How AI is becoming a Propitious Tool in Response to the Global Outbreak- Coronavirus


The start of the year 2020 isn’t pleasant as it was thought to be, as at the end of December and the rear start of January an outbreak of a deadly virus was detected in the world’s most populated country and our near neighbor i.e. China. The virus named Coronavirus(2019-nCoV) was first reported from Wuhan, China on 31st December 2019 and has now reached up to a number of 20,438 confirmed cases in China with a death toll of about 435 people. The virus possesses a potential threat of becoming a worldwide epidemic.

Another outlook to the outbreak- AI

A positive outlook among this obnoxious news and thoughts is the use of Artificial Intelligence towards the global virus outbreak. In the present scenario with the outbreak of a fatal and deadly virus that possesses the threat to abolish the human population, any help would be a sight for the sore eyes. And believe it or not, AI is proving its worth by becoming a useful tool in monitoring and responding to the crisis.

For the past years because of the minimalistic data and ideas, AI wasn’t that useful in monitoring outbreaks and witnessing or checking the spread of the epidemic. But with today’s tech-savvy approach and smartphone oriented era, the spread of millions of posts about coronavirus are spreading faster than the virus itself. That allows algorithms to generate lightning-fast information about the virus for the health officials and helps in a better understanding of the virus and finding aid.

AI Smart Aid

AI-backed technologies are used to help contain the virus by using robotic cleaners spraying disinfectants to Artificial Intelligence voice assistants calling people to give advice at home. In addition to these AI, powered voice robots are in use to monitor the health of the individuals and provide necessary and important medical instructions to the needy in need. According to the local news report, AI bots can categorize the collected information and help to maintain daily reports thus helping in monitoring the spread of the virus. The use of AI by Mobile App Development Company to create apps that monitor the symptoms of the people is also in great use and has proved to be very useful.

AI and machine language are very good at identifying patterns in the data and the risk factors that might supplement the virus outbreak and might help the medical officials towards effectively identifying and stopping of the coronavirus outbreak. AI tools may help to accelerate research and in responding to the coronavirus outbreak.


By the above thoughts, you can have an idea about the propitious use of AI as a tool against the coronavirus outbreak and its related consequences. Furthermore, that isn’t even a hint of something more substantial. AI Chatbot App Development Company has developed various AI chatbots application for medical agency and hospital that help you in defeating this deadly virus, So if you are planning yourself to have an AI chat over your symptoms or might want to take advice, feel free to step yourself in AI automated treatment that will keep you stay ahead of the curve.


Forthcoming Mobile App Development Trends to be followed in 2020 and Ahead

Mobile App Development Trends

Technology has continued to grow at a rapid pace and disrupted our lives by presenting us with smart solutions that fulfill our demands. Things that were science fiction till yesterday are today’s reality. From the advent of the personal computer, smartphones to the ascent of technologies like AI, Wearables, Beacon, and IoT technology has been exponentially progressing. As of now, when talking about the fastest-growing areas of technology, mobile technology is one of the fast-growing areas. Organizations are harnessing the power of technology, especially the mobile application industry is revamping their reality.

To accomplish enormous growth and sustainability, each organization needs to integrate the most recent mobile app development trends. The global app development industry is supposed to ascend to 6.3 trillion USD by 2021, and by 2023 the apps are expected to generate a revenue of 935.2 Billion USD. Mobile apps are enhancing the UX by making it speedy, simple, and effortless.

Recent Mobile App Development Trends 2020

New trends are emerging as people are shifting towards mobiles. Across the years, the mobile app industry will witness further improvements. In 2020, these are some of the trends that can be seen in action.

AI presenting the apps smarter

Artificial Intelligence is undoubtedly the most suitable technology, making apps smarter. Smart assistants like Siri and Alexa are already in the market to accomplish particular tasks on voice commands. There is plenty of scopes where Artificial Intelligence can be adopted as a robust tool and can be integrated with mobile apps them considerably smarter.

