Apple & Google Accerlates Coronavirus through Contact Tracing Apps

Contact Tracing App

Apple and Google have recently announced that there is a huge collaboration between both of them to create a contact tracing app. The main aim of creating this app is to slow the spread of the COVID19 Pandemic by allowing the users to log in to their mobile phones. This is one of the rare collaboration that is happening between two Silicon Valley Companies and whose operating system is powered 99% of the world’s smartphone.

There is a rare collaboration between the two Silicon Valley companies who have the operating system that powers about 99% of the world’s largest smartphones. These mobile applications will help to trace the patients if any of the COVID 19 pandemic and will help them to get treatment instantly so that others may not get affected. The usage of mobile applications can help to accerlate the potentially affected patients into testing or can be mad quarantine quickly so that other may not get affected from the virus.

This contact tracing app will play a significant role in managing the spread of coronavirus pandemic in this lockdown. So, those others may not get affected by this spread and will have a safer environment in the future. By suing this technology all the infected will come into the contact and can be sent for the treatment so that others may not get affected from the same. In this way, you can favor the decentralized system thus to trace the contacts and government in Asia and Europe where the spread of COVID is much more than any other country.

How does Contact Tracing App Will work?

With the pushing movement of centralized approaches, that have resulted in technical weakness and potentially let the government understand with whom the people are associated is far much better. With Apple and Google, people will get all the public functions that they might need with the decentralized approaches and a privacy friendly app. The centralized solutions are also proposed with other major countries such as Germany and Britain and they will also not work under the new technology until the spread is not decreased.

This application is very useful especially in the place where the infected persons do not have any idea whom they had been close to for the extended duration. While it is not mandatory that people have to use this mobile application, but if anyone is using then they have to open or turn on their Bluetooth settings in their mobile devices so that tracing can be done perfectly.

The need to enable the push notification is also required if you are using this mobile application and your location permission in the app is also mandatory which is available on the Google Play Store or Apple Play Store. Currently, this has not been recorded how many people are using this mobile application.

In this mobile application, the official contact tracers can provide the code which users can match up to with the verification process or the code on their app. Once the verification code is authenticated, then the users will get a PIN that will allow the data to be submitted. The traces will never ask from the user for any personal financial details or the request to transfer any amount over their mobile devices, so be aware of the fraudulent.

When users are using this mobile application, then they will also be asked for sharing their data logs. If the user does not share their data logs, then they will be prosecuted under the Infectious Diseases Act and they will have certain legal actions to be taken.

Is the Mobile Application Substitute for testing?

Apple and Google have panned to release this software for mobile applications in the mid of May to contact tracing apps which they and the public health authorities will approve and also said that the new tool will enable them to drop potentially unreliable work all around. The apps will help to focus on developing a simple interface so that everyone or the other person can use this mobile application.

The interface of this mobile application is kept very simple and user friendly so that the users and the workers of healthcare industry can use it. With Apple and Google handling Bluetooth and privacy issues, this app will play a significant role in controlling the spread of this virus and thus will help to prevent and cure people much faster.  However, this mobile application is being launched in the mid of the month, and therefore users need not have to separate app to log nearby phones.

It has also been stated that this is not a substitute for testing but the users must be aware of that it produces the actionable results so that people can act responsibly and self-isolate themselves to avoid the spread and in contact of this virus and thus decrease the anxiety in the community about the spread as a whole.


Lastly, this mobile app development of developing contact tracing app will help not only the users but also the healthcare department to prevent the spread of this virus and make people free and aware of the anxiety that they are facing in the community.


8 Technology Trends to watch in Covid-19 Pandemic

Technology Trends

As the COVID19 pandemic has affected a lot of segments whether it is a business or a school or universities or any other. The technologies are significantly playing a vital role in day to day lives and have impacted in better ways in this covid19 pandemic which has created a fundamental impact on business and its working standards. Technologies have accelerated the entire growth and market scenario of the business in one or another way including digital payments, healthcare industry and robotics. The technologies are playing a crucial role and are assisting us to reduce the spread of this crisis while helping businesses stay open.

