The new Technology & tool addition to the Apple Family for Developers and users


Apple recently thrived the whole market with new tools and technologies designed to enable developers and the iPhone app development company to develop engaging apps. 

Xcode Cloud combines multiple tasks and tools required to develop, test, and deploy applications via robust cloud services, allowing individual developers or the iPhone application development company to be more prolific and provide great apps to their consumers. 

Custom Product Pages and With In-App Events, the App Store now offers global-new-ways for the iPhone app development company and developers to develop their apps and connect with consumers. Whereas Swift takes an extensive leap forward with concurrency support compiled into the language, and augmented reality tech makes it simpler to create interactive content in applications or on the web. 

Xcode Clouds

Xcode Cloud is an integrated cloud service designed specifically for Apple developers and the iPhone app development company. Developed into Xcode 13, Xcode Cloud renders a quick and simple way for companies and developers of all sizes to develop, test, and deploy advanced applications even more efficiently. 

It is capable of building applications automatically in the cloud to free the iPhone app development company and developers’ Macs for other tasks. 

Parallel testing enables developers to test on a simulated version of each Apple device, and thus you can deploy a build of the application for internal testing, or deliver to external beta testers via TestFlight for prompt feedback.

App Store

With time new and advanced apps and games are featuring events such as movie premieres, live competitions, live-streamed experiences, etc. App Store has made it simpler for consumers to identify these events on the App Store in the editorial section, personalized recommendations, app product pages, and search results.

This extends the reach of the iPhone application development company and developers helping join with new users, keep users up-to-date, or reconnect them with old users. It’s a whole new way for developers to what’s going in their applications.

Apple has introduced new product page tools that render developer’s flexibility and various ways to connect with consumers right within the App Store. 

Custom Product Pages enable developers to show different peculiarities of their applications for distinct users. 

Furthermore, Product Page Optimization offers developers the capability to test different preview videos, screenshots, and app icons. App Store Connect incorporates rich and privacy-friendly analytics that enables developers to review what their users need most, hence, resulting in making the finest decisions for their product pages.

The developer code of conduct extends to keep the App Store a fair marketplace for both users and developers, including ratings, updated guidelines for developer identity requirements, review manipulation, and excessive customer complaints. 

The current promenades for developers for app rejection on concerns of bias, along with the feature to report an app if the app presents a safety or trust interest or is in breach of the App Store Review Guidelines.


Swift is one of the most robust and intuitive programming languages. The developers can write code that also works in parallel, and is responsive to user input while the work goes on in the background. Swift developers can write modern, quick, and safe code with fewer bugs, whilst taking complete advantage of the multicore silicon across Apple’s devices.

With Swift, user interfaces have developed by making it easier to build interactive and rich apps with little code. Whereas SwiftUI helps developers to bring great experiences for each user. This incorporates advancements for improving search experiences, list views, multicolumn tables, in-app accessibility features, etc.

Augmented Reality

Apple is the world’s largest augmented reality platform, a framework that enables developers to built AR experiences, and RealityKit, audio, animation, and physics engine created from scratch for AR.

RealityKit 2 comes with Object Capture, a robust API on macOS Monterey that allows developers to built rich photo-realistic 3D models of real-world objects in real-time by capturing photos on iPad, iPhone, or DSLR and converting them into 3D models optimized for AR. 

Developers can view these in AR Quick Look or add to AR scenes in Xcode or Reality Composer. They are using tools like Object Capture to unlock new ways of developing 3D content within some of the best 3D content creation applications, like Unity MARS and Cinema 4D.

Graphics and Games

New APIs and tools in iOS will enable game developers to develop the next generation of games and deliver fresh experiences to their gamers. 

A Metal texture compression tool backed all of the newest formats, along with optimized formats for Apple silicon, resulting in bringing high-end games to almost every Apple platform. In addition, a new Virtual Game Controller on iPad and iPhone offers optimization of games that are built-in Game Controller support.


Apple has been in the race for many years, with new updates and advancements in its tech, Apple is currently thriving in the market. People are relying more on iOS due to its user experience and best security policies. However, these new updates in the Apple family are surly going to make extensive changes in terms of how users experience iOS tech. 


How to develop an iOS App make it compatible with the Android operating system?

iOS App

If you are searching for a thorough guide on changing from an iOS app to an Android app — you are at the perfect spot. Through believer iOS app development to Android this post, we will assist you with doing precisely that. On the off chance that that sounds energizing, we should work. 