Android instant apps

The user experience of the apps has been better after the launch of instant apps by Google in 2016. Instant apps act like websites and present an assortment of features to hold people with diverse functionalities. Instant apps are smaller in size, possess functionalities of a website, offer excellent user experience, and don’t utilize device memory.

IoT adoption in healthcare

Mobile apps integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT) are meant to monitor patient’s health and provide them with health-related suggestions and tracking their fitness. Real-time health monitoring is the need of the hour right now, and it can be executed by a mobile app that integrates IoT, which not only saves time but also improves security.

The dominance of wearables

Wearables like smartwatches, fitness bands, health trackers or smart rings have changed the way Wearables are used in today’s world. These devices can be integrated with smartphones and will become more independent. By 2020, we will witness the increase in the usage of fitness trackers and a lessened dependence of wearable devices on smartphones.

Use of blockchain in mobile apps

Data breach security issues happen daily because of which the personal data is on the verge of exploitation. For this security purpose, Blockchain-based apps can turn out to be a savior. Blockchain is a distributed ledger and applies a cryptographic layer to present data security. In 2020, the Blockchain apps will be dominating the mobile app industry for sure.

Accelerated mobile pages (AMP)

Website building and its maintenance is not a simple task. However, practicing a stripped-down version of HTML, i.e. AMP that accelerates the pace of mobile pages, can be performed smoothly. AMP lets mobile app developers build bulky websites & pages with high-speed loading and lower bounce rates to realize tremendous performance on mobile devices.

Prominence edge computing

Data handling activities, for example, computation of data & its storage can be put nearer to the spot where it is demanded, which saves time plus bandwidth. The influence of such activities permits unlimited data to be processed and more reliable storage with stabler data analytics.

Impact of 5G Wireless Services

Speed is the chief concern that comes in our heads after reading 5. By the end of 2020, we may see 5G services in action, and it will go to great extents to transform the app development industry. Alongside the high speed, the 5G will introduce various additional features like data security, 3D gaming, augmented reality, to name a few. With such elevated requirements and services, mobile app developers should design the applications in a manner that meets the ideal prerequisites.

The evolution of beacon technology

For transmitting signals, Beacon makes use of Bluetooth technology which is one of the most vital mobile app development technologies used in museums, hotels, hospitals, and so on. They are remote, simple to utilize and pretty efficient in location tracking and proximity marketing. They have a considerable extent of applications when converged with IoT, for example, mobile payments beacons, automated machine learning algorithms, and beacon treasure hunting.

[Read More:- Top Emerging Technologies & Trends]


In 2020, the mobile app development industry will continue to progress with all the above-discussed mobile app development trends. New technologies bring in new possibilities, but its quick adoption is uncertain. By understanding these trends, its adoption can be made more accessible. Since you are aware of the trends now, you won’t confront any difficulty coexisting with them. But if you still face any trouble getting along with them, you can connect with a mobile app development company.


Microsoft’s Math Solver App is out, applies AI to solve Mathematical Problems

Math Solver App

Microsoft has launched the Math Solver app, which is an app-in-one solution to solve mathematical problems instantly for Android or iOS devices. The app runs by applying artificial intelligence (AI) which identifies numerical questions and suggests solutions for an extensive array of mathematical concepts. The users of the Microsoft Math Solver app need to add their mathematical questions by drawing, scanning, inserting pictures or typing on the screen. Additionally, the app is composed in a way that presents graphs and a step-by-step explanation of the answers.

How it works-

In the case of beginning with the Microsoft Math Solver App, you either have to capture a picture of your math problem or type the same through your built-in scientific calculator on the screen. Likewise, you can even add your problem statements by drawing the pictures using your fingers or stylus on the smartphone’s screen or tablet’s screen. After your question instructions are inserted, the app will make use of its AI algorithms to identify your instructions given and afterward show the question on your smartphone’s screen.

Once the AI algorithms identify and understand your mathematical queries, the Microsoft Math Solver app presents you with instant explanations to your questions asked. Not only instant solutions but the app also provides highlights step-by-step explanation to the questions so that you learn to solve your mathematical questions without taking the help of the app.

