Top reasons to hire an Android Application Development Company

android app

Mobile Apps have been found as the most proficient approach to connect with the crowd by the business world. With around 2 billion dynamic Android clients, there are around 3.3 million Android Application Development that take a 77% portion of the Mobile Application world. A business who decides to avoid the mobile app for business advancement is taking care of his clients to the contender. 

Android wins pass on in the advanced world. In any case, with the 3.3 million existing Android Apps, there is a vicious rivalry between the Apps to be even taken note of. It squeezes organizations to have the best Apps created. However, execution isn’t the main model, a business needs to consider the task moderateness too. An App would require customization, redesigns, and upkeep cycles. That is the reason it is better encouraged to hire an Android App developer or Development Company.

1. Exact skillset 

Regardless of whether you have an IT group with you, Mobile App development would require exact and explicit programming skills. For an Android App development, you will require a fashioner, developer, analyzer, and enormous information on structure determination. This accompanies a cost.

2. Devoted exertion 

A Mobile App development task is constantly connected with a promoting system and that makes the timetables extremely basic for its conveyance. Employing a mobile app Development Company to ensure the mobile App gets all necessary consideration and commitment with the goal that the App is prepared in time according to the guides. Using the in-house IT group isn’t prudent as you would put an excess of weight on them for a skill, they are not extremely capable at.

3. Adaptable commitment 

Building an in-house group might be an additional weight on your financial plans. When you hire the Android App Developer, planners, and analyzers to fabricate the App, you may use their skills just when a couple of redesigns are required. Employing Android app Development Company offers you hourly, week by week, month to month, and task savvy commitment cycles. The administrations from the professionals guarantee your spending plans and timetables stay fixed.

4. Controlled business development 

App development is a dreary assignment and requires a great deal of the executive’s exertion to ensure financial plans and costs stay on target. Just an insider can evaluate the correct advancement of the venture and guidance on how well the task is going. On the majority of the occasions, the Project administrator from the customer development association will be in contact with your group and ensure the courses of events or any adjustments in the diagrams are met appropriately.

5. Higher responsibility levels 

Professional Android Mobile App developers from a company accompany a standing to ensure. In the web world, a customer’s surveys are critical to ensure they get ventures in the future as well. With a specialist, you risk losing control of the venture if the consultant abandons the undertaking.

7. Admittance to front line innovation 

The mobile Application development environment is advancing consistently. What is viewed as today a bit of leeway may not work tomorrow and that is the reason just the ones who can adjust rapidly will have the option to meet the duties. Consultants have work to deal with and that is the reason they may slack in staying up with the innovation progressions.

8. Worth added administrations 

A professional association approaches a bigger ability pool and it can without much of a stretch furnish you with the administrations that increase the value of the item just as the relationship. Regardless of whether we talk about natural plans, adding more feel, or future upgrades, the company will be fit for dealing with it for you.

9. Non-Disclosure Agreement 

Putting resources into mobile app development is a vital advance for any association. While you examine your venture with the specialist, you might be presented with the danger of data spills as there are fewer possibilities that a consultant will sign an NDA and probably won’t utilize a safe correspondence channel. An Android App Development Company remains on its qualities and morals and offers profoundly professional types of assistance that incorporate consenting to the Non-exposure arrangement. 

10. Cost-effective 

Recruiting a Mobile App development company may mean moving operations to Indian IT organizations that offer you start to finish development arrangements at a lower cost. If you are an Indian customer, drawing in with the App development company is an ideal method to reduce expense from your app development when contrasted with going for a consultant or working up your in-house group.


Before you set out an arrangement with a consultant or begin developing your in-house group, you should look at probably the most unmistakable App development organizations that can carry an incentive to your App at a moderate cost. Ensure you set up a gathering with the company, check their degree of expertise, check the surveys, and view the portfolio to check whether they meet your prerequisites completely. If you have a limited spending plan and tight cutoff time go for a professional Android Mobile App Development Company and get hold of selective development skills for an amazing outcome.


How Oxygen OS is based on Android 10?

Android 10

After a hold up of just about a half year, Android 10 is at last out of Google’s hands and connecting with a few Android telephones from the outset. In India, OnePlus has just made accessible the first open beta of Android 10 for OnePlus 7 series, with the OnePlus 6 series phones scheduled to get it soon. Oxygen OS receives two or three visual enhancements just as in the engine modifications with Android 10. Oxygen OS additionally gets quick updates, and OnePlus even keeps on supporting more established gadgets at a steadfast pace.

