Tips for Every iOS Mobile App Development Company

iOS Mobile Application Development Company

The demand for iOS applications has increased exponentially in last couple of years. Luckily, there is no shortage of supply to meet the demand. iOS mobile application development companies are putting their best effort to meet the requirement. The submission of applications has increased exponentially. However, the application rejection rate is very high at the App Store. It appears that only half of the submitted applications get clearance by the review team. The strict guidelines and standards of the Apple’s App Store doesn’t allow the low-quality or sub-standard apps. So, to overcome this issue, there are certain tips for every iOS application development company that we have mentioned below.


Every Mobile App Development Company Should be Futuristic

Mobile Application Development Company

Mobile Application Development Company

Worldwide revenues for mobile apps are expected to rise drastically by the end of 2017. With the increased use of mobile apps on Smartphones there is no stopping the mobile application industry. Swift development in technology is held responsible for evolution of mobile apps into a worldwide phenomenon. Below are some of the expected trends that the largest fraternity of Smartphone users can look forward to. After going through the below content, you would agree that it’s time for every mobile application development company to be futuristic.


How to find Top Android Apps Developers?

Top Android App Developers

Nowadays it seems like every second person is some sort of mobile app developers or involved in something related with the same. While those who are looking for some support in this area for options, there are many options to select from but with so many mobile application development companies and freelance developers located in every locations, finding a good mobile app developer is a quite challenging job. And when it comes to particularly android application development in particular the number of options are even more vast. So how to find top android app developers for your project.


iOS Application Development for Business Apps

iOS Application Development

iOS Application Development Company

Smartphones are now considered as the top selling devices in the world. Business owners are now quickly moving to Smartphone platform to keep their business up in the competition. With so much rise in the demand of mobile phones, the manufacturers are also making use of the latest technology. It is really a great opportunity for businesses to develop mobile apps and keep their audience engaged. However, most of the times they are not able to decide that on which operating system they should develop their business app as every OS have different limitations, functionalities, and the audience. The main competition has been seen between android application development and iOS application development.


Now, iOS Developers Can Reply to Reviews on the App Store

iOS Developers

On March 27, 2017, Apple released MacOS 10.12.4 and iOS 10.3 version. With the launch of new iOS version, it is the third major update of the iOS 10 operating system. The iOS 10 was introduced last year on September 13, 2016. The latest iOS 10.3 version was in testing phase since January 24, 2017, but now it is available for free update for all the iOS 10 users. The new version available through iTunes for updating. Moreover, Xcode 8.3 is also available with support for iOS 10.3, tvOS 10.2, Swift 3.1, as well as MacOS 10.12.4 and WatchOS 3.2. Now, iOS developers can reply to reviews on apple app store.


Promoting Your App with Top Android App Development Company

Android Application Development Company

Android Application Development Company

If we talk about mobile devices, there are so many things that one can find for free such as Wi-Fi for phones, streaming content, voice calls, video calls, radio, news,, and not to forget to mention, applications. However, when it comes to the free mobile applications, not many of us consider that the marketing of the apps is not free. Though app developers may promise to market your app but not every android application development company stand on their words and dupe clients for the sake of undertaking project. But, AppSquadz Technologies is one such android application development company that believe in showing their effort through their work and not by words.