Mobile App Security Checklist- Best Practices to Secure a Mobile App

Mobile App Security

Several cybercrimes arising has brought the mobile app security into suspicion, and if you also wonder whether your app is reliable or not, think about security assessment. Since several apps demand access to user data, mobile app developers need to implement optimum security for their respective platforms. Today, each organization, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, are progressing and moving towards getting their mobile applications developed. It is not that easy to outshine others in this dog-eat-dog competition in the mobile app industry.

App Security remains a big challenge for mobile application development companies so far. Apps provide businesses with quick and consistent connectivity with their customers, and at the same time, the app security offers a more satisfactory user experience. Companies investing in mobile applications fear security issues, so they’re looking forward to getting high-end solutions that make their apps more reliable and secure.

To help such businesses, here are the best security testing measures to protect your mobile app and make your applications safer from cybercrimes.

While a mobile app security assessment, mobile app developers must implement best practices, including:

  • To evaluate the security strengths and weaknesses of your app, you must examine the vulnerabilities through simulated attacks.
  • Investigating internal checks and reviews the code to examine possible malware and risk.
  • Observing the app interface and infrastructure to discover security flaws.
  • Enhance the security aspect and craft an actionable security plan under expert supervision.

Mobile app checklist-

Secure source code

Unquestionably, securing the source code is one of the most indispensable aspects of mobile application development. Letting the source code accessible to the public is like inviting hackers for data theft. If the projects are left without a passcode, anyone can see, download and change the source code.


Difficulties in encryption can cause severe issues in the security of mobile applications, so secure encryption along with its proper implementation is exceptionally crucial. Broken cryptography happens in two cases, one when you have weak encryption algorithms and the other one is when an incorrect execution of strong encryption is conducted. At times, to speed up the mobile app development process, Android and iOS developers apply some encryption that induces the hackers to crack passwords.

Transit encryption

At the time when data is transferred, it is exposed to several risks. Some sensitive data such as passwords, API keys, and usernames are subjected to the more significant risks always. To eliminate such dangers, you ought to give transit encryption for your data. Whenever the data is transferred via unreliable and risky networks, it will be restricted from all interception and intrusion. Besides this, it’s also essential to know all the latest updated security practices and standards.

Security of API

To a great extent, Mobile app development and API are interconnected. Any risk to the safety of any of these two will hamper the other; so, you should ensure high-end security of the API to accomplish a secure mobile app. You must practice an authorized API in your mobile app for this purpose. Any flaw in API can affect all the connected apps with it so neglecting this may let hackers access the data. Hence, appropriate security rules and measures are to be followed to assure optimum security.

Give proper attention to consumer data protection

The essential aspect of an app’s security is protecting consumer data as any hamper in this aspect can severely damage the reliability of the mobile app and the creditworthiness of the brand. No mobile application development company take any risk in this case as their clients can witness long term downfall in their business because of data theft. But with the advancement of technologies and biometric authentication, this risk of consumer’s data theft can be covered.

SDK security

SDK controls special functions within an app, making it essential to pick the best SDK to provide the features you need. Although security is a raging concern in the mobile apps security world, securing mobile SDK is often dodged and leads to all sorts of obstacles for app business.

[Also Read:-  Tips for Mobile App Security ]


The security needs of every mobile application are different. After a detailed analysis and recommendations of mobile app developers, you need to figure out the security needs of your app. An efficient mobile app development team can help you with the security concerns associated with your mobile application. So you need to contact an expert mobile app development company when it comes to security standards and the latest security trends.


Everything you need to know about Live Streaming Apps Development

Live Streaming App Development

With each passing day, technology is expanding more electric and faster, and people are just accustomed to it entirely. In the past few years, video streaming apps have popularized because of the growing penetration of smartphones. The limitless border of live streaming has now enabled people to attend events, conferences and concerts and all by staying at home. With live-streaming apps, there will be an ability to perform video broadcasts and share globally in real-time to open up new experiences for the other users. As far as the live streaming market is concerned, by 2021, it is projected to plunge to $70 billion.

Not only in the entertainment industry but this technology became popular in business also.