It is really important to understand how to trade your business, how to produce goods and how to make sure that your business is moving in right direction which can create a vulnerable experience in the growth of your business. Therefore, let us have a look on some of the 8 technology trends that will create an amazing experience in COVID19 pandemic and help to make your business much better as below:

Remote Work

There are lots of companies who have asked their employees first before they have taken a decision to do work from home in coronavirus pandemic. This decision has been made by the business so that their work will not be disturbed in this crisis. There are lots of tools that have enabled the work from home technologies so far such as work collaboration tools and facial tools. In addition to all this, the preventing of covid19 pandemic or can say the spread of the virus has also reduced and has saved the commute time and provide more flexibility.

Yet remote work can be quite challenging for some employees and employers too but it has also complicated the labor law issue. After the spread of virus, if the remote work will become more common than the employees will be more secure in working for the organization and this will increase business growth. Hence, there will be decrease in the hiring process and retention rate will become quite high.

Distance Learning

As of in the mid of April, many of the countries have announced that implementing a school or university closures and have started the learning procedure online. There are many educational institutes who are offering online learning material to their students which have not affected the working process in quarantine. The technologies involved in this distance learning process include virtual reality/ augmented reality, and 3D printing. The possibility of distance learning will be even more in this crisis and hence the working standards will increase.


Telehealth is another one of the prominent sectors which are being affected by this COVID19 and can be a very effective way to contain the spread of COVID19.  The wearable devices and the chatbots can help the patients to identify the preventive measures and diagnosis in better ways. Telehealth also needs a certain level of tech literacy to operate and also a good internet connection.  The medical service has acquired the entire business and the way doctors are helping patients in relieving them from this crisis.

3D Printing

3D printing has acquired the entire market and has been becoming one of the major sources of working in this quarantine. 3D printing technology provides flexibility in the production and the same printer can also help to produce different kinds of materials and can design files and materials differently. With creating a lengthy procurement process, the 3D printing challenges can create a devastating experience.

Robotics & Drones

We all know that it is a lockdown in the entire country and therefore, to keep up the eye on the people at make them aware and stay away from the COVID19 pandemic, the use of drones and robotics technology has taken place. Through drone cameras delivery of food items and keeping an eye on people to prevent the spread of the covid19 has made it possible and useful for the people. The rolling pushout of the robots and research on robotics has also made COVID spread quite decreased.

Online Entertainment

Being in the lockdown since long time has decreased the measures of human creativity and their entertainment ways and has brought everything partly online. The cloud waves and the production companies have also realized their films online which has created a devastating rise in online entrainment. Due to this lockdown, everyone or the other person is making themselves entertained by watching films and other stuff online that has created a great impact on technology.

Online Shopping and Robot Deliveries

COVID19 has transformed the online shopping and robot deliveries standard which has surpassed all around the world. Retail industry has been supported by the robust logistic system through robot deliveries. There are many deliveries which companies and restaurants in China and the USA are proving through robotics standards and hence the technology has taken a boom in the same.

Digital Payments

As we know that cash can carry the spread of COVID virus, and therefore, the digital payments or the contact payments have taken place in almost the entire world. Now, digital payments such as e-wallets, cards, Paytm, and many other modes of payments have been introduced and people are constantly paying their stuff through the same. This has decreased the spread of COVID19 and has made people aware of the same which has resulted in growth in the digital and online payment modes.


COVID 19 has demonstrated the impact and the importance of digital readiness and hence allowed some organizations to continue as usual which will not affect the business success and standards. The impact of these technologies is quite strung on businesses as well as people and has created human-centered solutions promptly.


AWS launches Amazon AppFlow: Its New SaaS Integration Services


Amazon Web Services (AWS) on 23, April 2020, (Wednesday) has announced the launch of its new third-party application which is AppFlow. Amazon AppFlow is one of the fully managed services that allow the data between the third party that assist you to create custom code. This new integration service assists customers and thus makes it easier for the developers to transfer the data between the SaaS applications and AWS such as Slack, Google Analytics, Marketo, and more.