Having an iOS mobile app for your business or brand to advance it among your clients is an extraordinary thought because the stage has ended up being the correct decision for a beginning. It permits you to get more cash-flow from the App Store

Presently, if you are believing that for what reason to change over iOS app to Android, here are a portion of the significant reasons that will persuade you and recruit a development group for the equivalent. 

Why develop an iOS App for the Android App? 

  • A Better Opportunity to Occupy Consumer Markets: As you realize that Android OS makes sure about 80% of the mobile OS renditions market and for this situation if you just have an iOS application, you are losing a major level of possible clients. 
  • Expand Your Reach: Android phones are received all the more broadly, and there are colossal users that you are missing and there are high possibilities that they can turn into your expected clients. 
  • Monetize Options for your Android App: If you are believing that you can’t adapt a mobile app, you have to alter your perspective since you can without much of a stretch adapt your app with various alternatives. Indeed, even the overall iPhone app development income equivalents to $52 billion, as indicated by the ongoing measurements report. Normally, the number will develop to $100 billion by 2020. 

More Number of Features: When you choose to change over your iOS app to Android, you can likewise focus on different conceivable outcomes that have been added by Google. 

  1. The Physical Back Button 
  2. Android Intents 
  3. Widgets and Push Notifications 
  4. Android Wear 

Regardless of whether you have decided to change over an Android app development to iOS or iPhone app to Android, the significant thing that you ought to consider is the cycle of transformation to Android resemble? Is there any instant converter or device that can be utilized? 

No, there are no such instant instruments or converters that you can use to port your iOS app developer conversion to Android. Rather than looking for such instant devices and converters, you ought to decide on customized and demonstrated practice to change over iOS apps to Android apps. Here are 3 stages that you can follow: 

Analysis and Make a Plan With regards to dissect and make an arrangement, it suggests your present iOS app, its highlights, plan, work process, and qualities. You can likewise consider the potential blunders and issues that can emerge and should be resolved about those issues. 

You can consider the arrangement or improve the Android app variant. Back-end independences, app porting cycle, instruments, and structures must be checked profoundly for similarity. 

Valuation and Execution of Plan 

You have to assess all the specialized issues with the code, libraries, and outsider administrations. Presently, pick the correct tech stack to make app porting exact and less-an an ideal opportunity to burn-through and at last start the development. 

The app development or building up an app without any preparation time relies on the kind of the app that you need to change over, and by and large, changing over the iOS app to Android or we can say one stage to another is very like building up a solitary android app, so you shouldn’t anticipate that it should be finished in seven days. 

It contains highlights and material plan change by creating Android-explicit UX and usefulness, setting up the back-end, and adaptation apparatuses. 

Testing the App and Releasing 

Like any app development measure, quality affirmation is critical to change over iOS app to Android or Android and iOS applications. You can utilize genuine Android gadgets or imitating apparatuses for testing, contingent upon the acts of the iPhone app development company that you have recruited for your change necessity. 

Aside from this, you can likewise go with various types of versatile app testing, including load testing, approval, user acknowledgment testing, and beta testing. Once, it appears fine to you, you can present the application to the Google Play Store, and begin promoting your app. 


Thus, these are the customized steps that any expert iOS app development company named AppSquadz software will follow the changeover iPhone app to Android over OnDemand. Instead of picking any instant apparatus or iOS to android converter, you can examine your app engineering prerequisites with any veteran Android app designers’ group and get the correct arrangement.


How could Flutter be Beneficial for iOS Apps Development?

iOS app development

Recently launched Flutter has already created a strong presence amongst the mobile app development community. Launched by Google, the Flutter app development framework is a mobile UI framework. It allows developing an app for both Android as well as iOS platforms, with a single codebase. Isn’t it amazing? With a single piece of code, you develop an iOS app that can run on both Apple as well as Google devices. Moreover, it’s an open-source platform that allows the developer to develop an app in a faster time. We can say that the Flutter App development framework is all set to revolutionize the overall speed of the iOS app development process.

Why Google Flutter benefits the iOS apps development process?

The big question here is, why should you port your native iOS apps to the Flutter platform? Already, the word from the developer community suggests that Flutter is a better and efficient platform than the native iOS platform. Let’s quickly check the reasons behind his. This should also help you to understand as a developer, why Flutter is beneficial for iPhone app development.