Several corporations and start-ups have now started to build a live streaming app for goods and services promotion, training, team building, and much more. As far as the live streaming market is concerned, by 2021, it is projected to plunge to $70 billion. Research disclosed that about 82% of viewers prefer watching live videos over social media posts and 80% like it over reading a blog. In short, it can be understood that live streaming might help businesses to expand their reach, establish brand loyalty and capture more user attention.

What is live streaming?

Live streaming is a live broadcast of all the actions happening on a particular computer which many users can watch together in the real-time. Streaming not only stands for video games also to show the activity in real-time. Social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Periscope, launched live streams to show their actions in real-time to their potential users.

This article is somewhat a guide where you can study all about the live streaming app development. So, let us now start with our discussion.

Depending on their functions, live streaming apps can be categorized into two main categories. These are as following-

Apps for Video Streaming

These apps are about the video playbacks where videos are uploaded to the server where they are stored for an unlimited time. Users can view the videos anytime, anywhere, and the number of times they want. Alternatively, it doesn’t mean when is the video uploaded.

Apps for live video broadcasting

These apps are specially designed for online broadcasts. These videos are not uploaded to the server; instead, the videos are broadcasted directly to the subscribers. The videos are stored on a server, converting them into video streaming apps.

What all is to be examined before live stream video app development:

Being a mobile app developer, the following elements are to be considered before commencing the project.

Accessibility to many audiences

Due to the increased number of subscribers to live video streaming apps, you need to develop the app with a highly accessible back-end to cater to a more significant amount of audience.

Should support all video file formats

Your application must support all types of file formats so that the user can operate his video seamlessly without encountering any hassles.

Securing the uploaded videos

Pirated or plagiarized videos often lead to the infringement of copyrights, so mobile app developers must ensure to furnish adequate security to apps for preventing such situations.

Tools and technologies

Before you proceed to work on the project, you have to accumulate all the essential tools in the right position to have a smooth development process.

Selection of a Viable Platform

You need to think on the platform for which you are going to develop the app. An app is most built on native or a hybrid platform.

Why do you need a live streaming app?

It is beneficial for a business as specific challenges of business be resolved by streaming mobile apps. Let us consider them-

Grab more attention from potential customers

Live streaming helps you in capturing more attention from the users as it is perceived by users differently. People today are interested in real-time streaming, so live streaming attracts users easily and helps you hold more potential customers.

Brand loyalty improvement

You can display more about your brand to new customers with a live streaming application. In real-time, your product looks much brighter and captivating, giving a chance to increase the loyalty of your brand.

Richer content

Live streaming gives users a richer content that they feel more engaging and interactive. Users won’t get motivated to avail your product or services even after reading a detail description on social media, but live streaming can do that for you.

Real-time engagement

Streaming is a better option to interact with your customers. You may reach more potential customers and reply to all their queries which have a positive impact and bring you more lead generation.

An ad-free way of interaction

Users don’t like watching unwanted ads and get annoyed due to these ads on videos. However, live streaming will give users a pleasant ad-free experience that can turn your visitors into new users.

[Also Read: What is the Cost of Developing Video Streaming Mobile Apps Like Netflix?]


The topic is not over yet. Live streaming has got so much to discuss and has eliminated numerous obstacles. Here we have discussed everything you need to know about live streaming app development. It is essential to get updated with what’s new to learn in this field. Several obstacles might arise while developing and marketing your app, but a competent mobile application development company can inspire you with more ideas.


Waterfall Vs Agile- Choose the Right Development Methodology

Right Development Methodology

As a business, if you are about to get an application developed with a vision that it would enhance your operations, managing productivity, and your workflows. The very first thing you will encounter will be to plan out your approach for development. It needs a lot of discussions, often a heated debate that you should follow Waterfall or Agile. If you have no idea where to begin, It is best for you to think about the project as a whole and then choose the right development methodology.

What is the Waterfall methodology?

Waterfall Model methodology is also termed as Liner Sequential Life Cycle Model which is followed in sequential order. In this model, the development team only proceeds to the succeeding phase of development or testing after the previous one is completed successfully.

What is an agile methodology?

The agile development methodology is the practice that helps constant iteration of development and testing in the development process. Under this model, development and testing activities are simultaneous; also, the process lets better communication among clients, mobile app developers, managers, and the testers.

Moving onto which is better for mobile application development; let us find out their advantages and limitations to recognize readily, which development methodology is better.

