React Native- How it Disrupts iOS & Android App Development?

Android App Development

In today’s time, having a business app for the company and brand is a must, and development of the respective cross-platform app is equally essential. One of the ways is to use React Native development. React Native is a cross-platform framework that was devised by Facebook and Instagram for iOS and Android app development company to develop native apps using a single JavaScript codebase.  React native also came into being as the developers were facing a challenge in developing large applications where data keeps changing often. React native has grown quite popular among the developers as it builds an attractive UI which cannot be differentiated from the native apps with wonderful colors and logos.

The reusability of code, pre-developed components and the feature that allows them to create the same app for different applications has made developers take a sigh of relief. Live and hot reloading again save time.

But what are the reasons that React Native disrupts the iOS and Android development?

Lacks smooth performance

Till the time React native is concerned with the development of simple applications, it works well. But in apps with added functionality, various issues arise with debugging tools in react development. Many a time the hot reloading feature fails. Such issues degrade the performance of the applications created under react native as compared to native iOS and Android app development.

The need for Native code

It was expected that with react native there wouldn’t be much need of native codes. On the contrary, specific native codes are required to implement some native functionalities and modules. For example, if the app needs access to a camera or onboard hardware, the lack of support for native app functionalities leads to writing native code while developing apps with React Native. In such a scenario, experienced native iOS and Android app development teams are required to code the functionalities. With such inconvenience, React native no longer remain the pro app development framework.

Quality code of available components

React Native is an open-source framework, which can always choose a component code from third-party libraries. The quality of code from these libraries is always doubtful. Since non-experienced developers write these codes, a lot of time goes in correcting the bugs of the code. Instead of error correction, writing the native code from scratch according to the required functionality is always a better practice.

Low security of JavaScript libraries and memory usage

JavaScript is easy to jailbreak. In case of developing apps with react native which need a type A security, like banking apps and finance apps, JavaScript is not much secure. In the presence of third-party features, there is a need to keep a check on the false codes that can break the security of the application.

JavaScript again doesn’t provide an environment that is best suitable for computational apps. The speed and performance of the application with react native go down while making computations in terms of memory management.


The above features weaken the reputation of React Native framework when it comes to developing large, computation intensive apps. React Native is any time better for small and straightforward android app development. The framework grows and improves with time. It is expected to give better results in the future.  As of now, the react native is relatively immature as compared to native iOS and Android app development.


Android Jetpack- An Outsourcing App Technology

Android Jetpack

Android Jetpack, launched by Google, contains a set of components that speed up the process of android application development. Along with the guidance and tools, it aims to accelerate the android app development and improve android app development services. The set of components is also called the next generation of Android API’s.

These components are unbundled libraries which are not a part of the Android platform. So there is no limitation as to opt the complete library or a part of it, purely as per need. Android Jetpack is designed with the Programming language called Kotlin. Kotlin is known as the first-class language in the Android environment. Many Android app developers who have used Kotlin feel happy to use it for Android app development.

Jetpack’s component support library provides a lot of simple functionality that is expected from mobile applications. Jetpack works by combing the existing libraries with the components as a new set of elements. Such a binding helps in managing tasks running in the background, paging, navigation, life-cycle management. Previously, the applications faced many issues like ways to manage the activity cycles, to exist with the frequent changes, methods to avoid memory leaks.

Android Jetpack’s software components follow the best ways to overcome the issues. It avoids writing the boilerplate code by making complicated things simple. It is an expert in managing the user interface characteristics like layout controls for various Android using gadgets, emoji controls and many others like App compact and test.

Android Jetpack – The four components

The Android Jetpack has four components that allow the applications to run on a variety of android kinds. The four components are Architecture, Use Interface, Foundation, and Behaviour. The novelty about these components is that they can be used together or a part of them can be adopted as per the need along with the dynamic Kotlin programming language.

Architecture Component

The architecture component helps in developing robust apps which are easy to develop and maintain. It binds the user interface with the data in the application. Even more, it manages the lifecycles of the application. It loads data from the source as per the need, thus performs paging very neatly and precisely.

