An Ideal Platform for Online Shopping Website Development- OsCommerce.

In the current era, people like and find it easy to shop on E-commerce websites as one doesn’t have to make the procurements themselves. The online vendors have it delivered at the doorsteps of the consumer. It is visible how e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Flipkart and so on have already made their presence indispensable to the consumer. OsCommerce app development company uses the most widespread and prevalent online shopping structure to develop e-stores. The OsCommerce Platform provides a productive interface option which the user can customize as per his needs. Just by integrating the software any website with MYSQL and PHP4 can take benefit of the platform.

It is currently running more than 200,000 e-stores using the most sorted open-source platform. It is free of cost under the GNU general public license, so it is easy to modify it as per the requirement without breaking any license. The online OS E-commerce community has numerous members inclusive of developers and those that provide help and support related to the platform in the enhancement of the development of e-stores. The platform has all the necessary e-market features.


The versatile platform is compatible and supports all Windows, Linux, Mac and web-oriented devices. It can cater to all sizes of businesses from small, medium-large even to the freelancers. It can be easily deployed in English on any of the two clouds or on-premise hosting. Without the box designing services, it is possible to uniquely and beautifully design the e-store as per the desire of the customer.

Easy integration

It allows the developer to integrate the e-shop across any other form of a platform like social media platforms, payment platforms, etc. Further, the user can anytime contact the support system for any platform related query. With the integration of payment gateway, it even accepts payments of various currencies and regularly updates the worldwide currency rate.

Easy management

With this platform, the users can easily add, edit and delete any number of products and details on their website. The users have the liberty to arrange the combined products and services according to their genre and category in various groups. With the superfluity of choices to choose from, the user can customize the e-store as per their choice.

Secure and protected

The platform is highly safe and protected from the beginning process of its installation. With a completely secure system, it provides the user with protected Id and password.

Data storage and recovery

The users need not be worried about the aggregate data. As the data is backed up regularly and is restored whenever required.

Real-time analysis

If a user wishes to then, he can check the real-time stats of the number of clients visiting the website. User can generate the invoice and even monitor the history of orders.

Connecting with customer

These days it is essential to maintain a connection with the customer. Sending regular newsletters and emails helps in keeping in touch with the user and keeps the user updated about the new your new releases and achievements.


The first e-market, e-store or e-shopping solution that is becoming robust day by day is a self-hosted platform. With the facility to manage both the front and the back end of the e-store like adding products and managing sales, the user can handle the aggregate data with ease. Our OsCommerce development company provides excellent technical services for your E-Commerce market place solution. With the top-notch expertise in the area of OsCommerce website development, our services are just what you want for your business.