Unlike the competitors, AWS (Amazon Web Service) is highly positioned with these services more and more as the data transfer services can help to automate the workflow. This data flow can be bidirectional in many ways and therefore, this announcement can be mostly focused on moving data from SaaS applications and can be read out for more future analysis. This AWS AppFlow offers a very easy and intuitive way to its customers thus merging with the data from AWS and SaaS applications, even though it does not move across the public internet. With the help of these mobile applications, the customers can help to bring together and can assist to manage the petabytes, megabytes, and exabytes of data spread all over the globe in applications.

This is all because without having a custom connector you can manage the underlying API and network connectivity in the best possible manner. The customers have also stated that they have appreciated and loved the ability for storing, processing, and analyzing their data in the AWS stage and are also using a variety of third-party SaaS applications. They also tell that it can be even difficult to manage the flow of data between all of these mobile applications and AWS.

How the AppFlow Application Runs?

There are millions of customers who can run mobile applications and data takes with large-scale analytics and therefore it creates a workload on AWS, machine learning, and IoT. In this, the customers have to often store the data in dozens of ways for the SaaS application, which highly results in silos and are disconnected from the data stores in the AWS live class software. The organizations also need to combine their data from all these resources but it also requires the customers to spend a lot of days writing the code in such segments.

With the SaaS applications, the customers can end up sprawling the connector and this can lead to the release of the difficulty level of real-time data transfer. All this can create a delay between the data when it is available in SaaS another when it is on another system to access the record. In big organizations, business users have to wait for a longer period for skilled and expert developers to create custom connectors.

Amazon AppFlow solves major problems with its user’s can, therefore, can allow customers with various diverse technical skills which usually include CRM administrators. Customers can also use this mobile application just to create and build the data transfer between each flow and with just a click, the customers can configure multiple types of triggers that data flows can occur at the time of launch. With the help of some instances, Amazon said developers must have the additional choice of some instance type that ranges from small CPU instances to multi-GPU instances which will allow them to choose the right ratio for cost and performance for their infrastructure prediction.

The developers can spend a large amount of time writing code that can provide the integration so that they can pass data between the SaaS applications and the AWS live class development services that can be analyzed as these are quite expensive and can often take months to finish. If data requirements can change then the cost and complicated modifications have to be made perfectly for the integration process. The organizations that do not have the luxuries engineering resources sometimes might find themselves manually importing and exporting data from applications which is time-consuming and risk data leakage which has a human potential error.


Building Mobile Apps for Foldable & Large Screen Mobile Devices

mobile apps

As we all know that the increase in demand for mobile phones has drastically changed over the past few years. Right from the flip mobile phones to keypad phones to QWERTY phones to touch screens now, everything has completely changed in different ways. For about the past 2 years, the entire business has been revolving around foldable mobile phones and this will continue to create a remarkable history in the coming years.

Today, foldable mobile phones are been apart from other types of mobile phones that have grabbed the attention of users in less amount of time and have completely blended the devices that result in the excitement of users. When these mobile phones are not in use, they can be folded into small pocket sizes and can be opened with a larger screen when using.

As per the report from Global device forecast, by the year 2023, foldable mobile phones will present 5% of high-end smartphones in the market which led to the growth of businesses. Primarily because of the high costs involved, the world tech is dived when it comes to the success of foldable mobile phones in the coming near future.

Impact of foldable mobile phones on the development process

The increase in the number of mobile phones (foldable phones) has impacted directly the process of development in today’s competitive scenario. It is a fact that how a mobile app is developed for a single screen is absolutely different from how a mobile app is developed for both small and large screens. The developers will certainly have to focus on several factors like the configuration, size, and more while developing mobile apps for two different screens.

The entire process gets altered when it comes to designing parts of the screens. Sometimes, people generally seem that it is easy and flexible to solve the problems with UI/UX designs and for larger screens, it might be complicated at some point in time. To begin with, the developers will provide the best and more immersive experience for the users because they have a multi-window with foldable mobile phones.

As the best mobile UI/UX development company, it is important to understand the needs of the users and work accordingly on the mobile application development process.  Not only the video streaming apps but also the live content and major streaming services are offered by foldable mobile phones in a larger format for the user’s convexity.

