Major Challenges that Startups face after Mobile App launch

mobile app

As an increase in smartphone users, the mobile app industry has gone broaden with time. These are a list of uncountable reasons that can readily explain why mobile apps are so incredible. Software installed in a smartphone can avail you the proper service any time, like pop up notification, regular updates representing changes and modifications in services as well as the app design.

Business startups are now widely opting the service of the mobile app development company. Every young user and the well-settled person that s dependent on itself and no lack of money is using a smartphone and prefers almost remote services on its doorstep because no one has much time to visit the place. Most of the working people stay busy in making life simpler. These all are enough reasons why people look for online services, mobile apps are the best platform for both to opt as well as provide services online through the web or native mobile apps.

Most of the businesses are conducted through the help of mobile software designed for smartphones especially. An application having a smooth interface helps to navigate through the different sections easily. Startups need time they take time and money, consumes lots of strategies with unbeatable efforts to stabilize the business. After the stabilization, it requires to mobile app development by the implementation of ideas at a huge level to create a stable brand image in the market for sure. A vast number of developers are now willing to establish a career in mobile app development looking current trend but it requires few terms to take care of.

As there is a huge career in mobile app development, but if you have a start in this field than must know the points listed down:

1. Establish your self in a crowded market:

If you imply most of your strategic ideas, the app design you will create even after that the app will show real effect after entering the market. The second thing is it does not matter how unique your app idea is, there will be some deficiency. Your app will not have something that people have not seen before. The world is very big and according to the rule of evolution and integrity, there are any similar people in the world as well two or more people may have the same pattern of thinking.

As the market for mobile apps has gone broaden and spreading across the globe. There is mobile app development company more than types of smartphone brand. A startup requires manpower, the mind thought lots of funds. But as being an independent person and looking to establish a good business with less investment according to budget, then must prepare a blueprint for your app and the money has to be invested in promotion.

2. Get a team together:

When you get to design an app or for example doing anything morally not possible or to make it perfect alone. Many ideas gathered from different minds to ensure a successful app with a superior interface and incredible functionality.

It seems to be easier theoretically to get it done. May be easy in saying but the management of design and interface pattern is not possible alone. You have to create a strong team of expertise and experience. A mobile app developer, a resource person for content management, simplified settlement of the elements in proper synchronization with graphics, required. A team can work together a make perfect software. Application is not too easy to create; it not only depends on the coding but also represents

Gathering a team and then getting work from them in a mutual rhythm is very difficult. Synchronization between time and process is very important it helps to reach expectations soon with less effort. It also reduces mistakes that consume time to be solved and sometimes remain unresolvable.

3. Adaptability:

One of the significant errors that application business people make is mistaking versatility for development. They imagine that adaptability, similar to development, is expanding the business seeing when the income inflows are on an unequalled high, and so on.

When there is an extremely slim however unmistakable line of contrast among versatility and development. While, if there should arise an occurrence of extension, you realize you need to bring about costs to arrive at the following level, adaptability, in its thought itself, implies that you should chip away at developing your business while the costs are kept exceptionally low and steady.

Presently experiencing the basic meaning of adaptability, something that we should experience for it is one of the most essential to be followed in the long run tips in the wake of propelling an application, some different issues get led on. Issues like the planning of adaptability and its extent. On the off chance that you broaden your business too early or past the point of no return, you will confront a disappointment and on the off chance that you scale at the ideal time in an inappropriate area, you will confront disappointment.

4. Advertising:

The assignment turning around finding a response to how to advertise a startup application isn’t even half as brilliant and bits of cake as the numerous bullet point articles on the different showcasing stages let you know.

There are various things you need to settle on the correct stages versus the financially savvy stage more affordable versus more extensive reach-and the rundown of disarrays and battles goes on.

The response to how to advertise an application effectively itself has been the reason for the death of various splendid application thoughts, for example, you’re in the market and it won’t stop. Truth be told, the extra the stages coming up to open your image to the world; the more prominent is turning into your odds to get sidelined.

Use of your organization’s expectation to make a nearness in the market and not recovering any outcomes as it tends to be unnerving and actually, this upsetting climate is what is keeping businesspeople alert each night.


You try to venture business lots of time but the blog is represented by AppSquadz the reputed mobile app development company to help you and promise you for good opportunities in future for better app development career in various fields. We tend to make sure about the progress in the world with the help of technology that leads to the process simpler and smoother.


