focused process, ensuring the client is involved throughout every stage
  • Likely to provide a better result from the development projects
  • Agile software development method assures the quality of the development is controlled
  • The entire process is based on incremental progress
  • Reduced risk in the development process

Limitations of the Waterfall Model:

  • Not an ideal model for big projects
  • It is a less effective method if your requirements are not predefined at the beginning
  • Very complicated to makes changes in the previous phases
  • Testing process starts once development is over
  • Higher possibilities of bugs to be discovered later in development where they are costly to fix

Limitations of the Agile Model

  • Not a beneficial method for small development projects
  • A requirement of experts to make all essential decisions in the meeting
  • Cost of implementation is more compared to other development methodologies.
  • The project can evenly go mistaken if the project manager is not able to get what outcomes the client wants

Making a Choice Between Agile and Waterfall:

We consider the below-written factors when considering which development methodology to use:

Agile Methodology Waterfall Methodology
It divides the project development lifecycle into sprints. The development process is divided into distinct phases.
An Agile methodology is an incremental approach. Waterfall methodology is a sequential design process.

Agile methodology is known for its flexibility.
The waterfall is a structured app development methodology; that is why it can be quite rigid most of the times.
Agile can be regarded as a combination of different projects.  Application development will be accomplished as one single project.
Agile is a flexible method that allows modifications in the development requirements, even if the initial planning has been completed.   There is no room for modifications in the requirements once the project development commences.
It follows an iterative development approach because all development phases may appear more than once. All the project development phases like designing, development, testing, etc. are performed earlier in the Waterfall model.
The test plan is examined after each sprint. The test plan is considered rarely during the test phase.
Ideal for projects in which the requirements are expected to change and evolve.    The method is ideal for projects having definite needs, and changes are not at all expected.
In Agile methodology, testing is performed simultaneously with app development.   In this methodology, the Testing phase comes next to the Build phase.
It works exceptionally well with Time & Materials or non-fixed funding and may increase stress in fixed-price scenarios.    Reduces risk in the fixed-price contracts by accepting risk agreement at the commencement of the process.
A dedicated team with a high degree of coordination and synchronization. Team coordination/synchronization is minimal.
Test team can take a role in the requirements to change without hassle. It is challenging for the test team to initiate any variation in conditions.
The project details can be modified anytime during the SDLC process.   No scope for the change in the needs of the project details.
The Agile Team members are interchangeable; as a result, they work quicker. There emerges no need for project managers as the entire team manages the projects. In the waterfall method, the process is straightforward; therefore, project manager plays a fundamental role during every stage of SDLC.

Final Thoughts:

Well, agile and waterfall are different application development methodologies and are useful in their particular way. However, there are significant differences highlighted above that define which is best for application development. Most of the digital projects and entrepreneurs opt agile methodology; on the other hand, if you are scaling up and have stable project requirements & management, you may consider the waterfall approach. Regardless of the approach you take, it is imperative to be flexible and ready to adapt on the go as neither methodology guarantees project success. Right methodology matters in delivering the sustainable product that meets your customers’ expectations.


New York may soon be going to Witness the Idea of Legalized e-Scooters

New York may Witness Legalized eScooters

It is expected that the roads of New York will soon be packed with e-Scooters. Since the time Germany has allowed the e-Scooters to be on the streets; New York is poised to take it easy on the idea of legalizing e-Scooters. Soon two-wheeled e-scooter will be seen in the streets of New York. Various e-Scooters app development company has taken charge to provide a dockless electric scooter app for vehicle sharing platform.

The people much like the popularly trending e-Scooters because of its mode of operation through the crowd on the road. It can be operated on the sidewalks amidst the trees. No wonder, the eco-friendly ride offers many benefits on the environmental level and even affect the economy for good, it is still considered an under-rated option to commute. It is also because of the carefree attitude linked with the ride that bothers people walking on the sidewalks and makes it more accessible to accidents.