Which Languages it Support-

In the Microsoft Math Solver app, Microsoft has presented language support for 22 languages. Among the 22 languages, 12 Indian languages are included which are namely Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Punjabi, and Tamil, to name a few. Foreign languages like German, Spanish, and Russian are also included in the language support. The language support is beneficial for the users as they can customize as per their preferred language to understand how different math concepts function with different questions.

How to Use it-

The Microsoft Math Solver app offers added learning support, which covers video tutorials and related worksheets, making it apparent for the students to practice and understand different concepts applied in the mathematical problems. Microsoft Math Solver provides multiple approaches to solve a single mathematical problem so that students can answer questions without finding any glitch. To make users understand the correlations efficiently, Microsoft has incorporated an interactive graph to the app. Thus, for linear and non-linear functions, you may scan or type and plot X-Y data tables.

Furthermore, using Bing the Microsoft Math Solver app notes related questions from Web search. Besides this, you also get similar concepts based on your mathematical problems. You have the option to bookmark questions of your choice or view the history of the app so that you can find the details of the math’s questions whenever needed. When you are on the app, you will also find the list of some examples for the sake of practicing the concepts.

You will find concepts such as algebra, fractions, rational equations, quadratic equations, arithmetic, trigonometry, matrix multiplication, and differentiation, and many more. The Microsoft Math Solver app is a distinct offering for the students who are weak at mathematics. This handy app comes certainly with simple problem-solving capability. The way the Artificial Intelligence works in this app makes it the all-inclusive solution for the students.

Mathematical concepts supported on Microsoft Math Solver app:

Elementary: Arithmetic, real & complex numbers, LCM, GCD, factors, roman numerals

Pre-Algebra: Radicals and exponents, fractions, matrices, determinants

Algebra: Quadratic equations, inequalities, rational expressions, linear equations, quadratic and exponential graphs, word problems on math concepts, number theory, probability, volume, surface & area

Basic Calculus: Summations, Limits, derivatives, integrals

Statistics: Mean, Median & Mode, Standard Deviation, permutations & combinations

The Android users and iOS users can seek help in solving your math problems on the Microsoft Math Solver app by downloading its package from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store, respectively. For compatibility, make sure your device is running at least on Android 5.0 Lollipop or iOS 11.0 to be compatible with the app.


How is Artificial Intelligence making a difference in the Healthcare Industry?

Artificial Intelligence

The world is entering a completely digital century from this time, the few decades have brought a great revolution in technical aspects of growth and development up to a very high level. Artificial intelligence has changed the world in every way, even highly literate people are completely dependent on the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT is the composition of various useful apps including alarm, calculator, camera, social media, etc. that are the basis of people’s life now. Health care applications are one of them, the fitness apps, wearable technology app integrated to monitor activity recorded by wrist bands and other wearable devices.

Here are the reasons that make generation trust in artificial intelligence in the health care field:

Keeping well

Here we will introduce you with the new term, Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) this is the software consideration where medical process like medicine ordering as per prescription by smart writing catching technology, easy diagnosis, an online report in softcopy, appointment settlement, etc. all are very important and helpful features of artificial intelligence. This is the biggest benefit of artificial intelligence that people do not need a doctor all time with them or no need for regularly pending money in health checkups. AI increases the capability and talent in health care professionals to better understand the Medicare processes and manage patients easily as per guidance, support, and feedback.

Early identification

The emergency clinics and clinical foundations help out their patient by quick forward handling of determination of an infection like malignant growth and another sickness. The American cancer society has revealed that the finding by the assistance of AI is multiple times quicker and 99% exact. The development of customer wearables and other clinical devices got together with AI is in like manner being applied to manage starting period coronary sickness, enabling experts and diverse parental figures to all the more promptly screen and recognize possibly risky scenes at earlier, progressively treatable stages.