Forthcoming Mobile App Development Trends to be followed in 2020 and Ahead

Mobile App Development Trends

Technology has continued to grow at a rapid pace and disrupted our lives by presenting us with smart solutions that fulfill our demands. Things that were science fiction till yesterday are today’s reality. From the advent of the personal computer, smartphones to the ascent of technologies like AI, Wearables, Beacon, and IoT technology has been exponentially progressing. As of now, when talking about the fastest-growing areas of technology, mobile technology is one of the fast-growing areas. Organizations are harnessing the power of technology, especially the mobile application industry is revamping their reality.

To accomplish enormous growth and sustainability, each organization needs to integrate the most recent mobile app development trends. The global app development industry is supposed to ascend to 6.3 trillion USD by 2021, and by 2023 the apps are expected to generate a revenue of 935.2 Billion USD. Mobile apps are enhancing the UX by making it speedy, simple, and effortless.

Recent Mobile App Development Trends 2020

New trends are emerging as people are shifting towards mobiles. Across the years, the mobile app industry will witness further improvements. In 2020, these are some of the trends that can be seen in action.

AI presenting the apps smarter

Artificial Intelligence is undoubtedly the most suitable technology, making apps smarter. Smart assistants like Siri and Alexa are already in the market to accomplish particular tasks on voice commands. There is plenty of scopes where Artificial Intelligence can be adopted as a robust tool and can be integrated with mobile apps them considerably smarter.

Android instant apps

The user experience of the apps has been better after the launch of instant apps by Google in 2016. Instant apps act like websites and present an assortment of features to hold people with diverse functionalities. Instant apps are smaller in size, possess functionalities of a website, offer excellent user experience, and don’t utilize device memory.

IoT adoption in healthcare

Mobile apps integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT) are meant to monitor patient’s health and provide them with health-related suggestions and tracking their fitness. Real-time health monitoring is the need of the hour right now, and it can be executed by a mobile app that integrates IoT, which not only saves time but also improves security.

The dominance of wearables

Wearables like smartwatches, fitness bands, health trackers or smart rings have changed the way Wearables are used in today’s world. These devices can be integrated with smartphones and will become more independent. By 2020, we will witness the increase in the usage of fitness trackers and a lessened dependence of wearable devices on smartphones.

Use of blockchain in mobile apps

Data breach security issues happen daily because of which the personal data is on the verge of exploitation. For this security purpose, Blockchain-based apps can turn out to be a savior. Blockchain is a distributed ledger and applies a cryptographic layer to present data security. In 2020, the Blockchain apps will be dominating the mobile app industry for sure.

Accelerated mobile pages (AMP)

Website building and its maintenance is not a simple task. However, practicing a stripped-down version of HTML, i.e. AMP that accelerates the pace of mobile pages, can be performed smoothly. AMP lets mobile app developers build bulky websites & pages with high-speed loading and lower bounce rates to realize tremendous performance on mobile devices.

Prominence edge computing

Data handling activities, for example, computation of data & its storage can be put nearer to the spot where it is demanded, which saves time plus bandwidth. The influence of such activities permits unlimited data to be processed and more reliable storage with stabler data analytics.

Impact of 5G Wireless Services

Speed is the chief concern that comes in our heads after reading 5. By the end of 2020, we may see 5G services in action, and it will go to great extents to transform the app development industry. Alongside the high speed, the 5G will introduce various additional features like data security, 3D gaming, augmented reality, to name a few. With such elevated requirements and services, mobile app developers should design the applications in a manner that meets the ideal prerequisites.

The evolution of beacon technology

For transmitting signals, Beacon makes use of Bluetooth technology which is one of the most vital mobile app development technologies used in museums, hotels, hospitals, and so on. They are remote, simple to utilize and pretty efficient in location tracking and proximity marketing. They have a considerable extent of applications when converged with IoT, for example, mobile payments beacons, automated machine learning algorithms, and beacon treasure hunting.

[Read More:- Top Emerging Technologies & Trends]


In 2020, the mobile app development industry will continue to progress with all the above-discussed mobile app development trends. New technologies bring in new possibilities, but its quick adoption is uncertain. By understanding these trends, its adoption can be made more accessible. Since you are aware of the trends now, you won’t confront any difficulty coexisting with them. But if you still face any trouble getting along with them, you can connect with a mobile app development company.


How Microservices are Remodelling the Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development

Mobile devices are rapidly growing as the user’s most preferred choice for internet browsing. Amidst the market leaders focusing on furnishing customers with superior user experiences, presently, we are observing an accelerated rise in user expectations which mandates the modification of the user experiences you present. Adopting only a mobile-first strategy is not acceptable anymore. A shift to mobile applications presents you ample advantages over your competitors as in the initial days’ users make-do with a responsive website.