UI Component

The user interface provides help to make the application easy and a delight to use. It adds widgets that are easy to move between screens, made from a variety of colors, and even allows developing android auto apps.

Foundation Component

The Foundation components work by providing Kotlin Programming Language support, backward compatibility, testing support by providing a framework that conducts unit and runtime user interface test during Android app development. It allows graceful degradation from the older versions of the Android app to the new updates with better features.

Behavior Component

The Behavior component deals with the essential integration of notification service, permission providing and sharing facilities and assistant service. It looks into the background activities of the application like downloading, routing of Google cast, media playback, to check and request permissions. It provides a user interface in which the user can set their preferences easily.


Jetpack has managed to solve all major problems. Android Jetpack allows enduring tough software lifecycle tasks. It helps by keeping the focus on the requirements of the application. With Jetpack Android app developers find it easy to integrate new features. Our Android App Developers develop in Jetpack by preventing memory leakage and other crashes in the applications.

Android app development services in Jetpack enhance productivity by making frequent updates in the Android app development. Contact our android app development company for your Android Jetpack app.


Trending Social Media Apps for Android & iOS Platform

social media apps

Most of the social media revolves around communication and posting pictures and videos on a public platform. Now the smartphones come with inbuilt social media apps that allow for messaging, video calling and posting videos. But there are many more options in your store that you shouldn’t miss out on. Here are the latest trending social media apps that you can use on both Android and iOS.  If you are looking for an app development company, then you might want to consider that which has worked with the following apps:

1. Telegram:

With more than a million active users, Telegram has been declared the fastest messaging app.  It lets you store chat history in the cloud and share files of any size, and the chats are protected with Diffie-Hellman secure key exchange.  Telegram supports GIFs, stickers, photo and video editing, and group chats with even 1,00,000 people. This free app doesn’t annoy you with advertisements and promises that it will remain free.  Funded by a donation, Telegram is funded by a donation and they have declared that they will not sell user data and that generation of revenue isn’t its motive.     

2. YouTube:

It might seem like YouTube is an outdated app and would not be anywhere on the trending social media apps list, but believe me when I say that it has been visited by teens almost twice in the past three years. With the brand-new vlogger base and a strong influencer instead of a mere passive content consumption website, YouTube has remained the teens’ favorite. It was voted the most popular social app in 2018 among the American teens aged between 13 to 18.

3. Facebook:

It is undeniably one of the most widely used social networking sites in the world and one of the largest as well. It is probably the first site to exceed the landmark of 1 billion user accounts. Apart from networking with your friends and relatives, Facebook also permits you to sell online through different Facebook apps. It even lets you promote your business and products using paid Facebook ads. It even has its own messaging app called Messenger which is a convenient platform to chat, voice call and video call with your friends and family.

However, it has breached the trust of millions of its users when it gave third parties access to the personal data of 87 million users. This led to the #deletefacebook campaign which encourages people to remove themselves from Facebook and use other networks instead. Many companies ask for custom Facebook like app development for their businesses, both iOS app development of this kind and Android app development of this kind can be done.

4. Instagram:

Although Facebook has reigned over the field of photo-sharing on the internet, Instagram has become more popular on mobile devices. It doesn’t reveal how many of its users are teens, but it is evident that most of its users are between the age group of 13 to 18. Instagram lets you share photos, like other’s photos, chat, video calls and even search popular hashtags.

5. WhatsApp:

It is a free and convenient social networking app and is one of the most widely used messaging apps in the world. WhatsApp lets you chat, make voice or video calls and even to share your location, photos, contacts, and documents. You will have to permit it to access your contact list such that the app can automatically update it as soon as you enter a new contact.  Apart from its popularity, what attracts more users to WhatsApp is the end-to-end encryption which has been added for privacy and security. 


Viber is a popular app that automatically adds your contacts and permits you to share your photos, send text messages, emoticons, stickers, and to make video and voice calls. It also has a feature called the Viber Out which lets you make international and domestic calls at cheap rates. Moreover, calls from Viber to Viber are free. It also provides the color-coded encrypted messaging facility.