IBM’s Watson for Health is helping human administrations relationship to Medicare app development with opening enormous proportions of prosperity data and power finds. Watson can review and store verifiably continuously clinical information – each clinical journal, indication, and logical examination of treatment and response around the world – exponentially faster than any human. Google’s DeepMind Health is working in relationship with clinicians, investigators, and patients to deal with certified social protection issues. The development merges AI and structures neuroscience to build noteworthy all-around helpful learning counts into neural frameworks that reflect the human cerebrum.


Improving thought requires the game plan of huge prosperity data with appropriate and ideal decisions, and farsighted examination can reinforce clinical elements and exercises similarly as compose administrative endeavors. Using plan affirmation to perceive patients at risk for working up a condition – or seeing it disintegrate due to the lifestyle, characteristic, genomic, or various parts – is another area where AI is beginning to snatch hold in social protection.


Past sifting prosperity records to help providers with recognizing ceaselessly debilitated individuals who may be at risk for an ominous scene, AI can help clinicians with receiving an undeniably comprehensive procedure for contamination the board, better organize care plans and help patients to all the more probable direct and consent to their drawn-out treatment programming engineers.

End of life care

Robots can change the finish of life care, helping people to remain independent for additional, decreasing the necessity for hospitalization and care homes. Man-made brainpower got together with the movements in the humanoid arrangement are engaging robots to go a lot further and have ‘conversations’ and other social associations with people to keep developing personalities sharp.

[ Read More: Impact of AI and its Implementation in Mobile App Development ]


Technology has sorted our life to such a extend that now, the future world will be amazing beyond our imagination in a few years. The businesses and resource persons that perform huge efforts to grow and establish in the future will have a great reputation if they will understand the value of machine perspectives and artificial intelligence in Medicare. The actual aspect of technology is very revolutionary and beneficial for our lives. Perfection in every process is surely possible with technology. If you go through the processing of health care


Experience iOS 13.3 and iPad OS 13.3 with all-new charming features and improvements

iOS 13.3

Apple has launched the third significant update to the iOS and iPad OS 13 operating systems, i.e., iOS 13.3 and iPad OS 13.3, just a month after Apple released iOS 13.2, which brought in different emojis. This time, Apple has brought not only numerous fixes but also new features to assist the users in a better way. So, let us find it out what random improvements and fixes has Apple got in its big list of fixes and improvements.

What is unique in iOS 13.3 and iPad OS 13.3 from the previous versions

Communication limits in screen time

iOS 13.3 consists of new features that were promised initially for ‌iOS 13‌ but continued to delay, which involves Communication limits for Screen Time. The new feature allows the parents to control with whom their kids can communicate in Apple apps like FaceTime, Phone, and Messages. Additionally, parents can handle contacts that appear on their kids’ phones, although emergency contacts are always enabled.

Physical security key support

In the current iOS 13.3 and ‌iPad OS‌ 13.3 update, Apple has added native support for NFC, USB, and Lightning FIDO2-compliant security keys like the YubiKey in Safari. The YubiKey 5Ci supports physical authentication by plugging the YubiKey into the Lightning, or USB-C port of iOS gadgets, be it iPhone or iPad, which is a significant security improvement.

Hide animoji and memoji stickers

You will find an option to stop the display of Animoji and Memoji stickers in the Emoji Keyboard under Keyboards in Settings (in General).

Apple news improvements

There is an innovative layout for ‌Apple News‌ and stories from The Wall Street Journal and different journals. Likewise, you can hit like or dislike on the stories by a tap now. Finally, the Stories from Apple News are available in Canadian, English, and French languages now.

Store edited video as a new clip

When you are editing a video, you can immediately save the revised version of the video as a new clip instead of saving it over the original one.