For a successful mobile application, the key to the mobile app is not restricted to its excellent design and subsequent development. The mobile app development team needs to quicken the delivery of advantages that a mobile application contributes to the users. Usage of the agile procedure, selecting a DevOps system and generating a transition to the microservices model of building a cloud-based app supplies you with an exclusive business advantage.

Microservices empower the mobile app developers to possess the entire project development cycle. It gives much-needed adaptability in mobile application development services. The development team can act upon the data gathered from clients to incorporate changes within the application components on a real-time basis ending in the DevOps system getting increasingly powerful, and the team of mobile app developers progressively dexterous.

What are Microservices?

Microservices architecture is a significant architectural development structure which is valuable for creating complicated software applications. It includes the fragmentation of enormous apps into approximately coupled smaller services. Every microservice focuses on separate business functionality. Each microservice can be autonomously deployed, twitched with, and redeployed without negotiating the application uprightness — the freewheeling blend of microservices lead to the assistance of fast deployments. The highlights build because of client feedback, therefore speedily reach the users.

How microservices vary from conventional development practices?

In the conventional unified app architecture, all the structures of the code are created as a single cohesive unit within which the constituents are interconnected and independent. Every update the mobile app developer demand to make results in changes performed to the intact stack. Moving to another technology stack or adopting a different framework compels a substantial overhaul and editing of the entire code. Interestingly, microservices architecture has the structure which is split in different services that can operate as autonomous processes and interact employing APIs. Containerization empowers the epitome of the services and operations to run in parallel, creating the current framework accessible to maintain. Any updates or modifications can be made on singular services without affecting the entire structure.

Benefits of microservices design in mobile app development

Enhanced potency and agility

Microservices are built, deployed, and examined independently of other constituents in the system, resulting in increased team agility and rapid iteration sequences. The app developers have the elasticity to handle the framework or language appropriate for the functionality developed, ramping up the productivity by radically diminishing the number of codes to be written.

Stimulated speed and scalability

Scaling of different microservices elements at runtime occurs exclusively, facilitating productive resource utilization. We can move the workload of a component to an infrastructure which best suits the task. Microservices offer a more stimulated mobile app development speed accompanied with on-demand scalability. The microservices can effortlessly leverage the versatility of the cloud-native environment, and it also assures the app is more responsive to market conditions.

Continuous deployment

The introduction of microservices ensues that the cross-functional teams control the entire mobile application lifecycle in a constant delivery model. With a team comprising of testers, developers, and operation unit operating together on a development and testing, individual service and debugging occurs in persistent repetitions.

Rise in cross-functional teams

Microservices ends up with improved autonomy for the software developer as they can work individually, which results in quicker decisiveness. When talking about microservices architecture, the cross-functional teams are comprised of individuals who take up more rapid decisions. Operating in small and close-knit groups causes more autonomy to each team members and more responsive technical determination.

Versatility in using technologies & access to a deeper talent pool

The development team is free to opt for the technology stack that best suits the specific service as each developed microservice is written utilizing various technology. The versatility microservices presents you lets you access a deeper talent pool. Decoupled services composed in different programming languages can efficiently synchronize, affix distinct elements, and implement scaling at individual levels.

[Also Read: A New Era of Mobile App Development with 5G Technology]


The shift to a microservices architecture needs to be handled sensibly and strategically implemented as the business profits of transforming are immense. Executing a DevOps practice, with active tracking is inherent for an adequate shift to the microservices architecture. The trend in versatility and impetus has to keep equilibrium with an affiliated addition in complexity.


Flutter 1.12 highlights & what makes Flutter App Development Popular

Flutter App Development

Google announced the newest version of its cross-platform development framework with new partner Adobe, Flutter 1.12 and its plans for the future. Since the initial release, Flutter has flourished in a short time. Millions of mobile app developers are using Flutter for app development purposes. From the last one year, the Flutter app development framework has emerged as the fastest-growing language and open-source project.

This time the latest release Flutter 1.12 may not appear to be a significant release. Still, Google has proclaimed that the fifth stable release of the Flutter framework will bring in subtle improvements. These enhancements cover the beta version of web support and the alpha release of macOS support. Furthermore, it also combines iOS 13 Dark Mode support, enhanced Add-to-App experience, and much more.