Advantages of the Waterfall Model:

  • It is the most accessible model to manage because of its nature. Each phase has specific deliverables and review process
  • Works adequately for small projects where demands are merely understandable
  • Faster delivery
  • Process and results are well documented
  • Adaptable method for shifting teams
  • Beneficial in managing dependencies

Advantages of the Agile Model:

  • It is a client-focused process, ensuring the client is involved throughout every stage
  • Likely to provide a better result from the development projects
  • Agile software development method assures the quality of the development is controlled
  • The entire process is based on incremental progress
  • Reduced risk in the development process

Limitations of the Waterfall Model:

  • Not an ideal model for big projects
  • It is a less effective method if your requirements are not predefined at the beginning
  • Very complicated to makes changes in the previous phases
  • Testing process starts once development is over
  • Higher possibilities of bugs to be discovered later in development where they are costly to fix

Limitations of the Agile Model

  • Not a beneficial method for small development projects
  • A requirement of experts to make all essential decisions in the meeting
  • Cost of implementation is more compared to other development methodologies.
  • The project can evenly go mistaken if the project manager is not able to get what outcomes the client wants

Making a Choice Between Agile and Waterfall:

We consider the below-written factors when considering which development methodology to use:

Agile Methodology Waterfall Methodology
It divides the project development lifecycle into sprints. The development process is divided into distinct phases.
An Agile methodology is an incremental approach. Waterfall methodology is a sequential design process.

Agile methodology is known for its flexibility.
The waterfall is a structured app development methodology; that is why it can be quite rigid most of the times.
Agile can be regarded as a combination of different projects.  Application development will be accomplished as one single project.
Agile is a flexible method that allows modifications in the development requirements, even if the initial planning has been completed.   There is no room for modifications in the requirements once the project development commences.
It follows an iterative development approach because all development phases may appear more than once. All the project development phases like designing, development, testing, etc. are performed earlier in the Waterfall model.
The test plan is examined after each sprint. The test plan is considered rarely during the test phase.
Ideal for projects in which the requirements are expected to change and evolve.    The method is ideal for projects having definite needs, and changes are not at all expected.
In Agile methodology, testing is performed simultaneously with app development.   In this methodology, the Testing phase comes next to the Build phase.
It works exceptionally well with Time & Materials or non-fixed funding and may increase stress in fixed-price scenarios.    Reduces risk in the fixed-price contracts by accepting risk agreement at the commencement of the process.
A dedicated team with a high degree of coordination and synchronization. Team coordination/synchronization is minimal.
Test team can take a role in the requirements to change without hassle. It is challenging for the test team to initiate any variation in conditions.
The project details can be modified anytime during the SDLC process.   No scope for the change in the needs of the project details.
The Agile Team members are interchangeable; as a result, they work quicker. There emerges no need for project managers as the entire team manages the projects. In the waterfall method, the process is straightforward; therefore, project manager plays a fundamental role during every stage of SDLC.

Final Thoughts:

Well, agile and waterfall are different application development methodologies and are useful in their particular way. However, there are significant differences highlighted above that define which is best for application development. Most of the digital projects and entrepreneurs opt agile methodology; on the other hand, if you are scaling up and have stable project requirements & management, you may consider the waterfall approach. Regardless of the approach you take, it is imperative to be flexible and ready to adapt on the go as neither methodology guarantees project success. Right methodology matters in delivering the sustainable product that meets your customers’ expectations.


Why Food & Beverage App Development Getting Fabulous Response

App Development

Everyone loves eating, and nothing is better than sitting in comfort, reading your favorite novel, watching some show or movie or just gossiping with your family & friends, but thought of cooking food for everyone makes you sometimes unhappy. The days have gone when you have to dine in or visit hotels or restaurants for having your favorite food and beverages. With the advent of food & beverage app, all can be done in seconds with a few taps on your mobile phone screens now. Applications like Zomato, Foodpanda, and Swiggy has transformed the business processes of the restaurants, bars, cafes, and hotels.

