Are Web Design and Web Development Same?

Web Design

If you are running the business in this century, then you must know about today’s generation where everything is technology-based. Then if you do not have a website it will be a point of doubt. Having a website has gone very important now. The consumers are getting online now, most of the opulent consumer world is literate and love to get service on their doorstep. They opt to have assistance at their home comfortably. So, this is the time to get website development services, now. Before you go for it, you should know about some points that can be called tips and tricks for your assistance.

In the common world apart from the IT sector, people are opting for IT service but they do not have exact knowledge about that and they get cheated by some bad agencies. So, in web design and development, both the terms are different and completely far from each other. Websites are very useful and people should be thankful for the internet access that has simplified daily life. For a complete usable website both processes are important. But over the decade people stay confused in web app designing and development whether they are investors, learners, spoke persons, or the person first time thinking to establish a business online.

If you are thinking of getting an eCommerce website design for your business, then there are numerous web app development companies near you. Now to identify the best one you will have to find the best one for you, and for this, you should know a few things. So just go through the context know a thorough difference between both in detail.

The basic difference

At the core, web designers and developers deal with two distinct elements of the website development process at once. A dedicated web app developer focuses on writing the code and preparing a completely perfect layout for the website. The structured framework will be the basis of the website. The robustness and customizability of the website depend on the odes and its logic. The website development process takes a bit longer time and is more difficult also then web designing.

On the other side, the dedicated web app designer keeps care of the visual side and makes sure that the website outlook would appear attractive and amazing. The role of a designer is very important it affects the reputation of the domain and company. So, if the website is engaging then it will be beneficial to you. The creativity of the web designer plays a significant role in making a live website effective.

In simple terms, the overall difference says that the developer performs a long terms basic work of manufacturing the website ad designer inaugurates your web app that accomplishes the hard work of a developer.

Below we are differentiating the roles of website developers and designers, in brief, to understand this concept more clearly.

Let’s start talking about the roles and responsibilities of web app developers at first that is responsible for amazing web app development in India:

Using coding languages to create a reality with technology

Web app developers use coding languages like PHP, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, et o write the website code. The complete frame must be co plex and customizable this all depends on the developer’s role. It is like giving life to the website in technical terms.

Making website smooth and trouble-free

There is a lot of error work and trials are involved in the work of the web app developer. Creating a website might be fast work but to make it fast and look good is responsive and time taking work. The developer has to find out what are the error and issues with the website and then solve them. This all work is performed to target audience along with impressing the client as well.

Monitoring the traffic to the website

The website has to be designed in such a way, it would be able to grab more and more visitors. This is up to developers, to understand the website, create a pathway, monitor traffic, and lead it to the main point. The developer has to make regular changes to the website to enhance visitor engagement.

Now we will discuss the role of designers:

Consultation and follow up with clienteles 

Web app designers have prior responsibilities and roles this is the reason they have to deal with clients and discuss the module that what kind of web app client expecting. After consultation the designer follows up the directions given by the client, then synchronizes its creativity and creates a layout that would engage the client and according to the rule as well.

Creation of brand image and a common theme on all pages

A web app designer goes through the layout and adds beauty and creativity to the website using graphics, fonts, themes, and colors. It is important to do this with all pages of the website to maintain the engagement of the web visitor with context.

Enrichment of web pages with featured trends

The look of a website should be good, but the design and features of the other web pages should be equally good and there should be an interconnected linking between the web pages to let the visitors know your versatility. The web app designer makes an effort for this which is also an important role.


We are emerging as a reputed web app development company, willingly providing extraordinary web app design and development services. You will get complete customer support and transparency here, with a promise of an agile work project.  


What are all Frameworks to Obtain a Good e-Commerce Website?

e-commerce website

Establishing a business online is a grueling task that too when the online platform is the sole medium of earning the business. These days many business owners have shifted to an online software application to manage their sales, products, operations, and e-commerce website. Updating or listing the products for sale is not the only job needed to be done; various other factors need to be considered thoroughly. E-commerce development offers many features that are required to run a business that has a significant impact on the stability and profitability of the business.

Here we will find out which e-commerce framework suits the website the best:


Magento is an open source platform for e-commerce. This platform has made marketing, managing discounts, membership plans, and payments easier than before. Let’s see what its benefits are. Magento is a free platform, but the paid versions have an abundance of features and options. Depending upon the location, it provides the facility to develop multilingual websites. With Magento, one can send automated notifications to the customer.


WooCommerce is one of the popular free WordPress plugins that need installing WordPress first followed by the installation of wooCommerce with no additional charges. It also provides various other features to manage from a variety of themes that apply to WooCommerce especially, discount coupons, inventory, web pages, and smoothly connecting to different payment gateways.


