7 Popular Cross-Platform Apps Development Tools That Will Rule in 2021

cross platform app

With the quickly expanding advancements in innovation, developers are ceaselessly sticking their eyes to the app development tools or frameworks that can make their occupation simpler and limit the app development time. Regardless of whether you are an ace developer or an apprentice, here are the 7 most mainstream Cross-platform app development tools that you need to know in 2020. 

Today, in the exceptionally serious market, where developers are searching for incredible app development tools; then again, businesses are chasing the most ideal approaches to improve their businesses. From new businesses to multi-million organizations, applications are someplace adding a huge edge to the business development and causing them from numerous points of view. 

Presently the focal inquiry is, how might you get the privileged app development framework for your business? 

So what are the main cross-platform frameworks that you ought to pick in 2021? 

Before you burrow profound and dedicate enough time to exploration, we have gathered together a couple of best cross-platform mobile app development frameworks dependent on beneath referenced boundaries: 

  • Performance and Popularity 
  • Code reusability and rich-vault 
  • Easy to learn and uphold all parts of Cross-platform app development. 
  • Strong people group backing and reasonable documentation of framework for amateurs 
  • Ability to get to gadget capacities. 

Here is the rundown of best cross-platform mobile development tools 2021 leading the era with smart integration of coding languages: 

1. React Native (A Top Choice of Cross-platform framework among developers) 

React Native was dispatched by Facebook in March 2015 and has immediately gotten an ideal decision for developers knowing JavaScript. Moreover, planning the app with React Native is very quick and more agreeable for the developers as it is an open-source Hybrid app development and permits you to reuse the codebase for app development. 

2. Flutter (Ideal Framework to Develop Cross-platform Apps with Clock-Challenge) 

Flutter is one of the high-level degrees of UI kit dispatched by Google in 2018, and appropriate to the cutting edge app development climate. It is an open-source Software development kit (SDK) that offers a wide decision of UI components, gadgets, and a superior delivering motor that permits developers to tweak the application with smooth movements. 

3. Ionic (A Popular Cross-Platform Based Framework Based on Web Technology) 

With the critical market offer and web utilization insights of Ionic, developers are forcefully picking this framework to assemble native apps and reformist web applications. 

4. Xamarin (prominent Tool used to Develop Cross-Platform Application) 

As per the review, Xamarin is one of the fifth most famous tools for making superior cross-platform application development. Being sponsored by Microsoft, Xamarin underpins C# codebase and appropriate for .net developers. Building elite applications with Xamarin is very quick and more agreeable as it has a Test Cloud highlight that consequently tests your app and guarantees 100% code reusability. 

5. Cordova (simple to Learn Mobile Application Development Tool) 

As per Stack share, Apache Cordova has gotten 818 GitHub stars and 336 GitHub forks and urging developers to make all the more impressive applications by utilizing the properties of Native assets including Phone’s camera, accelerometer, compass, contacts, messages, geolocation, organizations, warnings and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Building up an application with Cordova is time and savvy as it uses high caliber and various arrangements of highlights that help in creating apps progressively. 

6. Appcelerator (Most Popular Mobile App Development Tool) 

Another advantage of utilizing Appcelerator is that it empowers you to reuse 90% of the code across various platforms which come out as the main bit of leeway when creating native apps. Thirdly, the platform gives admittance to different APIs through an element considered Hyperloop that empowers you to utilize APIs of iOS and Android utilizing JavaScript straightforwardly. 

7. Corona (A Perfect Cross-Platform Framework for Gaming Apps) 

Corona is allowed to utilize and simple to introduce platforms that permit developers to quickly see changes in Lua codes through the implicit Corona Simulator, so there’s no compelling reason to keep up the toolsets. Regardless of whether you are a professional or a beginner developer, each degree of development is permitted to get to the center usefulness of this framework. 


Toward the finish of this article, it merits referencing that despite having all these cross-platform app development frameworks with broad advantages, native app development frameworks have their coding favorable circumstances. 

There is no performance correlation between Hybrid app development and cross-platform development apps. In any case, with regards to sparing app development cost, time, and market time, an enormous fragment of SMEs, new businesses, and even million-dollar undertakings are picking cross-platform frameworks for their next app development venture. 