Running a restaurant and hotel company is a big deal in the industry today and amongst the most successful businesses in terms of profit-making. With the advent of mobile applications, the sector has got a cherry on the cake. Food and beverages apps are a new rage; the services of these restaurants and hotels have been instantaneous; also, it acts as a collaboration platform between the restaurants and clients. Food and beverages ordering apps have assisted many business enterprises to grow their business and maximize profits. The characteristics that helped several companies are:

  • More scalable Model
  • Good Customer Service
  • No frustrations ordering
  • Build your customer database
  • Crush your competition
  • 24/7 Order Support

As mentioned earlier, the food and beverage business is much successful in the industry in terms of profit-making, so more and more startups every day getting in the food industry. To compete in such a harsh competition, every startup needs a mobile app even more than it needs a website today targeting varied platforms such as Android, iOS, Windows, and more. With the advent of multiple tools and technologies, building a mobile application has become more comfortable, but you need to keep up with specific guidelines and adhere to some criteria depending on the kind of app development. Food and beverages app development is not a linear process but entails lots of complexity.

Before initiating food and beverage app development, it is always beneficial to identify your target goals from it, features or qualities you need in it, and the advantages you are focusing on. For food and beverages ordering and delivery app development, analyze these determinants:

➤ Begin regionally, examine your concept, launch a marketing campaign, and then climb onto a large scale.

➤ Hire some experienced and worthy mobile app developers who have previously worked for this field.

➤ Before launching your beta product Promotion is crucial and begin for it from the very start of the initial phase

➤ Engage your potential customers by social media, emails, etc., through the online food and beverages ordering app.

➤ Concentrate on receiving feedback from customers and executing improvisations based on that for your app.

Now, let us climb onto the benefits that these applications have given and why these applications are getting a fabulous response:

Online slot reservation

There are numerous mobile applications connecting users with closest restaurants and present them with the required details to reserve the table. With online slot reservations, end-users to book their slots or determine whether it has a free table or not, resulting in reducing traffic congestion in front of restaurants.

Digital menu card

A mobile app allows people to place their orders using a digital menu card, providing a highly convenient experience to users. With digital menu cards, users place their orders online without much hassle to choose the food item and with just a few clicks on their phones.

Ordering online and online delivery {fast food chains}

Fast food chains eradicate the mediator’s role in booking orders as they will allow end-users to book their order over the online platforms and mobile applications. Apps end up saving time and tapping the order delivery, making food ordering easier for customers.

Online presence, especially on social media websites

No matter what industrial sector your business belongs to, it is significant to have an aggressive online presence on social media sites, like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, to have effective online marketing so that you keep on going ahead with the changing trends. Also, it helps you in enhancing your brand value and image.

Loyalty programs

Loyalty programs act as hitting two birds by a single stone, i.e., it benefits in retaining your existing customers, also dragging new ones. As per a study, 65% of customers are likely to download apps which provide them with exclusive offers periodically. So, you may offer schemes like discounts, loyalty points, and so on to retain your customers.

Better ROI on specials you offer

Timings play a vital role, so you should send Notifications at the right time, informing your customers regarding new dishes and combos in your restaurant. This might implant the idea in your customers’ mind, and they are likely to visit that will help you to gain good sales on weekdays and whooping sales of double amount on weekends.

Online promotion through ‘check-in’ apps

Restaurants furnish customers with an added feature using which they can let their friends know where they are through mobile applications. It fascinates many customers towards the restaurant as they get to know its name; also, it appears as a real-time recommendation.

Wrapping Up

Technology can inevitably solve many of the problems by streamlining the entire chain for many industries to yield fruitful results in carrying out B2B activities. Interestingly, mobile application development caters to diverse requirements of the food and beverage industry as well. All restaurants and hotels necessitate having a mobile app so that they can plan their actions depending on the responses to magnify customer services as they get to know what sections have the scope for improvement.


Effective ways to know your Target Audiences for Mobile App

Mobile App

Know your target audience. These words are always advice to entrepreneurs in every field of business, as knowing the targeted audience is crucial because of the lack of face-to-face sales opportunities. According to CB Insights, in their post-mortem on the death of 253 startups, 14% of the startups failed as they didn’t get any user attention and indulged in poor marketing strategies. As a result, these companies failed to define their target audience correctly. In this sternest competitive environment, most mobile app developers are concerned about being successful and getting a significant share in the market. Down the line, finding your target market plays a vital role in overall business strategy. Overlooking this step, you risk ruining your whole marketing budget or even a potentially successful mobile app idea.