7. Twitter:

With around 320 million active users per month, Twitter is a widely used social networking site which lets you post short text messages, popularly known as tweets, which can only contain a limited number of characters, i.e., up to 140 characters per tweet. Twitter is commonly used to convey your message to the public. This free app also lets you promote your business and with the increasing demand for online shopping, it lets you shop directly through tweets as well.

8. Hangouts:

Available on both Android devices as well iOS, Google Hangouts can be set as the default messaging app on Android devices. It can also be used on your laptop or PC. Hangouts have become one of the common ways to chat with your family and friends. However, you need a Google account to operate on Hangouts. This app provides a wide range of facilities including sharing photos, GIFs, making video calls and group calls as well. Hangouts are popular for its convenient since it can be used both on the desktop as well as on your mobile phones.

9. Snapchat:

The youth and the celebrities have embraced this social networking app and have made it immensely popular over the years. Like most of the other apps, it lets you share your photos and videos which self-destruct after a definite period of time. There is also an option where you can send your friend a “snap” for a short period of time, after which it disappears. What has made Snapchat popular throughout the years among all other social media apps is its feature of a wide range of funky filters. Snapchat also lets you edit your photos, and has been established as the most fun way of socializing.

10. WeChat:

Most popular in China, WeChat has around 700 million users in China. Although it offers the usual features of every messaging app like sharing photos and making video and voice calls, it also provides you features like People Nearby, Friend Radar, and Shake which aids you to find your friends who are nearby.


With around 555 million active users per month, Tumblr is a social media platform as well microblogging platform that can be used to find and follow your favorite things. Owned by Yahoo since 2013, Tumblr can be used to post anything from multimedia to a short-form blog. It also lets you customize anything and hence is popular for its flexibility. 

12. Skype:

With around 300 million active users per month, Skype has become one of the most popular communication based social networking platforms. Owned by Microsoft, it allows you to connect with your family and friends through voice calls, video calls, as well as text, messaging. It also has the feature of group conference calls. The best feature of Skype is that calls from Skype to Skype are free of cost, even if they are international calls.

Therefore, you can get the best of these applications through social media apps development services offered by the top app developers in the USA.


How will Mobile Apps be Affected By 5G Network in 2019?

5G Network

Just in a month’s time, we will be entering a new era of technological advancement. It will mark the beginning of the world of wireless 5G network which will work towards supporting in making the perfect combination of data computation with some several millions of devices and that too within some fractions of seconds.

Let’s take an example… the time you need to blink of your eyelids within that short period more than millions of data will get transmitted right from the device you own to uncountable numbers of connected devices of this world. So how will that be possible will be the question in your mind. Well, all thanks to the powerful and effective technology of 5G Wireless Networks. This network was is a discussion for long and all set to alter the world of mobility.

After checking the potentiality of 5G technologies which it is promising to offer it will be wrong to call it only a network. The 5G can is, as the underlying fabric ideal for the complete ecosystem which is designed to make a perfect connection between devices. 5G is going to make huge changes in business and economic policies. The valid reason for which 5G has managed to make its place among Top 10 tech trends in the coming time is that it promised to make 180-degree changes in the business protocol.  This transformative technology witnessed interest from several businesses aside to the charts which are drafted for estimating the number of subscriptions.

The pattern shift in which 5G technology is showcasing presents the scenario which will create a lasting effect spreading across multiple industries in such promising ways that it will open up doors of innovation and transformation. Earlier things that were assumed to be highly difficult to reach can now be achieved. In short for 5G technology we can say that it brings a shift which will help in speeding up faster than time. 

We already mentioned that 5G manages to create a huge impact on several industries so here we will make an attempt to understand how it affected various industries.  Taking into account all industries will make it difficult for us to explain and so we are picking the mobile app economy as an example.

In recent times the phone designers of any Mobile App Development Company, as well as the telecom providers, are edging towards making the deployment of 5G. But do you have any idea as to what 5G actually means to the mobile developers and its millions of end-users who all are looking for benefits with new mobile experiences? Undoubtedly fast mobile internet is something which all surely expects, but is that all? Well, definitely not as it is only one of the many benefits it promised to offer. Before you get an idea as to what are the impacts of 5G you need to understand as to how different it is from 4G via a comparison between 5G vs. 4G.