Better technical architecture

It is an open truth that Apple’s development kit is a secret recipe, secretly developed by Apple for its iOS platform. But this secrecy has not hindered Flutter’s development as a hybrid platform. It has been able to provide equivalent or many occasions’ better features for developers, than ones available on the iOS platform. For example, say goodbye to Swift programming and use Dart which is an equivalent programming language but with better features, used on the Flutter app development platform. Similarly, Atom or Sublime is better to text editors than XCode on iOS. Dart has got a rich library with powerful typing options. It also facilitates async-await effective app building. Dart doesn’t communicate with the native app modules; it provides native features even without that. Also, its compiler is equipped with the tree-shaking feature. Undoubtedly, Flutter is a boon for iOS apps development with its rich features.

Faster development

Quick or faster development is the USP of Google Flutter, apart from being a hybrid mobile app development platform. With the usage of dynamic scripting language, app development can be much faster. This what Dart does on the flutter app development platform? Data comes with two distinct modes that are interpreted mode and compiled mode. The interpreted mode comes reloaded with experience which makes the development of apps much faster than the traditional iOS apps development platform. However, if you still want to compile down to the native machine code for the app launch, then you can use the compiled model.

UI development

If you are a member of an iOS apps development team, then you should be aware of the number of days it takes to develop the UI on the iOS platform. There is no doubt that UIKit used for UI development on the iOS platform is one of the most useful packages on iOS. However, Flutter has got UI components that are completely different from UIKit. UI components in Flutter are available in the form of widgets which allows faster iOS app development. These widgets also support Cupertino for the iOS platform. Even a complex layout could be designed at ease, in a shorter period.

Better support for testing

Flutter has a better testing framework. Some of the key features which are going to help the iOS developers are, data-driven testing, snapshot testing, and test grouping. Moreover, Flutter allows the developer to write test scripts at UI level, Functional Level and unit level. With the help of the widget testing, one can perform a quick UI testing. Flutter contains a Flutter Driver package that facilitates testing. So, we can see that the testing framework of Flutter is way better and comprehensive than XCTest, which is the native testing platform on iOS.

Continuous Integration/ Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

iOS developers rue about the fact that CI/CD XCode is a pain for a broader team. Even Apple has introduced BuddyBuild for CI/CD but it is still at its nascent stage. On the other hand, Flutter has already engaged with Nevercode and introduced its Codemagic CI/CD solution. It is one of the most scalable CI/CD solutions which is capable of developing, detecting, testing and packaging the applications on the Flutter app development platform.


It can be said that Google Flutter is the future of iOS app development on the iOS platform. The reason is simple, it offers multiple benefits to the iOS developers, which are way better than the native development platform. So, should you hire a mobile app developer who is trained on Flutter? Yes, you should, if you are looking for the development of an app within a limited budget, with great UI and faster delivery.


Android Q Vs. iOS 13- Which Makes a Difference?

Android Q vs. iOS 13

The two most popular platforms, iOS, and Android are contesting ever since their genesis. Both the platforms are always in constant debate as and when new iOS and Android operating systems are launched every year by Apple and Google. None of them is in the shade due to the launch of a new feature in an opponent’s platform.

The consistent strife among the two platforms leads to the development of new features without fail, and their launch in the market makes it challenging for iOS and Android app development companies to figure out which is better. As per the latest trends and features prevalent in the market, there is similarity in the list of features found in both the apps developed by the iOS and Android app developers. The latest software updates of both, i.e., Android Q and iOS 13, which are in beta stage as of now launched by Google and Apple respectively, are currently in the market. The mobile phones are a slab of metal and glass without the operating systems that powers them.

The iOS 13 in its beta version is only available to developers yet with a dark mode for the whole system, better control on the privacy settings and scads of improvements made to make iPhone secure and convenient to use. In comparison, the Android Q also offers the dark mode along with an emphasis on the privacy issues with artificial intelligence enhancements. So the comparison is on the features that were revealed by Apple at the WWDC 2019 along with the features released by Google so far. A few of the most important features of both platforms are discussed below.

Privacy assurance

So far, the privacy is concerned; this has been the selling point of Apple for so many years. Apple declared at WWDC that since its business is not like that of Google that depends on the user data and targeted ads, it will provide its customers with better location permission services while using apps, that will allow the user to choose to share the location once and again ask the user next time whenever the location is required. Likewise, Apple’s new method to sign in will let the user sign in incognito to websites and apps without being trailed.