Google also revealed the company itself employs Flutter often for its mobile apps. The company is delighted with the results and is making its mind to incorporate more modern and advanced features in Flutter.

By a plug-in that exports Adobe XD designs straight away into Flutter, Adobe announced support for Flutter in its Creative Cloud. Additionally, the company also said, the XD to Flutter plug-in is going to be available as open-source at the beginning of 2020 however as of now you have the option to sign-up for early access on Adobe’s website.

What is Flutter?

It is Google’s mobile app SDK, having frameworks, widgets, and tools, that furnishes mobile app developers with a simple way to develop and deploy visually attractive and robust mobile applications for Android and iOS platforms. Flutter facilitates a stable and secure cross-platform mobile app development and most importantly, it cuts down substantial app development costs.

What makes Flutter the right choice among app developers and app owners

One code for two platforms

The work of the application developers gets reduced as they have to write one codebase for both the apps- Android and iOS platforms. Since Flutter has its widgets and designs, it doesn’t depend on the platform, which means you have the same app on both platforms.

Less testing

The same app is on both the platforms, which means you require testing once which in turn makes the quality assurance process faster. Developers have to check the app just once and write automatic tests only once as it has one codebase. Less testing will fasten the development process, which is a positive aspect for app owners and developers.

UI which your users will admire

Flutter Dark Mode

Flutter Dark Mode

Flutter is designed in such a way that it focuses on native end-user experiences. The layered architecture enables complete customization, which results in incredibly quick rendering and robust and compliant designs.

Faster apps

Apps made on Flutter perform smoothly and in a quick way, without hanging while scrolling. From the technical point of view, the development process gets minimized as one codebase is used for both the platforms.


Here we have brought into light some of the features and essential points that the Flutter 1.12 holds. Google has announced its latest release with Adobe XD Support. Also, we have talked about what makes Flutter app development the best choice among mobile app developers as well as the app owners. We have also discussed the pros of Flutter briefly. Since the fresh release is out, you can talk about it to your development team or may also connect with a Flutter app development company for the same.


MongoDB Vs. MySQL: Which Database to opt for adding proficiency to your Business?

mobile app developers

Choosing the right DBMS (Database management system) from a business prospect may end up having a dilemma in your mind. In recent years, DBMSs like MS SQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MongoDB, and MySQL have been dominant.

As a relational database, MySQL database has become one of the inexpensive choices for companies searching for a relational database around the world. A non-relational database like MongoDB attends the enterprise’s needs concerning fluid data because of the variety and volume of data.

In a situation like this, it has become more difficult for entrepreneurs to choose among these two as both possess different benefits. In this blog post, we will talk about the two dominant solutions, i.e., MongoDB and MySQL: which one is better from the business prospect.

Database Structure

MySQL database structure stores the values of data in tables and uses SQL to access them. It utilizes schema for defining database structure. The schemas need that the rows in the table have identical structures, with the values been interpreted by particular data types. 

Data gets stored in the JSON-like documents having varied structures in the MongoDB database. It saves related data sets collectively to enhance the query speed, which can be accessed with the assistance of MongoDB query language. This database is schema-free, implying it lets the mobile app developers design documents without the obligation to define the document structures.

Index Optimization

MongoDB and MySQL practice indexes for obtaining data fast. The contrast in approach occurs when an index is not found or remain undefined. 

In MySQL index optimization, when the index remains undefined, then database engines are caused to scan the entire table for attaining appropriate rows. 

In the case of MongoDB, if an index is not found, each particular document in a collection should be scanned for choosing the document that appears a match to the query statement.

Database Deployment

MySQL is written in C++ and C language. It comprises of binaries for following a set of systems: OS X, Microsoft Windows, AIX, Linux, FreeBSD, BSDi, IRIX, HP-UX, NetBSD, etc.

Again, databases for MongoDB are written in C++, C, in extension to JavaScript. It involves binaries for the following systems like OS X, Linux, Windows, and Solaris.

Speed & Performance

The data spread over different tables in the MySQL database, which implies multiple tables should be accessed for reading & writing the data, which in turn lowers the app speed to a certain extent.

Unlike MySQL, MongoDB stores the data of the entity in a single document, making the speed and performance of the applications faster and better. It also provides the ability to write and read data wholly in one place. 

Security Model

The primary security features in MongoDB cover auditing & authentication and authorization. Users will also find it feasible because of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) for encryption of the ends, which ensures that only authorized persons can only read the documents.

A security model of MySQL is based on the privilege which intimates that a client is verified by MySQL and can benefit a database like UPDATE, SELECT, INSERT, and CREATE.