By having proper thorough research on your target audiences before launching the app, you can plan the design and functionality encompassing their preferences. Well, take a minute to think what your ultimate aim is; the answer is to get more users on your app. You may have a great app idea, but it depends on the audience if they think whether that idea is unique or not. If you determine your target audience first, you can save a lot of time and money during the mobile app development and promotion phase.

So first take out some time and firmly decide on your potential users. The key to knowing your app’s target audience rests in the analysis you do beforehand, during, and also after the actual application development process as there is no room for creating an error.

You may have a great app idea, but it depends on the audience if they think whether that idea is unique or not. If you determine your target audience first, you can save a lot of time and money during the mobile app development and promotion phase. So first take out some time and firmly decide on your potential users. The key to knowing your app’s target audience rests in the analysis you do beforehand, during, and also after the actual application development process as there is no room for creating an error.

Figuring out your targeted audience for your application, you can

Knowing your targeted audience could prove to be highly beneficial before starting to develop the app. Once done with analysis on the target audience you can:

  • Plan functionality and design encompassing their demands, tastes, choices, and preferences
  • Practice the most suitable monetization model
  • Generate a definite and compelling marketing campaign
  • Also, it enhances the chances of achieving success

Define your audience

You must possess a definite understanding of who your audience is to be critically examined before the application development starts, therefore, be very cautious if you hope to be successful.

In this article, we will explain how to figure out the target audience effectively for your mobile application.

General understanding

In general understanding, you come to know some general insight regarding who your target market is going to be and gather knowledge on the initial lines of the market. Having a grocery app, for instance, will probably mean that your target audience will include the different age groups of people in different demographics. Since grocery purchasing is mainly associated with homemakers or housewives, who seem to shop more often than men do. But you can’t say that just women are your potential customers as men, students, and others also visit the app to purchase items.

Secondary market research

Secondary market research allows you to have a deeper understanding of your target market as you have to go with a broader perspective and approach. It is done by looking at data that already exists, like company reports and existing survey, you will also be able to learn more not only about your audience specifically, but also the market in general as well as your competitors. In the context of the grocery app, for instance, you can focus on how often people log into the app to look for new clothes and order products, what kind of items they gravitate towards the most, what mode of payment is used most often, app reviews and ratings as well. Also, you must not forget to keep your eyes on your competitors.

Audience demographics and behaviors

When performing research, it’s imperative for you to know certain details concerning your target audience that will allow you to identify them more efficiently. Identifying these specific details might be more or less valuable, depending on the nature of your app. Let’s know based on what the audience is to be targeted:

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Income level
  • Education
  • Family status
  • Profession
  • Solvency level
  • Main interests

Facilitates marketing

Once you recognize the requirements of your clients, you can readily estimate the marketing strategies that are going to undeviatingly operate on the client’s requirements. After analyzing what your users exactly desire for when you spend a considerable amount on marketing, you undoubtedly get the coveted results and surprisingly exceptional outcomes.

Check the trends

Another thing you need to know is keeping a check on the trends or something related to it if your idea of the app is in a stronger or waning situation. You can use search engines, for example, Google Trends/ Adwords to have an overview of the things people are searching for and how often. Also, you can find keywords that will be relevant to your online marketing strategy.

Conducting research on competitor’s app

Most importantly, you also need to examine your competitor’s app besides understanding the taste and preferences of your potential target audience. The primary step is to find and analyze who all are your genuine competitors. By conducting intense research you can carry SWOT analysis easily, by which you can identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for your app that will help develop an app that is more specifically driven towards the target audience.


If you need to acquire a more thorough understanding of consumers in your market, you need to tie up your shoes and perform some of the work on your own. With the help of online survey services, you access a large number of respondents for a fee and ask questions related to your app and the questions you ask will determine a lot. Apart from the questions associated with your app, you also necessitate collecting demographic and lifestyle data of your respondents.

Focus groups

Nothing more is an effective way of helping you identify your target audience than face-to-face interaction with your potential customer base. Meeting one or multiple focus groups, you will come to know consumers thoughts, and to demand follow-up questions which surveys don’t necessarily allow that can give you a better idea of their expectations. When choosing members for a focus group, make use of the demographic information you’ve previously collected and analyzed to recruit a diversity of users that each represents potential members of your target audience.