Whereas with Google, as its significant way to generate revenue is through ads that take into account the user search, for instance, what website they look for, etc. So in the Android Q, it has taken a significant step to enhance the privacy of the users by letting the users control what information they want to share via apps and various services.

Overall dark mode

The dark mode is favourable; the reason being it saves the battery life as it needs to light up fewer pixels along with reducing the strain on the eyes. The Android Q, unlike the previous update of Android Pie, has the dark mode evenly distributed on the mobile operating system and allows the user to switch between the bright white screen and the dark mode.

Apple, on the other hand, has a dark mode for its mobile operating system in iOS 13. The dark theme mode, as declared at the WWDC is available in wallpapers, notifications to widgets, calendar to messages offering a consistent dark experience for its users.

Photos- Editing and sharing

In Google’s photo service, there is everything that is required. With 15 GB of free online storage, the powerful editing tools along with effortless backup and photo sharing, Google offers a perfect photo editing tool. The night site also uplifts the scale to Android. Being a Google tool, it is easy to look for people and places on assigning the tags to the photo.

Apple, on the other hand, comes with a productive photo editing tool, and in iOS 13, the tool can adjust the portrait lighting with the help of the slider. With the ability to recognize faces, objects, and scenes, it helps the user to sort all the images along with the 5 GB of free iCloud storage space.

iMessages and Facetime or Google’s Duo and Hangouts

Apple offers its users end to end encrypted communication facilities via FaceTime and iMessage. The quality of video and text chat and seamless messaging among the iOS and macOS devices cannot be surpassed by any other platform so far.

Google provides messaging apps on Android like Duo, Hangouts for voice and video calling, Google Voice for voice calls again, Messages for chat or text message. Hangouts website offers to message on Mac or Windows devices along with the web version of the app.


The comparison between the leading platforms has displayed a picture of equal parts of positive points. Besides competing with each other on many features, they individually have many features that so far have not been surpassed by the other. Our Android and iOS app development company have skilled iOS and Android app developers to indulge in app development to extract the best out of the platform for the clients. Contact our android development company for your business app now.


Apple Introduces New UI to help iOS Developers to Build better Apps with Less Code

iOS Developers

One of the latest announcements made by Apple at the Worldwide Developer Conference 2019 which gained the maximum popularity is for the iOS developers that are Swift UI which is a declarative syntax tool for developing a native app for Apple users with actually less coding.

The Swift UI code has already been doing much good to the iOS app developers. Being fast and easy to use, it produces clear and crisp, to the point code. The cutting-edge UI design will establish a new standard for the already existing visual coding model, which has been in use successfully for the past many years. The latest UI design will provide the apple developers with the ability to develop applications for iOS, macOS, and tvOS. It works by saving time and resources required by the app developers by providing them with various tools and application programming interfaces. The features like the increased speed of the mouse and Track-pad, Touch Bar are icing on the cake.

The original plan is to bring the Swift programming language into the market for developing cross-platform applications. Its many features attract Apple developers to work on the language for the development process. Various features that have and are still entering the Apple app development market are as follows:

Native-like features

Swift is a native programming language, and it is even designed to work effectively on all platforms. So it able to access all the native features of any platform and deliver interactive user interface at a quick pace. It is also integrated with application programming interfaces like ARKit and automatic language optimization to enhance the user experience as well as the developer’s job.

Declarative Syntax

The syntax is simple to comprehend and easy to write, which makes it easier to decide what functions the interface must perform. The declarative syntax as is the nature of the code lets the developer even mention the items he wants to fix like font, alignment, color, etc. There is a gradual shift in the time taken, performance and maintenance of the programs, for instance, in the case of Animation. There is even availability of a collection of ready-made effects and features that are written using just a few lines of code.

Select, drag, and drop

Another impressive feature of the Swift UI is that that the developers can now easily select a feature they want and drag it and drop it on their canvas. Not just that the developers can then even customize and modify its properties and arrange their controls. The best part of Swift is that these visual editor codes are also available in the code editors which let the developer modify each feature when they are writing the code on their own.

Preview the development

With the Swift UI, the developers can easily create several previews of the UI/UX development and then have it run of various displays with varied orientations. This allows the developers to fully play with their creativity to design and develop new features and functionalities.

Presenting dynamic preview

In Apple’s WWDC 2019 it was declared that the Swift UI compiler and its run time will be embedded with Xcode 11. This has allowed developers to develop and run the applications in real-time. In simple words, the design canvas will not just present the image of the app developed, but instead, it will play the live application of it to the developers.