Major features to build mobile apps for foldable and larger screen devices

As we know that foldable mobile phones offer an immersive user experience and therefore, mobile app development becomes more innumerable for the users. Let us have a look at some of the major steps that one should keep in mind while building mobile apps for foldable and larger screen mobile devices:

App Continuity

It is important for foldable mobile phones to give the transition from one screen to another that will satisfy the users with greater experience and will result in better outcomes.


One of the crucial factors that foldable mobile phone has is resizable which makes these mobile phones easy to use and handy to carry. This will help you to ensure the maximum compatibility factor no matter what the environmental functionality is.

Screen Ratio

To ensure compatibility with the number of devices, the mobile apps must be tested on as many screens as possible and in different screen ratios which makes the content or videos or any other stuff valuable and convenient for the users.


Multi-window is another best feature that foldable mobile phones have and is advised to have the multiple applications that are running side by side when the phone is expanded to its larger size and is running at the same time.


This is one of the major points that developers should focus upon while working on foldable mobile phones that the multi-resume feature is important either way. This is done especially to help the apps which run the content or would either get paused whenever a mobile app is not focusing.


The future might seem to be that the foldable mobile phones have more features more than one screen at one time and this configuration might alter or can be safely handled in the same way like the developer works on projected screens for Chrome OS.

Multi-Display Support

The surface of android app development is independently drawn away which is one of the most important factors one (developer) must cover and understand. Hence, the multi-display support will allow users for a better user experience.

Foldable Testing

Are you sure that your mobile phone (foldable phone) is ready to be released or not? Then, perform the testing option in it before you release them. Therefore, as a mobile app developer you must cross-check configuration changes, multi-window, and multi-resume, resizing, and screen ratios in a better way.


When it comes to mobile application development either for the android app development or iOS app development platform, there are several challenges and multiple factors to consider at the time of the development process. Hence, it completely depends upon the users’ requirements what they or their business is looking for in what sort of budget.


5G Edge Computing Solutions are now Superior by Google Cloud and AT&T Teamwork

Edge Computing Solutions

Google cloud and AT&T have come to a new collaboration to use 5G edge computing services that will help to bring businesses and industries to a new range. Highly advanced and 5G speed cloud computing services allow companies to process at high speed and store data more securely with Google cloud.

Why Google Cloud is Invincible:

  • Better Pricing Plans Available
  • Enhanced Execution
  • Benefits of Live Migration
  • Private Network
  • Commitment to Constant Development
  • Control and Security
  • Redundant Backups

This hybridization has simplified the data collection and computing produced from the Internet of Things (IoT). Edge computing solutions will use the core services of Google cloud, like Kubernetes, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Analysis. They are providing Edge computing data and applications for companies, to avail computing access in large storage and concoct them at high speed. Google and AT&T will also work with individual dealers, developers, software analysts, and other technological associations.

AT&T 5G Broadband will Provide:

  • Greater speed
  • More capacity of remote execution
  • Implementation of virtual networks is possible
  • Enhanced network to eliminate debility

In a recent press release Thomas Kurian, CEO, Google Cloud said, “Our co-innovation with AT&T aims to bring a multitude of 5G and edge computing solutions to address a diversity of use cases, driving real business value in industries like retail, manufacturing, gaming and more.”

Benefits of edge computing services are storage and processing access is easily available in a remote zone. Companies can easily optimize user interface to provide end to end amazing user experience. This will be a great revolution toward the improvement of b2b relations. Therefore, minimum quiescence in cloud computing services gives an extreme smoothness in running applications to deliver the best results to clientele.

“Combining AT&T’s network edge, including 5G, with Google Cloud’s edge compute technologies can unlock the cloud’s true potential. ” statement given by Mo Katibeh, EVP and also the chief marketing officer, at AT&T Businesses, in their press release.

Both the companies the Google cloud and AT&T are adjoined for revolutionary changes in business processing in developing and remote locations too. Edge computing will be a great present for industries like production, import/export, gaming, etc. They are also thinking of partnerships with more other companies for better development. Contribution from different companies will take these ethics to great betterment. Edge computing is being preferred over other sorts of data storage and performance to improve the user experience for various businesses.