On the off chance that you don’t possess an OnePlus gadget yet might want to think about a portion of the new choices incorporated with Oxygen OS, look at our gathering of the top highlights beneath!

Application storage 

Application storage verifies your information, delicate applications from prying eyes. For opening an app, you want to use a PIN or the unique fingerprint scanner which means no one else can use it. The component can be empowered for each application on your gadget.

The element is too helpful, particularly on the off chance that you have meddlesome companions (or children) who love playing with your gadget. You can utilize it for planning applications to ensure nobody sees your money related information or apps like Messenger that contains private discussions among you and others. I additionally use it for Google Photos because I don’t need anybody experiencing my pictures.


A shelf is an efficiency apparatus on your home screen. You can likewise alter notes, even though this component wasn’t accessible from the earliest starting point. You can’t pick which gets in touch with it appears, as Shelf records the last five to ten you’ve called.

You can get to Shelf which a fabulous element by swiping straight on your home screen. It can be used most for making notes and checking my information utilization. Rather than opening a different application to take care of business, I should swipe directly on the home screen, and I’m ready.

Gaming mode, Fnatic mode, and Smart Boost 

Gaming mode is an Oxygen OS feature that is designed android developers to eliminate diversions while you’re messing around. It gives you a chance to hinder all warnings aside from alerts and calls, and lock capacitive catches to ensure you don’t press any of them inadvertently. On more up to date OnePlus gadgets, you can likewise debilitate programmed brilliance during gaming sessions.

With the OnePlus 6T, the organization improved Gaming mode much further. Alarms from informing and calling applications can show up as little coasting notices. You can likewise modify them with the goal that they appear as white content at the highest point of the showcase.

Zen mode 

With the presentation of the OnePlus 7 and OnePlus 7 Pro, the organization propelled another Oxygen OS highlight called Zen mode. Zen mode takes the thought behind Gaming mode, and Fnatic mode, however, applies it to your regular daily existence by compelling you to put down your telephone. When you enact Zen mode, your telephone goes into a sort of lockdown: you will be not able to do anything with your phone for an entire 20 minutes. The main individual cases are taking photographs and making crisis telephone calls. 

Zen mode places your OnePlus gadget into a lockdown state to enable you to concentrate on reality. When Zen mode is actuated, there is no turning back. Regardless of whether you shut down and restart your gadget, Zen mode will even now be dynamic for the full 20 minutes. Zen mode is presently accessible on the OnePlus 7, 7 Pro, 6, and 6T. In the end, OnePlus will acquaint new element changes with Zen mode, including the capacity to timetable out to what extent the mode endures.

Refreshed Oxygen OS UI is fascinating

With each Android update, OnePlus overhauls the UI on Oxygen OS to make it additionally invigorating. The Android 10 update doesn’t change much on the home screen; however, somewhere else, and you will see a smartened-up Oxygen OS. The majority of the progressions can be found in the Settings menu where OnePlus has combined a portion of the things under essential titles. You get a Customization setting that contains all the customization alternatives OnePlus ideas in its Oxygen OS, for example, the Accents shading, Icon shapes, all general topics, encompassing showcase structures and the sky is the limit from there.

[Read More: Google Launched Android 10 with Fascinating Features]


What makes Oxygen OS like Android 10 are its features. Apart from the elements, we have discussed above, some of the features which come to mind are also explained here. Face Lock and Night Mode which eventually unlock the device by just looking at it and filters blue light. An option to capture the screenshot and ability to hide the notch is also the features on the OnePlus 6, 6T, and 7. Mobile app development company are gearing up with these features and developing the latest applications compatible with this OS so that users can make the best use of their apps.


Suggestions on how to Hire an App Developer for Your Business!

App Developer

In the present scenario, almost every business company has hired a mobile app development company for their branding via applications. But how many of these apps are noticed by the users?  What is exactly required to have a successful application for the business?

With the recent technological growth, there are mobile applications available for every brand in the market. There are many Android app and iPhone app developers available. Few of them are even cross-platform developers. But what is the deciding factor that the application will satisfy the users? No wonder it is the unique selling idea that will grab the attention of the users, but even the best design will not work if one does not have an expert team of developers for web and mobile app development.

It is natural that skilled ios and android app developers know better about the pros and cons of developing an app and then publishing it on the app store in a way that it does not go unnoticed.

What should be kept in mind to hire an app developer for the business?

Carefully analyze the expert and his proficiency

Whenever one is looking to hire a team of developers, it is essential to look for their expertise. Developing a business-oriented app is not a piece of cake; the developers have to be proficient in the technology they work on. So it is vital to check their skill, knowledge-base, and experience. Be sure if the developers can develop and deliver all the features and functionality required in the business app. Knowing before the capabilities of the developing team prevents the chances of app failure.

