React Native- How it Disrupts iOS & Android App Development?

Android App Development

In today’s time, having a business app for the company and brand is a must, and development of the respective cross-platform app is equally essential. One of the ways is to use React Native development. React Native is a cross-platform framework that was devised by Facebook and Instagram for iOS and Android app development company to develop native apps using a single JavaScript codebase.  React native also came into being as the developers were facing a challenge in developing large applications where data keeps changing often. React native has grown quite popular among the developers as it builds an attractive UI which cannot be differentiated from the native apps with wonderful colors and logos.

The reusability of code, pre-developed components and the feature that allows them to create the same app for different applications has made developers take a sigh of relief. Live and hot reloading again save time.

But what are the reasons that React Native disrupts the iOS and Android development?

Lacks smooth performance

Till the time React native is concerned with the development of simple applications, it works well. But in apps with added functionality, various issues arise with debugging tools in react development. Many a time the hot reloading feature fails. Such issues degrade the performance of the applications created under react native as compared to native iOS and Android app development.

The need for Native code

It was expected that with react native there wouldn’t be much need of native codes. On the contrary, specific native codes are required to implement some native functionalities and modules. For example, if the app needs access to a camera or onboard hardware, the lack of support for native app functionalities leads to writing native code while developing apps with React Native. In such a scenario, experienced native iOS and Android app development teams are required to code the functionalities. With such inconvenience, React native no longer remain the pro app development framework.

Quality code of available components

React Native is an open-source framework, which can always choose a component code from third-party libraries. The quality of code from these libraries is always doubtful. Since non-experienced developers write these codes, a lot of time goes in correcting the bugs of the code. Instead of error correction, writing the native code from scratch according to the required functionality is always a better practice.

Low security of JavaScript libraries and memory usage

JavaScript is easy to jailbreak. In case of developing apps with react native which need a type A security, like banking apps and finance apps, JavaScript is not much secure. In the presence of third-party features, there is a need to keep a check on the false codes that can break the security of the application.

JavaScript again doesn’t provide an environment that is best suitable for computational apps. The speed and performance of the application with react native go down while making computations in terms of memory management.


The above features weaken the reputation of React Native framework when it comes to developing large, computation intensive apps. React Native is any time better for small and straightforward android app development. The framework grows and improves with time. It is expected to give better results in the future.  As of now, the react native is relatively immature as compared to native iOS and Android app development.


iOS Application Development for Business Apps

iOS Application Development

iOS Application Development Company

Smartphones are now considered as the top selling devices in the world. Business owners are now quickly moving to Smartphone platform to keep their business up in the competition. With so much rise in the demand of mobile phones, the manufacturers are also making use of the latest technology. It is really a great opportunity for businesses to develop mobile apps and keep their audience engaged. However, most of the times they are not able to decide that on which operating system they should develop their business app as every OS have different limitations, functionalities, and the audience. The main competition has been seen between android application development and iOS application development.


Now, iOS Developers Can Reply to Reviews on the App Store

iOS Developers

On March 27, 2017, Apple released MacOS 10.12.4 and iOS 10.3 version. With the launch of new iOS version, it is the third major update of the iOS 10 operating system. The iOS 10 was introduced last year on September 13, 2016. The latest iOS 10.3 version was in testing phase since January 24, 2017, but now it is available for free update for all the iOS 10 users. The new version available through iTunes for updating. Moreover, Xcode 8.3 is also available with support for iOS 10.3, tvOS 10.2, Swift 3.1, as well as MacOS 10.12.4 and WatchOS 3.2. Now, iOS developers can reply to reviews on apple app store.


Things To Know About Hiring iOS App Developers

iOS application developers

IOS one of the most widely used apps development frameworks now offers a gamut of features that make a great sense for businesses. The framework has got everything best that aims at providing a better experience in your both personal and professional life. It has what streamlines workflow as to make everyday task infinitely more productive. IOS has capabilities to build a mobile app that can tremendously enhance your ability to do a business. The need is to hire iOS application developers that can bring you the most value for your money.