Wrapping up

If you desire for mobile app development, it is remarkably vital that you recognize the target audience for that application before starting its development. This will empower you to apprehend the features and functionalities that should be in the app. Likewise, if all the app creators recognize their target audience, the chance of its success will be gradually more in the race.


Equitable Mobile App Developer Selection- Hints & Tips

Mobile app developer

Hiring mobile app developer is a hard task if the developer is unknown and you know qualifications and skills only through the CV of the developers. An assumption about talented app developers is that they are hard to hire, as they usually have immense expectations- it may be the package expectation or job profile expectation or environment and colleagues with their work.

Consequently, it is essential to clearly elucidate the roles and responsibilities from the very beginning to developers, so that you get the most suitable and beneficial developers for your projects.

Initially the question arises ‘how you can hire the most appropriate developers?’

Here are some hints and tips to be followed while hiring and dealing with developers.

Financial Blueprint (Budget)

To hire professionals, you should clarify their doubts from the very beginning, so that no chaos arises in the future about the demand and what expectations you expect from the final project.

All developers want to get hired from a company which can assure them financially. The budget should be discussed thoroughly and in detail. A true and fair estimation should be quoted for the proposals accordingly.


  1. Unnecessary negotiation should be avoided.
  2.  Don’t settle for the lowest prices, low prices will impact in maintaining the quality of the app because of the unavailability of resources.

Handing Over (Delivery)

On-time delivery should be given prime importance. You might get the quality work according to your will but, if it’s not within the reasonable time framed it’s of no use and futile. As a result of this, you might lose the chance to succeed in the market and philanthropy.

 So, make sure you achieve your targets in the given tenure for your survival in the market. Developers should openly discuss the estimated delivery date and the expectations on this matter, so that the level of risk is diminished.


  1. Set deadlines and work accordingly.
  2. Uninterrupted coordination should be there.


This is the most relevant and critical criterion among all the criteria of the selection process. In this process, the actual expertise and skills of the mobile app developers are scrutinized.

That is the only reason to immense stress in this process of selecting finest developers. We strongly recommend you to hire app developers who can honestly do what they profess.

  • Check their resumes, references, reviews if any.
  • Analyze the work they are actually performing and what work you want them to do in terms of the size & complexity of the projects.
  • The results of hitherto launched apps should be also taken into consideration that was their contribution and performance in those apps.
  • Discussion with the clients about their views who reviewed their projects.
  • Based on what you found, take a survey and note the expected quality and creativity, you have from that app developer.
  • If possibilities are there, take their random but small tests before appointing them to the app development company.
  • Some reviews might not be real so be aware and ask for the proofs such as salary slip, experience letter etc. to avoid fake developers.


  1. Choose that developer who suits the requirement of your project.
  2. Select developers who can maintain the company will and act professionally.


This is a major selection criterion which actually covers many aspects:

  • There should be a proper communication & clear understanding of requirements between developers and selectors, overall approach of the projects.
  • Language proficiency of the developers should be checked.  
  • Transparency must be there between the developers and the selectors.
  • Communication skills of developers should be given immense importance to avoid delays in completion of the project.
  • Compatibility and responsiveness is to be taken into consideration.
  • Proper support and consultancy


  1. Mobile App developer must be asked as many questions you can so that no confusion persists in the terms of completion of project & cost of the project.
  2. Have a proper flow/ medium of communication.
  3. Clear understanding should be there and developer’s perception should also be asked for efficient development of the best apps.

We must give attention to some of the points highlighted below for a better selection criterion. The grounds which should be taken care and what should be avoided:

Tips- things that should be considered-

  1. You should be clear about your demands and expectations from the very beginning to avoid unnecessary issues.
  2. Selection criteria should be moulded according to the requirement of the clients.
  3. Discussion of strategies and plans which they adopt and decide accordingly.
  4. Your requirement may vary with the complexity of the projects, so keep that in mind while selecting your app developer or app development company.
  5. Work strategy and time requirement should be clearly asked.

Tips- Things that should be Avoided

  1. Avoid irrelevant delay structures.
  2. Don’t assume anything from your own mind.
  3. Don’t think that everything is going well if developer has no query.


To select mobile app developers in an efficient way, some of the above given key factors must be taken as a matter of concern. These factors must be regarded prime while selecting the mobile app developer to have ideal and optimal developers.