[Read More: A New Era of Mobile App Development with 5G Technology]


The Google cloud foundation and AT&T networks are collaborating to provide outstanding edge computing services. They will improve data computing and storage for the companies and industries in areas with less or no network connection. Their teamwork is growing forward, to develop cloud computing services with the fastest network of this time.


Mobile World Congress (MWC) Barcelona 2020: Event Topics and Keynotes

Mobile World Congress

About MWC Barcelona, Event Dates & Event Location

Formally known as Mobile World Congress, the GSMA MWC series is recognized as the largest exhibition for the mobile industry all over the globe. Featuring the famous officials representing the global mobile engineers, device manufacturers, technology providers, vendors, and content owners, it incorporates a thought-leadership conference.

Mobile World Congress Barcelona event this time will be commencing on 24 February and will conclude on 27 February 2020. This time, the event of 2020 will be taken out at Fira Gran Via with selected events that include 4YFN, inaugurating at Fira Montjuïc.

MWC Event Topics

Within Limitless Intelligent Connectivity, the Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2020 is life. Here, we have listed core topics, conference keynotes, sessions, partner events, tours, and seminars that the event will be focusing on.

AI- Sponsored by NVIDIA

The international market of Artificial Intelligence is forecasted to touch $70 billion by the end of 2020. Artificial Intelligence is poised to hold a transformative impression on consumers, industries, and governments throughout the globe. AI will traverse the true potential of AI, how we need to handle such an intellectually significant technological change and its repercussions on our professional as well as personal experiences.

Connectivity: The 5G Era- Sponsored by Deloitte

The 5G aeon at MWC 2020 intends to focus attention on how next-gen networks will set the foundation of wide-reaching value creation along with economic impression. A comprehensive inspection at the enterprise connectivity ecosystem, starting from implementation, to practice illustrations, scalable programs, business standards, spectrum, regulation, and investment into the business will be taken into consideration. Moreover, the cultural challenges faced while working with different and diverse markets/industries will also be given attention. Actualizing the absolute potential of global connectivity is intricate as well as challenging, although the possibility is near endless in its applicability and effect.

Customer Engagement- Sponsored by Braze

For decades, customer engagement has remained a critical battleground for brands, service providers, as well as governments. However, its progression & prominence have stimulated lately by the advent of the Internet, followed by mobile and now smartphones. Customer Engagement will study at cases of each industry for understanding how business owners can establish the benchmark for customer engagement, retain them and realize more consumers to grow revenue more.

Industry X- Sponsored by Citi

Making use of a combination of different technologies like the Industrial Internet of Things, Big Data, Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, 3D Printing as well as Machine Learning, enterprises can unfasten extra revenue along with engagement patterns including consumers, workers & partners. Industry X requires to explore the threats, possibilities, versatility and endless potential of Industrial IoT and digital conversion. Moreover, companies demand to modify their mindset & culture so that they can operate and reassess their structure and approach.

Media and Entertainment- Sponsored by ViacomCBS

Undoubtedly, 5G will recast the manner viewers engage with content. As the desire and belief for Augmented Reality/ Virtual Reality and additional modes of more immersive content raise, the influence on networks, event venues, and overall customer engagement will rise. It presents all unprecedented hurdles to everyone associated with these intertwined enterprises. Moreover, Media & Entertainment will acknowledge the obstacles, the revenue models, with the connection in consumption growth and network potential.

Our Planet

The agenda is that our sector should stand as a significant contributor for building a sustained, neat and equitable society for all. Mobile technology has got the potential to support societies from the individual level, to confidently reshaping our Planet’s ecosystem. The “Our Planet” at Mobile World Congress 20 will review the connected technology industries responsibilities to the environment as well as underserved people that will also include the unconnected and accessibility for the disabled, among others.

Security and Privacy

Lately, the scandals have suppressed belief in the digital ecosystem as of today. Coupled with the booming introduction and interest in legislation around privacy and the ethics of data usage as we set foot in the AI age, we are at a pivotal crossroads in the progression of the Internet. Security and Privacy review the exponentially grow the obligations needed to correct offset with customers, governments, controllers as well as businesses.