5G VS 4G: Understanding why 5 G is better:

•   5G offers faster fiber comparable speed minus wires

•   Low in latency – which means less delay and interference

•   Offers excellent wireless power which gives the opportunity to allow several devices to stay connected via an IoT network

•   Offers brilliant experience with multiple coverage option and facilities

•   Excellent opportunity with wireless connectivity

How it is going to benefit the industry of Mobile apps?

Excellent speed:  The fast download speed which will represent the 5G technology will make it easier for app users to make fast downloading of apps in friction of second even when the MB size of the selected app is huge. It will be like a genie in the lamp for businesses which are banking on in-app download based monetization plans. 

Fast Transferring of file: With fast speed, the user can make fast transferring of files, money or absolute anything which is transferable in nature. The 5G mobile app is going to create a revolution for those mobile apps which follow the business module where it needs to make the transfer of money or data from one account to another in the fastest possible time.

Latency moved to almost Zero: Delays turn deadly for your business if you’re trying to manage machines for taking critical decisions in the fastest possible time. 5G is promising a feature to offer near-zero latency. The quick app download is something that is much in demand.  It is highly beneficial for AR/VR based mobile apps.

Excellent user experience: Don’t you feel the above 3 factors are sufficient enough to justify that it’s an ideal choice for the best user experience? One of the biggest advantages with 5G is the clarity it offers in internet speed. The effect you will notice in the app UI will be an elevated one to a large extent when the same is used or streamed using 5G networks.

So by this time you are sure now as for how will Android application be affected by 5G network in 2019? If you ever tried using your mobile internet in any crowded place you will understand how important connection density is. The 4G network can max support 2000 devices with its current capacity within .38 square miles.

With the increase in the number of devices, you will notice a sudden fall in the capacity as it turns inadequate. But with a 5G network, things will show a rapid change and can manage more than 1 million devices in the same space. This is certainly great news for the developers of IoT (Internet of Things) and for any Mobile App Development Company.


Upcoming Version of Android- Android Q and its Top Features

Android Q

Google is constantly updating its products, and though Android Pie arrived on the devices of ordinary people, the team in Google is working further. They’re currently developing the newer version of Android OS- Android Q. It will be an incremental upgrade to the Pie version, and it will create a whole unique user experience for Android apps.

The essential features that seem exciting in Android Q have been listed below:

1)  Support for the Foldable Phone

It will support the devices of Android that will have foldable displays. The same was announced recently by Samsung for Galaxy F and Galaxy X. The idea has been appreciated by tech giants for making foldable devices arrive in the Android market. These will enable the best services to the users. They’ve also introduced new updates in the feature of the battery, such as turning off the screen it will switch on the battery saving feature. It will ensure that exemplary services are enjoyed by Android users and consume less battery. It also encourages the companies developing apps to enable customization of the apps and thus, create more revenue for themselves.

2)  Multi Resume Feature

It is the advanced feature of the Picture in Picture and the Split Screen mode. Through this feature, one can playfully use the split-screen. All the apps will be running simultaneously and independent of the interactions one has with the screens of the other apps opened. This will enable multitasking. It is predicted to make this feature compulsory for foldable devices.

3)  Warning for old apps

It will create the warning and notification against the older apps, intending to inform the users that the installed app based on the earlier version like Lollipop or an even older version won’t be compatible with the most updated features in their smartphone. It will prevent them from having a bad experience.

4)  Vulkan API to render the UI

It will use the API to deliver an exceptional experience for the users.

5)  Treble Support Improved

The company will improve its compatibility with Treble with the latest Android version. In addition, it will help the users experience quicker software upgrades and flash the Generic System Images on any Android device.

6)  Earlier Testing Access to Android Q

It had been announced during the Android Dev Summit 2018 by the Google team that the update for the latest version is first got on the GSI before it will be accessible on the AOSP. The source code can be accessed by the Mobile app development company and users to test it for performance.

7)  Assisted Dialling

It will automatically add a country’s code to the dialed number, which will be helpful to international travelers.