When to Choose MongoDB

  • If your business requires high data availability along with fast, automatic, and prompt data recovery.
  • In case your business works with an uncertain schema and wants to lessen the schema migration cost.
  • If you are a cloud-based services provider, as the native scale-out structure that MongoDB has will be suitable for your business. MongoDB will be best as the architecture is enabled by sharding, which regulates with the agility and horizontal scaling offered by cloud computing.

When to Choose MySQL

  • In case your database is not going to scale much.
  • If you have a fixed schema, and the data structure won’t change over time.
  • If you are contemplating high-performance in a low budget
  • If the security of the data is your foremost priority for your business, then MySQL is more secure.


Both databases have different benefits that can be useful in various businesses. To choose between the two, you need to take into consideration your project goals and many other things. If you are still in a dilemma about which one to choose for your business, feel free to contact an expert mobile application development team for seeking guidance.


Small Business Owners: Utilizing Mobile App Technology to increase profits

Mobile App

Mobile app development is on high trend from the day smartphones came in to existence and in reach of most of the users. A current study reveals the dependence of small businesses on mobile technology. The AT&T Small Business Technology Poll of 2013 states 85% of small companies now employs smartphones for doing business. Furthermore, the survey also showed that 80% of small firms established two years ago or fewer use tablets. Nowadays, smartphone users are increasing exponentially day by day. People stick to their mobile phones at least for 2 hours in one day. So, if you utilize mobile app technology, it will boost your business profits.

Grow your business with mobile app development technology

1. Direct Communication and Geo-Targeting Marketing 

Portable applications have demonstrated to be snappy and viable in drawing in client intrigue and imparting item dispatches, new administrations, special offers, improved highlights, and limited rates. These immediate correspondences likewise bring important data, for example, socioeconomics, geological areas, and shopping conduct as for your items and administrations, helping you to comprehend the market request and better your deals and showcasing procedures.

2. Expanded Recognition Builds Customer Loyalty 

Building client steadfastness is a basic and dubious part of advertising a business. Business applications help smoothen this street by building up an association between the client and the brand through consistent updates and notices. When the customer gets regular engagement from the service provider as well as notification about new products.

3. Site Creates Awareness and the App Makes the Sale 

At the point when potential clients require an item or administrations, all things considered, they will find it on their cell phone as opposed to on a PC. The examination uncovers that most pursuits are made in a hurry while voyaging, mingling, and sitting tight for arrangements instead of during relaxation time where one approaches the PC or work area framework.

4. A Great Tool for Customer Engagement 

While business-to-client correspondence is significant for advertising, a converse correspondence is similarly imperative to keep up client devotion. Clients love it when their interests and protests are heard out and settled with negligible slack time and this, thusly, assists organizations with building brand devotion. This is the place mobile app development comes into the image. A customer has a particular app in its phone native to the device using accessibilities provides amazing user experience once it gets engaged ever thinks of another resource for the same service ever in future.

5. Encourages You Stand Out from the Crowd 

The significance of an application in getting your business to stand apart from your rivals can’t be underscored enough. Now, applications are as yet an uncommon thing and by having one for your business, you can catch the eye of possible clients and catch an enormous piece of the pie. When your rivals get on, you would have by at that point, ideally, adequately oversaw client commitment and constructed solid client dedication.

6. Lifts Brand Recognition 

Concerning publicizing, there is so much happening that it’s hard to get your business to stick out. Paper promotions, open-air hoardings, garish sign sheets, internet-based life showcasing… each different business is doing it. The uniqueness required to manufacture a brand is a lot of lacking. Yet, similar ads when joined with mobile app development those rates high on client commitment can do miracles to support your image reliability.

7. Improved permeability 

Over the most recent couple of years, there has been an extraordinary move in what people look like for items and administrations. Where once verbal suggestions and site perusing was the go-to arrangement, individuals presently want to look into stuff on their cell phones while voyaging, hanging tight for an arrangement, and in any event, during their relaxation time. Applications are an extraordinary showcasing instrument to take advantage of this turn of events. It catches the eye of the intended interest group and improves the general permeability of your business.

[Also Read:- WhatsApp Business App gets its ‘Catalog’ Features help to Showcase Small Businesses and Startups]


Since you comprehend the basic pretended by applications in acquiring the business, ensure you are putting resources into an accomplished, inventive, and creative dedicated application developer. For proficient exhortation and direction on the issue, connect with the AppSquadz group.