Compatible with iOS 13

The technology comes up with a default provision for the Dark Mode, Dynamic type, and accessibility options to have a smooth Framework to write the code.


The latest generation of Swift UI has reduced a hundred lines of code to just a few lines of code. With the new XCode11, a preview of the most recent changes is available immediately on the device. With the facility to add graphical modules to add a segment of codes, it can merely modify and control the features. Along with these and many other features, the Swift UI has transformed how the developers develop the applications to enhance the overall experience of the app without losing and native app detail. Contact our mobile app development company to build your latest mobile app.


Apple’s Next-gen iOS Operating System: iOS 13 Preview Expected in June

iOS 13

The whole world is set to witness the launch of the latest operating system, Apple iOS 13 at the annual iOS app developer conference. The WWDC known as the Worldwide Developers Conference will commence on June 3 to continue up till June 7.

Rumors from credible sources throw light on the features that are expected to show up in the upcoming latest ios operating system that is already being developed in California. At the June debut, several leaks are expected to be seen deciding the new look of the UI. It is possible to receive the all new dark mode, and a new volume interface. The iPad will have new multitasking abilities, fresh un-doing, and redoing gestures, expect to have a merged panel for Find My friends and Find My iPhone. The restructured Reminder and Mail apps, with few cross-platform abilities for the iPhone app developers to quickly transfer the apps to the Mac, are some of the upcoming features. Let us even expect to know about the official launch of the forthcoming release of the iPhones.

Compatibility issues

So far, Apple has sustained with the first 64-bit chipset phone, the iPhone 5S. But it is expected that the latest iOS can again choose to discard its oldest devices. As the rumors have it all iPhone 6, six plus, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3, and iPod touch 6th generation may be the oldest devices on the compatibility list of iOS 13.

Rumored features expected to be present in iOS 13

Dark mode

For the first time, Apple will finally have a dark user interface to soothe the eyes of the users, especially for night viewing. This was one of the much-wanted features by the iOS users from some time now. Let us see if we get a dark mode in iOS 13.

New volume interface

It is expected to have a new head-up display for volume interface as well.

Sleep iPhone mode

The forthcoming iOS 13 will have a refreshed sleep mode that will toggle to DND- and enable the Do Not Disturb feature, turn the screen darker and silent all the incoming notifications with a few enhancements in the bedtime tab of the Clock app of the phone.

Improved gestures

It is expected of the new launch to release a unique gesture for undo and redo an action on the iPad while working on the text. It will also allow to collectively selecting multiple items in the table and then drag them all together to a new place, which is very similar to the click and drag practiced on the Mac.

Updates and changes in the pre-existing apps


The UI of the messaging app will be transformed to have features similar to an app-WhatsApp, which will allow the users to have a profile picture and a display name, along with an option to decide who can see it. It will also come with a dedicated menu bar for emoji and stickers.


The mail application will be categorized on the bases of searchable like promotions, shopping, travel, relevant, not essential and so on, with a queue that will contain emails that are to be read later, it will be able to mute emails from a particular thread along with a tool to block contacts.

Reminders app

The fresh reminder app will have four categories displayed in a grid inclusive of tasks that are finished today, a list of all functions, a list of scheduled tasks, and the flagged tasks.

Some new features

  • The iOS 13 will also offer speed improvement for the device and will work on fixing the bugs.
  • The Keyboard will come with a new Swipe-oriented keyboard with new Font management menu.
  • The safari in iOS 13 will enable loading desktop version of the sites on the iPad depending as and when vital, and the Apple team is testing downloads manager to allow the users to access the downloads all at one place.
  • The live photo video that lasted for 3 seconds will now last for 6 seconds.
  • The Hey Siri app will for better filter noises like laughter and cries.

Latest additions for developers

  • The developers will enjoy better Siri integration in iOS 13 w.r.t. media playback, search, voice call, message, flights, and so on.
  • With the ARKit, the developers will be able to develop augmented reality experiences visually and support game controllers and AR headsets.
  • It will have fresh frameworks for extended usages of the Taptic engine, scanning documents for third-party along with the feature to click photos from external devices without using the photos app.
  • There are just a few days left to the final beta iOS 13. But as the days come to pass, it is difficult to hold onto the curiosity levels. These were the details of the upcoming changes and additions expected to release with the launch of iOS 13 in June 2019.