5 Reasons why you need LMS with Social Media Integration


We all know that social media has become one of the most crucial parts of our day to day lives. We all are constantly connected with friends, family, relatives, colleagues, peers, and the entire world for various purposes with social media. We all can even gather the knowledge in the form of video, blogs, podcast along with engaging with people through games, discussion, and experiences as well.

 This interaction is not just limited for chatting for sharing useful information but also has become one of the prominent tools for personal as well as professional growth in terms of learning. Therefore, many organizations are now opting for Learning Management System (LMS) which can integrate social media to make eLearning more engaging, interactive, and interesting at the same time for their employees.

The Learning management system along with social media integration not only helps to support online training goals but also helps to increase the participation and engagement of the users. The major effectiveness to include social media in your learning or training programs will surely depend upon the fact that how positively your business supports the use of social media in your entire work culture.

We all know that as there are more and more people logging into Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn on daily basis and are connected on social media platforms for latest updates and what’s happening in the world, but it becomes imperative to customize your LMS and align your training session with social media and analytics. Your LMS can be highly measurable by adding social meaning features and analytics to your training and learning programs.

In this guide, we have listed the 5 major reasons to explain how social media integration of LMS can provide an engaging and interactive eLearning as below:

Content outreach

As your LMS users are highly connected online, hence they can share the information in the real-time world by various social media channels. They can share what they have learned using your LMS and what best practices you have to create an impactful eLearning mobile app platform. All this is not because you need to boost the outreach of your content but also it helps to increase online visibility. Social media integration also provides you an opportunity for connecting with your target audience swiftly and thus builds credibility among them in the most natural way.

User-generated content

We all love to share our experiences, achievements, and success on social media so that the world would come to know about us. The learners can also share their experience with their peers, who all would be benefitted from your training. This will provide them an opportunity to use your leaner’s feedback as original content and reach out to potential target audience by posting it on various platform or industry forums with lms mobile application development. In addition to all this, it is the user-generated content that can help you to organically promote your business, eLearning course, etc.

Measurable analytics

With the increase in demand for internet and mobile devices, the learning has gone beyond time, demographics, and physical appearance. When your LMS has social media integration, then it can offer 24*7 accessibility to all the leaners and can encourage them to help themselves in achieving their daily goals. Along with this, if the learning program is using LRS, then you can store data about your learner experience thus analyzing their social media habits.

Interactive learning

Social media when connected with the Learning management system, allows the admin to create interest-based polls, surveys, and discussion thus to engage learners as well as the trainers. We all know that people are constantly connected with their mobile or laptop, therefore they tend to interact more by sharing their common interests. It not only helps to spread the main aim of the eLearning program but also enables to close communication among all the leaners.

Compound learning

With social media integration along with LMS, the learners can get to learn things in multiple styles such as by video, audio, infographics, and distribute the same by using social media. By doing so, the learning methods will become more interactive and shareable hence every one or the other person enjoys learning things quickly. This way you can also opt for third party integration which can act as a medium to deliver your training with the help of LMS.


If you are still wondering whether you should incorporate social media learning in your eLearning system or not, then you must think about it once again and perform these actions. The customized learning management system will enable social media connection, user analytics, payment integration for all learning, and business solution needs.


Why is Brand Awareness and Consideration is must in Digital World?

Brand Awareness

One of the most implicit and extensive achievements of marketers is when their brand is chosen over hundreds of others. This is one of the catchy packagings or can say an attractive promo which might give your competitors tough competition. This is a kind of transformation where economic replicates of marketing and making things obsolete withstand traditional marketing and functional strategies and structures.

In today’s digital world, the intent is suspended at a fast pace which helps consumers to interact with the brands in a modern way. For marketers, still, the traditional or the old way of promoting their business is unsustainable. Before we dive much into how marketers are taking their business to the next level, let us first understand the need for brand reputation management for awareness and consideration in this digital world.

Importance of Brand Awareness in the digital world

Brand Awareness, as its name implies in a much better way i.e. creating an awareness of your business or your brand among consumers globally. It is making the customers get aware of your marketing and your products & services all over the globe. This will not only help you to make new customers but also help you to increase your sales.