If you have a complex app development venture that requests the most recent specialized highlights, at that point, it is prescribed to hire a mobile app development company for additional help.


Few Reasons to Pick Ionic Framework for Hybrid Apps Development

Hybrid App Development

Companies do understand the dominance of mobile apps, so they are finding all ways to provide the convenience of using their services/products and approaching them to the customers on a single go. With mobile app development growing as a trend, various frameworks, technologies, languages, and paraphernalia are accessible in the market. The big decision is choosing the right one to develop the application for the companies as each has its pros and cons. From the beginning of mobile application development, native apps had the edge over hybrid apps. But things have radically changed and, so is the scenario for hybrid app development since the advent of the Ionic platform.

Unlike the days, when hybrid apps were criticized for sluggish performance and immature user interface, Ionic has succeeded to overcome these drawbacks of hybrid application development. Ionic has streamlined multi-platform application development, presenting a classy feel to the space of hybrid apps. In this article, we will see why web app developers should choose the Ionic Framework for hybrid app development. Before proceeding to the benefits of ionic app development, let’s look into what ionic framework is.

A brief introduction to Ionic-

It is an open-source User Interface (UI) toolkit used for building a high-quality desktop & mobile app which employs a combination of web technologies like HTML/CSS, and JavaScript. The main focus of Ionic app development is on the frontend UI interaction (looks), i.e. gestures, controls, animations, and the user experience. The best feature of the Ionic framework is that it can be integrated with other frameworks and libraries efficiently. Also, this can be used as a standalone framework that helps you get the best user interface for your targeted audience. So, if you are developing a visual app, Ionic app development is best for you will focus mostly on the looks.

Here are a few reasons to pick the Ionic framework to build your next mobile application:

It is more obvious to migrate across platforms

If you are planning to get an app developed that can work across all major platforms instead of focusing on a single OS, then Ionic Framework is your go-to platform. Ionic gives the ability to convert from one OS to the other with the option of languages more easily. You will have to spend a little more time and money in developing the app as well as learning each language for each platform by selecting a native language instead of a hybrid language.

It is free

This is one of the best benefits of using the Ionic Framework. Building an app is quite expensive usually being beginning with research and ending in a marketing campaign. You might have to spend a cost around $1000 in general for a framework, but with Ionic Framework you do not have to pay a single penny for it. So the fact that Ionic is free will undoubtedly ease some of the burdens. Instead of spending the money on app development, you can utilize that in research and marketing ad campaigns.

The user interface will turn out as a piece of art

As we mentioned it earlier, that if you are in the hunt for a beautiful app, Ionic Framework is the way to go for you. CSS and JavaScript features incorporated in Angular allow you to customize the app with different buttons, menus, color schemes, etc. This framework gives a lot of options in this area that enables Ionic app developers to create an app that looks not only good but also has high standards regarding the UI.

The Ionic framework is open source

Open-source means instability, which can be the fact that the Ionic framework can be a hindrance while it is valid for many but not for Ionic Framework. It is true that usually, open-source frameworks are unstable, but the Ionic framework is a very stable platform. The Ionic app developers can assure the stability of the app that is created on this platform and does not encounter any stability concerns.

The base framework of Ionic is Angular

Angular is a trendy framework for creating mobile applications and web applications both. Therefore, even if you have not learned this programming language before, after working with it, you will also be able to build web apps. It has a lot of other additional benefits like the choice to extend the syntax of HTML so that components can be incorporated within the application you created, as well as data binding.

Ionic uses Cordova plugins

Plugins is a piece of code attached to your app that is coded in JavaScript that is the most beneficial and inherent features in developing apps. This code is attached to the app that allows you to do several things because it is close to the native language of the platform you are working on. The ionic framework uses Cordova Plugins that enable you to access various features of an OS, like Camera, Battery, Geo Location, and so many others. By applying one or more of these features of the OS, this type of plugin allows you to build an app that may reach its optimal working capacity.