The lawmakers of states have been working on getting rid of all the restrictions to launch e-Scooters and ebikes, though municipalities are yet to give their green signal for e-Scooter companies with the designated set of rules to go on with the plan. For example, the state-bill may agree to the fact that riders would not need to wear helmets, but the municipalities would require the helmets on! Even the local authorities will take some time to finalize the rule and policies before one can ride an e-Scooter or an e-bike.

What makes it so desirable?

e-Scooters are now linked with companies like Bird, Jump, and many more have a new set of standards to define the terms and conditions to use the e-Scooter. Since the companies are in close association with the local government, they are trying their best to ensure that no local traffic laws are broken to promote and bring the new ride into the states. The labor put in by the companies and other officials have not gone un-witnessed by the government whereas the country is now in favor of having these economic rides on the streets, with the best efforts to maintain the rules and regulations of the roadside.

Effect of legalizations on the eScooter Industry

On the general note, it is good news that e-Scooter rides will be a legal business soon. But the trend is a little different at the city end. Just in case the government agrees to the industry, the cities will have their regulations to allow the scooter companies to act in the cities. The company owners are positive about the spread of the rides once the legalization is completed. They are expecting the business to prosper in many other countries.


With the news that the New York Policymakers have managed to crack the deal to legalize the electric scooters and bikes have proved that New York can take any action to authorize immediately. But the city has its right to prohibit its use in the city. The safety and security on the road is their priority as they say! If you have a plan in your mind to own an E-scooter business, then hire our E-Scooter Mobile App Development Company and have expert app developers for your E-scooters app development.


After Uber, PayPal MasterCard and Visa- Facebook to Launch Cryptocurrency


Facebook being the world’s largest social media platform has more than 2 billion users worldwide. After playing on such a large scale, Facebook is now ready to launch its Cryptocurrency- Libra, which the users can use by sending digital coins to one another to purchase on Facebook and the internet.

What is the reason behind launching a new Cryptocurrency?

Facebook has been planning to develop a stable coin that is a digital currency attached to the money issued by the government, to reduce its unpredictability. Its price will remain stable, so it is also called a stable price currency.  It plans to have the currency in 12 countries by the year 2020. Libra association is an autonomous group that will govern the new digital coin, and it intends to remain autonomous of the parent company Facebook Inc. It is decided that none of the group members will have any control over the currency and that they are only limited to verify the transactions and maintain the records of the cryptocurrency chain.


The new Cryptocurrency can be used on the existing social platforms like Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, and WeChat in China.  According to the latest report from the Wall Street Journal, Silicon Valley is a group of leading companies like Visa, MasterCard, Uber, PayPal, and many others that are backing up the upcoming latest currency. Altogether 100 companies are set to capitalize USD 10 million each to raise the development of the money. The new launch is expected to open a new source of revenue generation for the company which has been struggling.

About Libra- Stable coin

Libra is nowhere near other crypto currencies like Bitcoin, etc., as it has strict rules and regulations for its action. The Libra group of association has met with the Bank of England governor, various money transfer companies along with the US Treasury officials to discuss the risks and opportunities involved in the whole venture. It would not be wrong to compare Libra with the Blockchain oriented payment methods like JPM coin and many more. The popularity of the stable coin is due to its contract compatibility and its predictability, unlike the actual currencies which are highly volatile. Also, the transaction cost, which is increasing ever since then is a reason for it is now and then in the news.

Is it a parallel economy?

Without any doubt, Facebook has already enhanced the way people communicate with each other and given a new picture of the mode of communication. The level of acceptance for Libra among the people is huge as it is a Stable coin. With the terminal similar to ATMs where people can exchange their digital currencies, they will need a large number of funds to establish the physical infrastructure. It is also believed with the incoming of stable coin more number of people will start to have faith in the digital mode of currencies. It will even prove valuable to people who are living in developing countries.


Soon Facebook will allow people to shop and spend money on things to their loved ones at zero fees, which is its way to reinvent the money. With support from expected financial companies, Facebook will be able to launch its new blockchain-based Cryptocurrency by 2020. Our blockchain app development company has already drawn the attention of leading firms with the successful blockchain app development. Contact our app developer for your business app now.