From the strategy of developing to advertising management, it is crucial to make customers aware of the business that you are into in today’s digital world. We know that there are thousands of businesses in the market of which people might not be aware. Some of those businesses are your competitors which might not allow your business to be considered at any place in this digital era.

Therefore, brand awareness will help the users as well as the businesses like mobile app Development companies to understand what your organization is all about and what you offer to your users. From brand awareness to the purchase of your product, the entire segment consists of six stages where each stage has its meaning. Through awareness, a customer will get to know about your product or brand which is the initial stage.

In the second stage, users come to learn about the specification like color, size, price, etc. about your brand. Then, liking or disliking your brand comes within the third stage. In the fourth stage users generally compare their brand with others and find out the best among others. In the fifth stage, users usually plan to acquire your products or services and at the final stage, lastly, they buy your product or services.

How Brand Consideration is useful in the digital world?

Brand consideration is another metric that has its own rule of the segment in your business and is very important. This evolves with the customer’s relationship with your brand and your market dynamic that will help them to decide whether to go or not to go with your brand for which you can do social media marketing of your brand. We all know that there are various brands standing out in the market and consideration is important for the users.

It is because if the user does not consider your brand among the list of many then there is no need for your business to withstand among the list. It is also rumored that building brand awareness will help the brands to grow and consideration will move spontaneously between businesses by creating a huge awareness. Let us have a look at some of the major factors that will help you to improve the brand considerations for your business as below;

Brand positioning

Your brand positioning has a meaningful and important role for your customers. It is because consumers usually look for the brands that are at the first rather than looking at the below. Therefore, try to position out your brand to increase productivity through social media marketing.


Communication is one of the important and best means of brand consideration which not only will increase your relationship with customers but also your sales. It will create an experience that how your brand and customers are communicating for the growth of a business.


This never promises the things that you cannot provide to your customers and try to be modest in that case. It is because promising and not offering the appropriate services and solutions to the customers will lead to a bad impact on your business.

Steps to Increase Brand Awareness

Increasing the brand awareness for your mobile app development company is very important that will make your business streamline at the top priority. Let us learn some of the major steps to increase the brand awareness of your business among people as below:

Use branded packaging

Have you ever received your order in a branded package? Branded packages come like a gift for you as they have a special packaging pattern which makes your order more interesting. Many companies design custom packaging by using their logo and branding, by this way they can enhance the customer experience seamlessly.

Impressive guest content

This is another way to enhance your brand awareness to a greater extent and hence can deliver valuable and informative content to share on the blogs. In this case, guest blogging is one of the most powerful and helpful ways to get your brand presence on the top.

Social focus

As we all have an increase in the number of social networks and we are trying to be more and more active on social marketing. In this way, we can make our brand awareness and presence both for the users and businesses.


In today’s digital world, brand awareness and consideration are very important to make people firstly aware of your business what sort of organization is yours and what kind of services you are dealing with it. Therefore try to make your brand reputation management in the best possible way so that the audience can reach your business early and easily.


Shoelace- Google New Social Networking Platform


In a world of Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, web-based life and systems administration applications don’t have the best impressions as individuals contend their negative impacts around the world. Shoelace utilizes the interpersonal interaction air and prevalence to urge individuals to meet outside of the webspace and do some sort of movement. It’s a decent difference in pace and could support the two local people and individuals who have quite recently moved to another zone find new exercises and companions in reality.

What is Shoelace?

Google has naturally reported it has plans to dispatch another long-range informal communication application, Shoelace. In the wake of covering its Social systems administration stages, specifically Orkut, Google Buzz, and Google +, Google has now acquainted an application that plans with unite individuals progressively, Shoelace. Shoelace is a portable application that helps associate individuals, all things considered, not only carefully, through basic interests and exercises. It is excellent for people who as of late moved to urban communities or ones who are looking to arrive at other people who live close by.