You have a big community to talk

It is a tough job to start with a new framework to figure out things even if you are a champion in web app development and mobile app development. Ionic is built on the top of successful technologies such as Cordova and Angular so has a vast and active community. They are an enthusiastic group of developers and users who are always ready to help you with any issues and questions. These people keep on posting and updating regarding the Ionic framework, Angular and associated subjects on different forums or specialized YouTube channels. You will find Ionic founders on social media if you search them, and if needed, they will also help you.


Compared to the iOS app or any Android app, Ionic Framework, when integrated with Angular JS and Cordova, provides a perfect platform for hybrid application development. Also, with Ionic app development, developers ensure maximum exposure and help in easy creation and deployment of the application. If your business demands a robust hybrid platform app development, you can consult a web and mobile application development company that follows the latest trends and features. Besides, you need a passionate team of web developers having the know-how of the Ionic framework and who would be able to create stunning hybrid apps that work best in the market.


A Study on Cross-platform Frameworks for Mobile Application Development

Cross-platform Frameworks

Being a business owner and understanding it how important it is to have and maintain web and mobile application for the business is very important these days. Of all Android and iOS are the highly opted platforms, and developing the same app for both the platforms separately or developing native mobile applications requires enough time and money. However, the entrepreneurs look for quick mobile app development services to save their time and money and instead invest them in the market. To resolve this problem cross-platform mobile app development is used to save time and money while developing a mobile app.

A cross-platform app is developed to run an app on different operating systems.  Such applications are developed by writing a single codebase which is deployed across all platforms. It offers a bunch of benefits like faster development, lower development cost, and broader audience reach to make it a cost-effective approach. It provides rich UI experience, easy integration and maintenance, and offline support.

There is a list of cross-platform frameworks for app development that are well established and have significant features:

Flutter App Development

Flutter was announced by Google in February 2018 that opens the door to developing applications for Android, and iOS with just one codebase. It is an open-source mobile user interface framework and is based on the Dart programming language. With its Hot Reload feature, it enables the developers to see real-time changes in the application while developing the app, which helps in fixing bugs and carry on the development in the right direction. It is robust and can produce complex multifunctional widgets with its broad capabilities for the app. Most of all, Google provides it a large community of developers to support the development of next-generation solutions.

PhoneGap App Development

PhoneGap is an open source cloud-based Adobe’s cross-platform app development framework. It is based on Apache Cordova. With this framework, the developers build the app in JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS for leading operating systems. It allows the developer to add required functionality and plug-ins without facing any hardware restrictions as it doesn’t depend on the device’s native features and its performance. The framework has earned massive demand due to its features and support it offers.

Kotlin App Development

Kotlin is an open source language based on JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and was designed to address the issue of Java. It has several benefits like it takes lesser coding than Java to implement a feature, which enhances the development time and improves its execution. Kotlin offers inter-operability that makes it easy to use its features on the existing project without changing its previous codes.  Thus, it can co-exist with Java on the same project. Its system detects bugs and errors in real time and makes it robust and saves costs that are spent on fixing the bugs. With all its features along with a steeper learning curve, it is a good option for cross-platform development of applications.

Ionic App Development

The Iconic framework is a famous name in the field of cross-platform app development. It makes use of technologies like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. With a powerful CLI, it can code, test and deploy an application to the required platform. Its primary coding language is TypeScript which is a superset of JavaScript that makes it easy to detect errors while coding and results in better quality code. All of its features, with inbuilt elements, and a large community of developers have made it one of the frameworks that can build native-like mobile apps.

Titanium App Development

Titanium allows the developer to create, run and pack native mobile apps for Android and iOS with the help of cross-platform application program interface like JavaScript. It helps in writing code for a native app but using a portable, cross-platform JavaScript code. Titanium consists of Titanium SDK, Appcelerator CLI, Titanium API’s and Modules and so on. It helps developers to use their ability to code in JavaScript to develop native-like mobile apps that are deployed on multiple platforms.

Xamarin app development

Microsoft owns Xamarin, one of the popular cross-platform frameworks that work on the principle of write once and deploys it on any platform. It has allowed the developers to design native apps using the C# code base and then use the same IDE, language, and APIs everywhere. The framework develops an application that delivers native app-like experience, and the apps are attractive. It offers the facility to reuse the code, and its tools and functions make it apt for rapid app development. It has been used for more than 15 thousand companies now.