8)  Emoji 12.0

It will have emoji for the deaf person, the couple who hold hands, 55 skin tones and combinations for gender, the introduction of safety vests, emojis for skunk, yawning face,  kite, onion parachute, diving masks, and briefs.

9)  Desktop experience

It will allow users to use a desktop in their device through a particular UI.

10)  Multi-monitor support

It will allow connecting to a monitor placed externally, and one can use the screens of both the monitor and the phone simultaneously. Such feature is currently available in the Note 9 and the Tab S4 provided by Samsung.

11)  Manual Google drive backups

It will allow the backing up of the files on the drive when there is no Wi-Fi and battery power.

12)  Prevent incoming call’s ringtone from playing when a call is on hold

It is an excellent feature as the phone’s ringtone won’t be played when a call comes while the other is kept on hold.

Even Xiaomi has confirmed the receival of Android P on Poco F1. As declared during a Reddit AMA, the Essential Phone will have Q like the last primary OS on the PH-1phone. It will receive monthly security patches till August 2019.

It is also estimated that the sharing menu might be redesigned with the version. It is expected to be out by March 2019 for the developer preview build. Thee-public beta version may be released in May 2019. However, the stable release may follow in August 2019. Many enthusiasts are wondering as to what Android Q is named after.

Historically Google has named all its OS versions after the desserts. So, the guesses go like Quesadilla, Quiche, Quinoa, Quail, Questo, Surabaya, Quaker oats, Quenell, Quinoa pudding, and more. Phones with Oreo pre-installed will be joining the high-end models receiving Android Q. 

So, these are the remarkable features that one can expect from the Android Q version, and it is undoubtedly a product that many Android users are waiting for. The plethora of changes that it is offering is sure to enhance the user experience of many android applications substantially and refine the already beautiful and seamless operating system over and over again.


Best Reliable Mobile Apps Development Companies/Agencies in India

Mobile Apps Development

We all aware that in this new era of technology all are using technology for easy work. Mobile has changed the world as we know it. If you are someone who is looking to market your product you have got mobile wisely to promote it. Of course, if you want to promote your product through mobile apps development to market then mobile apps are the first option to develop. So yes if you really want to engage and retain your customers then you need a mobile too.

Now let me talk about the most reliable and valuable mobile apps development companies and agencies who have developed a various application for almost in e-commerce, sports, media, entertainment, travel, and taxi etc.

OpenXcell – Leading Mobile App Development Company

OpenXcell is an industry-leading web, software and mobile app development company known for delivering innovative solutions and engaging apps. OpenXcell is renowned as one of the best app development companies in app space with its outstanding capabilities and the world-class team of mobile app designers and mobile app developers.

AppSquadz Technologies – Web & Mobile Apps Development

AppSquadz Pvt. Ltd. is an Android & iOS mobile apps developments and web app development company driven towards the development of Android and iOS applications, websites and applications for other platforms. We are a squad of experienced and talented developers, designers and marketers who are highly committed to developing your app. Our work aims to mark a lasting impression in the exhaustive world of web and mobile applications. We serve not only enterprises but also businesses, startups, and investors.

Hidden Brains InfoTech – Enterprise Web & Mobile Apps Development Company

Hidden Brains Infotech is an Award Winning Web & Mobile App Development Company committed to providing end-to-end IT services in Web, Mobile, and Cloud. Right from ideation, UX/UI design, development to final deployment, we have successfully delivered 5000+ Web & 850+ apps in a span of 12+ years to clients across 97+ countries.

Sourcebits – Designing Mobile Innovation

Sourcebits is a top-notch mobile app design and development company. Being one of the top 10 mobile app development company, we refine ideas, solve business problems and align teams. We thrive to offer innovative app strategies. In the glut of ho-hum app solutions, we don’t settle for good. We shoot for amazing, and that’s where we can take you. Beautiful user experience designs.

IndiaNIC Infotech Ltd. – Mobile Apps, Web & Games Development Company

IndiaNIC is a premier IT company providing end-to-end digital, technology and marketing services to small businesses, enterprises, and start-ups. As a leading company in Android app development in India, this company offers you futuristic and functional business apps for all Android devices.