Just a few months after Google shut down Google+, it has now made the most prominent attempt at building a social media platform. Shoelace is presently available on the Android Operating System and iOS Operating System, but Google is testing it in New York for the time being. The new social networking app is only available in New York City. Since it is a lot simpler and increasingly amusing to meet new individuals when you share things for all intents and purposes, the goal is to bring this app to the cities across the US.

What makes Shoelace different?

The name Shoelace is given to this social networking application is because this app will tie people together based on their interests, just like two laces in a shoe. People are tied together via activities termed as Loops. In this app, users can create their profiles where they can share their all essential information and loops to connect. For users who don’t want to suggest their loops have the option to show their interest in specific categories. In the above case, Shoelace will apply the information provided to recommend daily hand-picked activities.

Googlers are working the task as a piece of the Area 120 incubator, where representatives can explore different avenues regarding new thoughts full-time without leaving the organization. Along these lines, it’s not a Google item, yet may wind up ending up some portion of the Google family. Additionally, if Shoelace doesn’t make it, Google may have agreed to use its musings, features, and computations and fuse them with Google Maps or another future long-go relational correspondence endeavor.

Read More: [Attributes of Social Networking Mobile App]

What else this new social networking platform has?

Likewise, users may attain more info of other people in their crews and even make friends right away. It is also easy to find stuff to do and get plans to do them with others with this new launch. The best thing about Shoelace is that users can invite people to join this app, whether they use it or not. Though, the users need to have a Google account to join the app. Google is, at present, taking solicitations for recommendations on spots to go straightaway.

Sign up to share your proposals and jump on the welcome rundown when/if it dispatches in your general vicinity!


Attributes of Social Networking Mobile App

Social Networking Mobile App

The scope of social networking mobile app is quite vast than the typical applications like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and so on. From the business point of you, the presence of social plug-Ins in the applications provide unraveled effect on the value and growth of the business. The social apps help in growing the business network increases the business loyalty and credibility, increase the rate of conversions and assists in generating more revenue, provides a platform to interact with the customer and thus have happy and satisfied customers.

What all is to be kept in mind while developing social apps

Social connections:

The trend of using social platforms is increasing as it helps people to get connected to their friends and family from all around the world. The applications that allow people to stay connected socially engage people to do a variety of tasks on that application. One of the best methods is to speed up the login procedure. Lengthy signup processes make the customer lose his interest in the application increasing the abandon ratio. Easy, user-friendly login procedure builds user interest in the application.

Choose the best platform:

iOS and Android are the two most prevalent platforms that give a neck to neck competition with each other. Developing and testing the application from beginning to end on these platforms is highly recommended to increase the reach of the application at a global level.

Manage user profiles:

People are fond of staying in the limelight. Allowing users to add more to their social profiles besides a name, age, location and interests give the application an edge to engage people. People can be allowed to do a variety of tasks from adding and sharing photos, videos, music and other stuff related to their personal and professional front like events.

Building networks:

Just a click, can connect people with their far off friends and relative on the social web platform. People can relate to other people in two forms, either they can friend them or follow them. Followers are meant to increase the following of people.

News feeds and notifications:

Social networking mobile applications provide people with the podium to express their view to the heart’s content. News feeds can include photos, posts, videos created by users. There is added functionality where people can interact and comment on the posts made. Even this activity engages people to remain on the application.


Security and privacy are the prime factors of concern. Time to time these should be made tight and firm to keep people content and data safe. Then regular fixation of bugs and maintaining the application up to date in terms of the latest features is essential to keep the user intact.

Interactions with other facilities:

Integration of other interactive services like emails, messages, groups, searches provides an outstanding user experience. Interacting with the social website at the personal and professional front keeps people updated and connected and increase their social activities.

Private communication facility:

Despite the fact it is marvelous to have a public presence, there is much time when the user wants to have a private communication portal. Social networking app development techniques must incorporate this facility to provide everything at one stop. The user must not go to the third party portal to have a safe and protected private communication.


Social networking media app development, being the famous market in itself, aids in transforming the business. It is one place that allows people to stay connected to other people personally and professionally, both. Our app development company provides unraveled unparalleled services for developing application effectively for the social platform. If you even have a vague idea about your request, we are here to provide you with a quick plan for it and help you manifest it.