Sencha App Development

Sencha app development platform is an excellent choice for cross-platform mobile app framework which is used to develop apps using the hardware acceleration technologies. The applications built with Sencha are highly tested, tightly- integrated UI elements and libraries. It can create significant business apps and maintain them with ease. It even supports the PhoneGap/Cordova integration for native application program interface to access and packaging.


In the mobile app development world, the cross-platform frameworks are the tools to develop mobile applications. Are you looking to create a dynamic, robust and attractive mobile application for your business? The frames mentioned above are highly recommended to choose to create a cross-platform app development. Before choosing any of the structures, it’s essential to see if the cross-platform frameworks meet the needs of the business.


A Comprehensive Study of Pioneer Features in the Ionic 4

Ionic 4

With the all-new features that push it beyond the front end framework, Ionic 4 is one of the most dependable frameworks. It is an excellent choice for creating PhoneGap applications, prototypes before building the native applications, and HTML5 app development. Over years of research and consistency, ionic has upgraded itself to a powerful user interface and app framework.

With the latest release, it is a set of web components with custom elements along with the shadow DOM application program interface in all most recent browsers. This allows all web developers to use standard web API’s so that the Ionic component API’s stay stable without getting affected by the frontend and framework opted.

There are the latest advancements in the framework as follows:

Components for web

With the most recent set of web platform APIs developers can produce new custom, reusable and encapsulated HTML tags for web applications and pages. These web components have custom widgets that can be used with any JavaScript library or framework to work with HTML across the latest browsers. The web components have less of written code and improved startup and load time that improves the performance of Progressive web applications.

The web component’s custom elements allow modernization of HTML by creating new tags and makes way for designing new DOM elements. The Shadow DOM that develops component-based applications fixes the CSS and DOM. The stencil is the new web component compiler that can work with or without any other front- end framework and makes use of any addition API’s like Typescript, Virtual Dom and so on.

Progressive Web App development

Ionic Four is designed to build high performance oriented PWA’s which ensures the components are packed tightly in sets of collection for asynchronous component loading and delivery.

Helps in customization

CSS custom properties have provided structure to the developers to upgrade the customized Iconic components in future without having compatibility issues. It also offers public theme API that allows to theme the apps irrespective of the frontend framework used in the app. With this facility the developers no longer have to alter the inner CSS styles; on the whole, changes can be made easily by modified CSS custom properties.

Integrating Frameworks

The latest framework works well as an individual web component library or by integrating JavaScript frameworks. It is expected to incorporate more frameworks in the coming future. It can make regular internal improvements without the need for respective updates in any other integrated framework.

The ionic command line interface

CLI is a tool that aids the developers by allowing them to choose any framework while developing a new project. It has a built-in development server, debugging tools. It also helps in administering the developer’s account, other deployments and manages cloud builds.


The latest version uses native Angular Routing, besides putting the components into ion-nav, now the components have to be mapped to routes. With an ion-router single element, it can control all communications with the browser history. Ion-router-outlet and the Angular router are used for Angular projects.

A Brief Comparison Between Ionic 4 vs. Ionic 3

On evaluating a large number of a new component developed using the latest technology like ion-backdrop, ion-picker, ion-ripple-effect, ion-route and so on it is found that performance has improved along with customized themes and UI by 1.5 times than the previous version. New web components are developed using Stencil are top scorers on the Lighthouse Benchmark tool by Google.


With power packed changes like the use of Stencil along with the use of any other framework besides Angular, version 4 is a success. With the pioneering features, it has managed to revolutionize the ionic framework development. Contact our mobile app development company for progressive web development, cross-platform applications for mobile and desktop platform now!


A Guide for Flawless Hybrid Mobile Application Development

Hybrid Mobile App Development

Hybrid Mobile App Development

Hybrid mobile app development is an upcoming technology in the market today. If you are looking for fast and low cost development that is slightly low on features, hybrid app development is the option for you. Mobile app development company are now focusing on hybrid mobile app development to provide scalable solutions to clients which fit their small yet essential requirements.