Shopify is a popular framework that was formed in the year 2004 by a Canadian company. Its popularity accounts to the features that it provides like secure mobile shopping and social commerce. Also, it is easy to integrate Shopify with social Facebook account. Besides all the features, we cannot ignore an important point that all of these features are paid. One has to invest in some money when switching over to Shopify and also when adding new extensions with their upgrades. The coding language, Liquid also needs additional investment to customize it. Big names and brands who expeditiously want to launch their e-shop can go for Shopify smoothly.


OsCommerce has a large community of developers and users along with a huge forum to provide solutions to all queries and problems. This framework has so far developed 300,000 online stores throughout the world, making it an indispensable option for e-commerce Platform. Without a need to spend a penny, it offers online support with its best features to use.

The active forum is a great help in itself, it has all the related active questions, and users find all the solution there with the facility to add their queries too. Like WordPress, this framework has many plugins and add-ons to offer, out of which few are even paid. They are easily integrated into the system by downloading them to the e-store.


OpenCart is an easy to use, lightweight open source e-commerce platform. Again it has a large community out there to provide all kinds of technical support when stuck. With the ease to customize these websites, it doesn’t need a technically sound personal to handle the platform. Even the cost of processing the site is also less.

Being easy to develop and design, there is no need for expert developers to create the open cart e-store. It also provides a list of added functionalities with additional extensions to make all the processes simple and easy to use.


Ubercart is a popular Drupal developer friendly platform which has payments modules and all shipping options packed into the open source platform. Developers from any background can use it to provide support to the e-commerce website. It allows products to be created easily categorized in classes along with multiple images. It will enable easy stock tracking along with notifications. With the single page checkout, it automatically creates an account for the customer and the administrator.


PrestaShop has earned popularity because of its ease of use and beautiful, user-friendly interface it provides for various languages and currencies. With bare technical knowledge, one can have their hands on this framework and begin to develop an e-store. It is an excellent option for small start-up businesses. It has the best collection of themes based on different categories, compatibility, style, functionality, and themes developed by developers to ensure every website looks unique.


The e-commerce website development company has a list of e-commerce frameworks available, but it depends on the way the business owner wants to present his business to the audience and built its rapport. There are many factors to decide from how one wants the products to show up on the website, how the items must be displayed, how seamless would be the user experience at the site, and finally what would be the budget and so on. Using any of the above E-commerce development frameworks our company offers all kinds of web designs and development services. We exactly know what is going on in the online world so that we happily offer to our clients with satisfying solutions. Contact our team of expert developers who can provide you with the best services to help you with your business.


An Ideal Platform for Online Shopping Website Development- OsCommerce.

In the current era, people like and find it easy to shop on E-commerce websites as one doesn’t have to make the procurements themselves. The online vendors have it delivered at the doorsteps of the consumer. It is visible how e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Flipkart and so on have already made their presence indispensable to the consumer. OsCommerce app development company uses the most widespread and prevalent online shopping structure to develop e-stores. The OsCommerce Platform provides a productive interface option which the user can customize as per his needs. Just by integrating the software any website with MYSQL and PHP4 can take benefit of the platform.

It is currently running more than 200,000 e-stores using the most sorted open-source platform. It is free of cost under the GNU general public license, so it is easy to modify it as per the requirement without breaking any license. The online OS E-commerce community has numerous members inclusive of developers and those that provide help and support related to the platform in the enhancement of the development of e-stores. The platform has all the necessary e-market features.


The versatile platform is compatible and supports all Windows, Linux, Mac and web-oriented devices. It can cater to all sizes of businesses from small, medium-large even to the freelancers. It can be easily deployed in English on any of the two clouds or on-premise hosting. Without the box designing services, it is possible to uniquely and beautifully design the e-store as per the desire of the customer.

Easy integration

It allows the developer to integrate the e-shop across any other form of a platform like social media platforms, payment platforms, etc. Further, the user can anytime contact the support system for any platform related query. With the integration of payment gateway, it even accepts payments of various currencies and regularly updates the worldwide currency rate.

Easy management

With this platform, the users can easily add, edit and delete any number of products and details on their website. The users have the liberty to arrange the combined products and services according to their genre and category in various groups. With the superfluity of choices to choose from, the user can customize the e-store as per their choice.

Secure and protected

The platform is highly safe and protected from the beginning process of its installation. With a completely secure system, it provides the user with protected Id and password.

Data storage and recovery

The users need not be worried about the aggregate data. As the data is backed up regularly and is restored whenever required.

Real-time analysis

If a user wishes to then, he can check the real-time stats of the number of clients visiting the website. User can generate the invoice and even monitor the history of orders.

Connecting with customer

These days it is essential to maintain a connection with the customer. Sending regular newsletters and emails helps in keeping in touch with the user and keeps the user updated about the new your new releases and achievements.


The first e-market, e-store or e-shopping solution that is becoming robust day by day is a self-hosted platform. With the facility to manage both the front and the back end of the e-store like adding products and managing sales, the user can handle the aggregate data with ease. Our OsCommerce development company provides excellent technical services for your E-Commerce market place solution. With the top-notch expertise in the area of OsCommerce website development, our services are just what you want for your business.