Enquire if the developer has sound knowledge of the latest technologies

Most importantly, the developer must have an understanding of the best most recent technologies that are used to develop the app. Hiring an app developer who has vast knowledge the up-to-date technology stack can again prevent the app failure as outdated technologies are not suitable for app development. The developers should be well acquainted of the latest trends and techniques used in the process of application development. So, the business app is developed using the best suitable technology.

 Knowing that both Android and iOS platforms are widely in used both have their benefits. The developer must have extensive knowledge of open source platforms for android development, technologies for native ios app development. In case there is a need to develop apps for both the platforms, then it is beneficial to hire a developer with a specialization in cross-platform app development technologies. This will help in launching the app across both the leading platform in a cost-effective manner.

Look for a developer who understands business and revenue generation

A skilled developer must not only know about the technology but must also be able to recommend and improvise the design and development of the app in such a way that reflects his business sense. He should be able to code the design well along with adequate knowledge to sell the app as well. Hire an app developer that is capable of providing top-notch user experience to the targeted audience and earn huge revenue.

What does the developers offer post app development?

Developing an app is not the only task expected of the developer hired to develop an app. It is not a one-time job; it needs post-development jobs to be done as well like submitting an app in the app store, app testing, review collection, fixing bugs and, support and maintenance, adding new features, etc. It’s highly recommended to hire a developing team that offers these services post app development before handing over a project to them.


One should always do thorough research before hiring a software company or freelancer for business app development. Typical mistakes land one in a position where it is not feasible to earn the due revenue from the business app. are you planning to hire a team of developers to develop your business application? Get in touch with our mobile app development company and discuss the above prospects carefully and hire our experts for the same.   


Top 10 Ways to Reduce your Mobile Application Uninstall Rates

mobile app

So you have developed an amazing mobile app, marketed it well and downloads have started to pour in.

But wait a minute…

Your user count is still low and not growing.

If that sounds familiar, you are not alone.

Now that’s a worrying statistic.

Don’t know why users are uninstalling your app soon after downloading it.

If you like to promote your App? AppSquadz a prominent mobile application development company provides some basic tips for helping your app to appear in Google’s ‘app pack’ search results.

Here’s Reason!

There can be lot of reasons why your mobile apps are being uninstalled by your users, some of the reasons are stated here.

  1. Notifications: Most people can’t resist checking their phone when a new notification comes in and become quite disappointed if it is not important or something they care about. Mobile Apps that frequently push notifications about their updates or to ask for a good review or anything that is too pushy at that moment is more likely to get uninstalled.
  2. Slow Loading Times: Our attention span is decreasing continuously, and if something is taking too long, we tend to switch to a faster alternative. If your app takes more loading time, there is a high probability user will bid a goodbye to them very soon.
  3. Bad UI/UX: Similarly, if the app does not offer an easy and accessible way to do things, users are more inclined to switch to another option rather than learn and adapt.
  4. Unwanted Resource Usage: Applications that are themselves slow are bad enough, but if an app is slowing down other things on the phone, then users are going to get rid of it quickly. Users are even less tolerant of apps that use precious data while not actually running.
  5. Too Many Updates: While users tend not to be opposed to apps updating on their own, frequent updates tie into the concerns about notifications, slow loading times and unwanted resource usage. If a user needs to download a new update almost every time they use the app, then they internalize it as part of the app’s loading time, leading to deletion.

How Can You Reduce App Uninstalls?

So, what to do make your mobile apps on your user’s device? Even with a lightning-fast app, an excellent user interface, and no intrusive notifications and frequent updates, you are not guaranteed to reduce app uninstalls.

However, here is some things that you can do to keep your users engaged with your mobile application month after month.

Understand your customers well:
The most important step in reducing app uninstalls is to understand your target audience. Look at reviews and ratings of your app as well as those of competitors. Often, users will tell you the reasons.

In-app preferences and usage behaviors can also tell you a lot about how your users interact with the app. For example, if many of your users are frequently disabling some of the notifications, then maybe others are uninstalling your app for the same reason.

Measure App Engagement:

It is impossible to improve the users’ engagement with your app and reduce uninstalls and abandonment if you don’t have data on just how engaged your users are. It is important to establish what the benchmarks are for your app’s particular genre and audience, and then regularly compare your app against them. This can often put you ahead of the curve when it comes to spotting issues that could lead to app uninstalls.