Additional bug fixes and changes

Here is a small list of further improvements that have been noted in the changelog by Apple:

Have a look into it-

  • It can now fix the issues in Mail that might prevent you from downloading new messages.
  • It will address the issue that blocked removing messages in Gmail accounts.
  • It will fix the issue whenever the cursor doesn’t move after long pressing on the space bar.
  • It manages the issue that causes screenshots to look blurry via Messages.
  • It resolves the issue related to cropping or making use of Markup on screenshots that could not save.
  • It deals with the issue of Voice Memos when it can’t be shared with another audio app.
  • It fixes the issue where the missed call badge on the Phone app could not clear.
  • It resolves the issue related to the Cellular Data setting when it is incorrectly shown off.
  • Fixes issues that restricted turning off Dark Mode at the time when Smart Invert is enabled.
  • It resolves a problem where wireless chargers charge extra slowly than expected.
  • It manages the issues that cause wrong letters to display in messages and duplication of sent messages in Exchange accounts.

How to get iOS 13.3 and iPad OS 13.3 on your iOS devices?

To download the new version on your iPhone and iPad, Go to Settings from there select General, then click on Software Update.

 Settings > General > Software Update


A Preview to Newly Launched Kotlin 1.3.60 Updates

Kotlin 1.3.60

Since the emergence of Kotlin, in the current scenario, both Java and Kotlin go hand in hand when it comes to android app development. We are happy to announce that Kotlin version 1.3.60 just released. It contains several new updates and a few developments that include tooling improvements to debug. Also, this release adds support for more Kotlin/Native platforms and compilation targets along with the Kotlin/Multi-Platform Project IDE experience.

Ever since Android declared Kotlin as its first-class language, it has been witnessed an enormous amount of growth and adoption rates by the android app developers. As per the reports from the State of Kotlin 2019 survey, 62% of developers build android apps on Kotlin, and 41% of developers employ Kotlin to work on web back-end projects.

A glimpse at what the new update includes

Enhanced scratch files and worksheets

Scratch files for IntelliJ IDEA are redesigned and upgraded to allow you to see the results, which are shown in a different window.

Experiment with your code and see the outcomes in a little scratch document. The scratch file exists as a temporary code outside of the task. However, the bit exists as a wholly functional code that you can run and debug.

On the other hand, for situations where you need to test inside the task, use worksheets. Worksheets are new and work just like scratch sheets. The principle distinction is that it is a piece of the project, so you can play with code and perceive how it functions within your project.

A while later, select run and execute your code. Study about scratch files and worksheets more in the documentation.

Java-to-Kotlin Converter

In particular, Java developers have opted for Kotlin for both work and individual/side projects, either as a substitution or an additional language. JetBrains revealed: “Almost 92% of Kotlin developers were making use of Java before they started using Kotlin.”

java to kotlin converter

Presently, the new default converter starts converting to Kotlin considerably simpler. 1.3.60 fixes some of the earlier conversion issues, with corner-case issues.

Function breakpoints

When utilizing the debugger, users can insert function breakpoints within their code. At the time of setting a function breakpoint, the debugger will stop the execution of entering or exiting the corresponding function.

Kotlin/JS updates

  • With Kotlin Gradle build scripts, the Kotlin team is striving to enhance the user experience.
  • Now, the experimentally incremental compilation for individual modules will be backed by the Kotlin-eclipse plugin.
  • The Kotlin/Native compiler has now got the compatibility with the most advanced tooling bits, such as XCode 11 and LLVM 8.0. Additionally, it joins new platforms/targets like watchOS, tvOS, and Android (native).
  • It will provide support for suspending callable references.
  • The kotlinx.cli project is rewritten, and it is covered in this release of the Kotlin/Native compiler.
  • With this release, the runtime performance of Kotlin/Native compiler has also got improved.
  • Interface calls are up to 5x faster, and type checks up to 50x quicker in Kotlin 1.3.60.

Plans for future

1.3.60 is only a minor release and has not caused significant changes to the language. Kotlin version 1.4 will is awaited and is expected to be launched in 2020.

Kotlin 1.4 is available in the experimental state, so the users can test out the upcoming features by specifying the corresponding language version and set it to 1.4.


The most awaited Kotlin 1.4 will be launched in 2020. Kotlin developers and android app developers are much curious to know about the new updates they will get with the new launch. Kotlin is a broadly used language today, and the new language will immensely impact the android app development.