If you see the average session time for your users drop from 5 minutes to 3 minutes, then that is a sign that something in the app’s user experience or value proposition needs to be tweaked before you start losing users.

Be Consistent with App Updates:

Adding a new functionality, maintaining security standards and fixing bugs or unintended behaviors through updates are all important parts of retaining your user base and help reduce your mobile app uninstall rate, but frequent updates can also drive users off by interrupting their flow and adding extra loading time to your app.

Release updates for your application, but be sure not to make them too frequent. The timing depends on your users’ particular use patterns. If it is an app that they use multiple times a day, an update once every week or two should be fine, but if your users are only using it a few times a week, waiting a few months between major updates might be the better option.

Measure the KPIs:

Keep track of your application’s key performance indicators before launching, such as loading times, resource usage and launch rates to see where your application is experiencing technical bottlenecks. If your application slows down or starts crashing more often, fixing it is a priority since it can result in losing users. It is also helpful to keep an eye out on the KPI’s of competing applications.

If a competitor’s app reduces loading times significantly in an update or starts using fewer resources, it could affect your user base. Following suit, or finding another way of giving your users more value, could be necessary to avoid app uninstalls in such a case, but knowing about it early can help you keep those customers and not have to try to win them back.

Provide Ease of Support:

Make it easy for your users to get in touch with you, whether through the app itself, a website or even social media. If your users feel that they can easily contact you and get a response, they are more likely to tell you their concerns before abandoning the app.

Even those users who have already uninstalled the app can be a valuable source of information on how to improve your user experience or value proposition. By following up with those users and re-engaging them through additional marketing, you may learn more about how to reduce your apps uninstalls and possibly even win many of those customers back by listening to their concerns.

  1. Be Personal:
    Your users are more likely to continue to engage with the app and are less likely to uninstall it if they feel that there is a person on the other end with whom they have a personal relationship.
  2. Participate in a Regular Engaging Dialogue:
    Your users are important stakeholders in your app’s development, and it is important to make them feel like they are. This can be as simple as adding a comments section to your app’s website or having a member of the customer service or marketing team engage regularly in discussions of your app in online communities.

Let your users know what new updates are coming up with the app and show that you value their feedback. If your user community feels that their views are taken into account in the development process, they are more likely to stick by you even through rough patches in the app’s lifecycle.

Minimize Distractions:

If your application has a good UI and UX base, then your customers are ‘in the zone’ while they are using it. However, any distractions can cause them to stop what they are doing and move on to something else. That is one of the top reasons why things like in-app ads, popups and auto-playing videos are often the reason for app abandonment.

Make sure that your user experience is streamlined and don’t get in the way of the customer using your app. Try to avoid pushing notifications or playing advertisements while the user is in the middle of something, especially if it is a multi-step process.

Stand with Your USP:

There is a reason why you created your app in the first place – it does something that no other app does quite as well as it does. That is your unique selling proposition, and it is the reason why your users choose your app over your competitors.

By making sure that your selling proposition is still unique and offers your users value, you can continue engaging both new and current users. It also determines where you should focus on optimizing your user retention strategy. If your USP is to be the fastest, most lightweight app in that sector, then you need to pay extra attention to your performance and loading KPIs, for example.

Assure Customer Privacy:

Not securing customer data properly is an easy way to lose a lot of users in this very security-conscious era. 43% of users report uninstalling apps over privacy concerns. Make sure that your security policy and privacy policy is up to date and very easily accessible to your users.

Assure them that you will only collect the information necessary to make the app work and that you only store it when necessary using secure methods. If your customers feel that they can trust you with their data, then they are less likely to switch over to a new and unknown competitor.

The application provides a regular update to the mobile user who has installed it. Thus, providing benefit to our clients (by increasing the business) and their customers. We provide highly prompt and crafted solution to our clients. Thus, providing them maintained service. We are having a dedicated team to provide the application manual of the application developed and top android application developers for development. Thus, with the above advantage we are ready to help everyone. So, hire dedicated android developers AppSquadz Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Contact: +0120-4238296, +91-9717270746 Email us: [email protected]



How to Hire An Android Application Developer?

Android Application Developer

Due to late technological progressions and development, mobile applications have gotten to be requirement for each business. Furthermore, android is one of the developing stages that each business requirement for its development and marking. Android’s fame has made the business achieve less demanding for clients. However, building up an android application is one of the testing assignments for designers. What’s more, to develop a business sector driven android application, we have to hire capable android developers. Thus, we should investigate the tips for finding the right android application developer for your business: