Role of Mobile App Analytics in App Engagement

Mobile App Analytics

Nothing is more challenging for businesses than to engage the users and retain them, despite many app downloads, and how to boost the app performance today. In the struggle to resolve user engagement & retention and app performance issues, mobile app analytics is regarded as the authentic rescue system. Though app analytics tools are robust and offer insightful details about the app-user association, at times, they turn out to be an obstacle for mobile app developers and stakeholders for several reasons. Since app analytics is data-driven, the data-driven strategies and arrangements always come up with more pragmatic and more potent results. Tracking app downloads and rankings in the app stores have a substantial role in measuring the real performance of the mobile application.

Mobile app development is not only confined to conceptualization and development of your mobile app as a whole but also to improve it further with all the necessary data to guide you. Now, this is where the need for mobile app analytics is significantly highlighted as it can give you a crisp of beneficial information concerning who is utilizing your app and their behavior towards your app. Several applications are dropping out the download which they continuously gain. Ever thought why this happened? The answer is due to the lack of monitoring and analysis, and analytics enables you to see a crisp and clear image of your mobile app performance to reach your goals.

Any idea about why you need to use mobile app analytics? And how it would assist you in measuring your mobile app performance and increasing your app downloads? Mobile analytics is critical for the perpetual advancement of the app itself, along with assembling valuable business intelligence. A multifaceted mobile analytics plan will help an enterprise quantify their mobile app strategy applying the best practices. Also, the data-driven techniques and selections always result in a pragmatic and more high-grade performance of your mobile app.

Moving on further, let us know the role of Mobile app analytics in boosting your app engagement & performance.

For creating a robust and effective strategy concerning mobile app marketing

 If you desire to set a measurable goal, then you obligate to know which technique harvest the most significant results to your mobile app. If for any reason, you don’t know your app has an adequate ROI for your overall campaign through the data; at that point, you cannot create a powerful marketing campaign.

To know your app functions with respect to User Experience

Mobile app analytics can give you an insight in regard to UI of your app right from searching to download to engagement. Also, mobile app analytics assists you in viewing the multiple screens and paths that a user takes while navigating your application. By investigating which functions or screens users visited or used the most and which they don’t, you can improve your app using these insights.

Know who all your users are

On average, there are thirty-six apps available on the Smartphone of the users, but they use only 26% of the apps they have downloaded.  You must know who all are actively on your app once you determine your acquisition or retention strategy. For creating a marketing plan, you must be aware of the devices used by the users; it can be Android or iOS. You can effortlessly scrutinize the problems and acquire a better insight within your target audience after knowing all the necessary information.

How can you use mobile app analytics to boost your app downloads

Already mentioned earlier that on an average a user has 36 apps on the mobile phone and to your surprise, this number has declined from last year. This happened because today, users download apps more consciously. Analytics disclose that 100 Mb is a psychological threshold for users to download an app and another critical point current app usage ratio. With utilizing App analytics, many metrics can be sorted and prioritized following your KPIs. To keep your mobile application and audience live, perform an A/B test. Through analytics, you may obtain substantial results from that test, and the corresponding logic is valid for all your ASO practices.

Save your time and resources by concentrating on the right audience

After identifying who all are using your app and which features they admire the most, you need not pay your attention and allocate your time and resources. Ideal mobile app analytics tool lets you observe user’s behavior for several functions of the app on a specific day with some distinct parameters.

Use User-friendly features to archive more downloads

You must stay updated on how users are using your app and for how much time they use the app in a single session. With the use of App analytics, you can monitor the engagement and the length of the session to analyze it. Moreover, you can get a more helpful insight if your app is user-friendly. This aids in providing a compelling user experience by enhancing the features if in case the features are not user-friendly as getting users to download the application is inevitable.

Know deviation in app downloads and app usage

With App Analytics, you can differentiate between app downloads and app usage. If a one-time perk only tempts a user, they are likely not to use it again or uninstall the application. Also, you can track the churn rate metric and separate those from the lifetime value of users. As per data you obtain, you can track it through analytics and take action, and act accordingly.

Building and upgrading the marketing technique

Mobile app analytics is an ingenious tool that helps you in making the right choices and defines an effective strategy. You can divide your marketing channels and observe them in investigating which campaign will work in the right way, which can help you to monitor and track your mobile app ROI effectively. You need a reliable, competent, precise analytics to enhance your app marketing strategy and app downloads in the meantime with an adequate audience.

Wrapping Up

Don’t let go of your chance of success! Use the data in every single step you acquired by using Mobile app analytics, an intelligent tool that can help you to make the right decisions and define a powerful strategy. With Mobile app analytics tools, you can fasten your operational and behavioral data of an app which are in turn known as they are the drivers of improvement. With a plethora of options available to analyze key metrics, the mobile app development team can collaborate with the business owners to know the goals of the app and embed the tool accordingly. 


According to GoodFirms “AppSquadz Software Secures a Prominent Position amongst Top Android App Development Companies”

AppSquadz Software secures a prominent position amongst top android app development companies at GoodFirms.

AppSquadz Software is a prominent android mobile app and web development company with its headquarters in India. It also operates in the USA, UK, KSA, Thailand, UAE, and Latin America. The company has been ranked amongst the top android app development companies for the excellent Android services it provides. Their developers work proficiently on Android and platforms.

About AppSquadz Software

AppSquadz Software, work productively and creatively in a mission to impact the entire world with the most economical and outstanding web & mobile app-based solutions.

A squad of experienced and talented developers, designers, and marketers efficiently work for the advancement of your app with the latest development tools and methodologies.

AppSquadz Software never compromise on quality and they have obtained maximum results in optimum time. They aim to utilize these tools to build a world where there is no gap between the concept and application of technology.

A combined network of more than 100 hardcore trained professionals consisting of business analysts, app developers, web developers, designers, testers, and sales executives have developed more than 650 Android and iOS applications. They also hold the experience of nurturing different sectors, including health, e-commerce, travel, education, food, lifestyle, entertainment, and logistics among others.

GoodFirms Research Methodology

GoodFirms, helps the service seekers find the most compatible partner with its legitimate research on the IT companies. Quality, Reliability, and Ability are the three most crucial factors on which GoodFirm’s research team evaluates several companies. Moreover, the research process includes exploration of customer satisfaction, market penetration, and the experience earned along with the Quality of deliverables.

In the same manner, GoodFirms also assessed the services of AppSquadz Software and found that the firm proves to be prominent in delivering remarkable mobile app development, complicated web design, and software development projects.

Acknowledged by GoodFirms

GoodFirms have acknowledged AppSquadz Software specifically for three categories.

1.    Android App Development Company

AppSquadz Software works on the vision of developing a custom-made mobile app. They offer solutions that are highly compatible with older and the latest versions of the operating system to address the complex processes of your businesses. The developers at AppSquadz are well trained and experienced with the latest versions of tools required in developing apps across several platforms, including iOS, Android PhoneGap, and Xamarin.

AppSquadz exceeds in android mobile app development and has been rated 50 out of 60 on the GoodFirms ScoreCard.

Clients review about AppSquadz Software says it all-

AppSquadz Software is rated as one of the best Android app development companies at GoodFirms. AppSquadz works on delivering Android apps that are time-efficient and cost-effective.

2.    Web Development

Being the pioneer Web Application Development Company in India, AppSquadz Software specialize in creating dynamic W3C standard websites that have high compatibility with all other devices. Their web developers work on keeping the functionality and security of the app a top priority.

They provide users with performance, usability, and flexibility, which gives satisfactory results to the clients.

We got you a client review to make this more clear-

3.    PHP Development

AppSquadz Software came out to be one of the top PHP Web App Development Companies, engaging visitors from across the globe.

The Scorecard for software development by GoodFirms-

They deliver reliable, swift, and flexible solutions that can serve users worldwide. Their team of PHP developers offers stable and compelling solutions in accordance with the requirements of the customers. The team works on the combined principle of creativity and imagination to provide 100% user-friendly and custom-rich web applications and solutions using PHP.

Have a look at one of the reviews by a satisfied customer on AppSquadz Software at GoodFirms.

About GoodFirms

Washington, D.C.-based GoodFirms is a maverick B2B research and reviews firm that aligns its efforts in finding the top Web development and Mobile app development companies delivering unparalleled services to its clients. GoodFirms’ extensive research process ranks the companies, boosts their online reputation, and helps service seekers pick the right technology partner that meets their business needs.


How Augmented Reality changing Mobile Travel Apps for better

augmented reality

So far, mobile technology and the internet have made the public dependent on themselves. The upcoming mind-boggling Augmented Reality can enhance everything to which it is added. Mobile app development company using augmented reality by eliminating the distance between that offers a digital experience of the real world from anywhere and everywhere.

Tourism is one of the growing industries around the globe. People now and then have to travel to other parts of the countries and the world. It is here that the augmented reality can make a massive difference in the experience of the travelers. Before commencing the trip, it is essential to have all the reservations made, for instance, the lodging, transportation modes, and so on. A perfect trip has all its booking is done prior, which can be stressful for the traveler. It’s a demanding task to plan every activity and adhere to it while on the journey in an unknown city. The recent updates augmented reality technology in mobile applications help travelers a lot while planning out their trips and tours to different parts of the world.

There are many ways in which the AR has made planning for a trip a piece of cake. Let us see how.

Selecting and Booking the Room

Much mobile development company has developed applications that offer virtual tours of the hotels and their rooms. During the journey, it is the stay that has to be very comfortable and also per the budget of the traveler. So with AR, the apps can provide more information about the rooms, hotels, spa, pool room, restaurant and much more. Accordingly, the tourist can make reservations.

Live Navigation

Besides the hotels, the apps with AR integration also provide interactive information about various places in the city. People can look for sites where events and parties are being organized. Not just that the apps also include information about the places and maps to guide the traveler to reach the destination. This helps the traveler get acquainted with the places nearby and look for the desired location during their journey very quickly. Such mobile application development help in enhancing the user experience while traveling through the world.

Language Translator

One of the exciting features added in mobile apps is a language translator. A traveler from any part of the world can freely travel to a new place without any hesitation of language as the apps come with a language translator. One can make use of the app and speak through it to the other person. The app will translate what one speaks to the native language of the person. Even anything written anywhere can be scanned and turned into the required language. The AR and AI help with such facilities.

Augmented Reality

The AR technology has managed to deliver breathtaking experiences to the end users. People can explore new places, cultures, features, histories, and so much more with such aided applications. The apps enable the user to understand what is being studied in a meaningful manner fully. The users gain virtual experience of the place beforehand through their mobile applications. Almost seventy-five percent of the real world can be witnessed from these apps on the mobile phone and smart devices.


Our mobile application development company the USA has been using the latest technology in various mobile app development processes to deliver the best services and facilities to the clients. The purpose of integrating augmented reality to mobile apps is to enhance and upgrade the level of user experience. If you have an idea of integrating AR uniquely to your travel and tour mobile apps for growing your business then get in touch with our expert team. We will make sure to deliver the product with an unmatched user experience that will surpass the competitive applications.


How to Discuss your Project Idea with the App Development Team Efficiently?

App Development

To develop an app, it is imperative to effectively communicate your app idea to the development team of an app development company. It is the first step in the massive success of your business app. All you need is to very intelligently explain the whole idea and design of the mobile app.

Once the idea to develop the application is clear in your mind, then it is essential that it is successfully passed on to the development team. The failure to express the idea of the app not only slows down the development but also adds to the cost of the development process. Not just that it has to be explained vividly, but it even needs to be innovative and has a concept that will engage the audience. The app developers will surely add their creativity, but the main idea has to be of the owner of the app, which is new like a flower budding out of the bud. Else the same scenarios will occur as it usually happens with other apps that offer nothing unique to their audience.

It is preferable to give as many details as you can to the app development team. But in order not to miss any minute detail, let’s see what all needs to be discussed.

Brief the developers about your company

First things first, present your company to the mobile app development team along with your role in the company. Help them familiarize themselves with what your company deals in. Then, move ahead to why you need an app and what is the purpose of it and tell them about your target audiences.

App development team

The size of the development team depends on the project. Depending on the project the mobile application development company will assign your project a project manager, Android or iOS app and back-end developer, and a designer to design the user interface and user experience along with an app tester. These are the people who would be dealing with you in the development of your app.

Modularize your project

Segregating the entire project in various parts that are complete in themselves with proper explanation, would offer a great deal of information to the app developers as to what you want in the app. The app can be divided into various menu options with different categories and subcategories. Such an in-depth explanation about your project will help the developers understand what all is to be added into one package.

First is an MVP- minimum viable product

A minimum viable product is the basic version of the mobile app without many features and functionalities. Since app development is a long process, having an MVP developed and released in the market is a better way of declaring the idea under your name. It even helps in gaining the response of the users about the usage of the app.

Use of Flow Charts

You can use flowcharts, graphs, and visual mockups related to the functions and designing of the app. The images and the diagrams help in a better understanding of the concepts. The various app designs colors and fonts, and other planning can be discussed with the UI and UX designers.

The function should be highly explicable

Various essential services need to be explained very clearly to the app developers to include them into the app. The features need elaborate elucidation, and here, suggestions from the mobile app developers can also be put to use.

Furthermore, the idea gathered from the user success stories for the MVP developed can also be put to use to improve the app as per the response of the users.

Have a healthy communication with the team

Appreciation plays a significant role in enhancing the output of a working unit. The app developers like to work with clients who are continuously appreciating and generously delivering feedback on the work done so far. It helps in understanding the overall idea on both sides and discusses all the pros and cons related to the task.


Developing an app for a business is always a great idea in taking it all together to the next level. It takes opinions and views of the client and the hard work of the app developers to make it possible. App developers in our mobile application development company can surely assist you in your business app development even if you are not much aware of the process of app development. Contact our proficient and skilled experts who will help you out with the best mobile application development services.


Apple Introduces New UI to help iOS Developers to Build better Apps with Less Code

iOS Developers

One of the latest announcements made by Apple at the Worldwide Developer Conference 2019 which gained the maximum popularity is for the iOS developers that are Swift UI which is a declarative syntax tool for developing a native app for Apple users with actually less coding.

The Swift UI code has already been doing much good to the iOS app developers. Being fast and easy to use, it produces clear and crisp, to the point code. The cutting-edge UI design will establish a new standard for the already existing visual coding model, which has been in use successfully for the past many years. The latest UI design will provide the apple developers with the ability to develop applications for iOS, macOS, and tvOS. It works by saving time and resources required by the app developers by providing them with various tools and application programming interfaces. The features like the increased speed of the mouse and Track-pad, Touch Bar are icing on the cake.

The original plan is to bring the Swift programming language into the market for developing cross-platform applications. Its many features attract Apple developers to work on the language for the development process. Various features that have and are still entering the Apple app development market are as follows:

Native-like features

Swift is a native programming language, and it is even designed to work effectively on all platforms. So it able to access all the native features of any platform and deliver interactive user interface at a quick pace. It is also integrated with application programming interfaces like ARKit and automatic language optimization to enhance the user experience as well as the developer’s job.

Declarative Syntax

The syntax is simple to comprehend and easy to write, which makes it easier to decide what functions the interface must perform. The declarative syntax as is the nature of the code lets the developer even mention the items he wants to fix like font, alignment, color, etc. There is a gradual shift in the time taken, performance and maintenance of the programs, for instance, in the case of Animation. There is even availability of a collection of ready-made effects and features that are written using just a few lines of code.

Select, drag, and drop

Another impressive feature of the Swift UI is that that the developers can now easily select a feature they want and drag it and drop it on their canvas. Not just that the developers can then even customize and modify its properties and arrange their controls. The best part of Swift is that these visual editor codes are also available in the code editors which let the developer modify each feature when they are writing the code on their own.

Preview the development

With the Swift UI, the developers can easily create several previews of the UI/UX development and then have it run of various displays with varied orientations. This allows the developers to fully play with their creativity to design and develop new features and functionalities.

Presenting dynamic preview

In Apple’s WWDC 2019 it was declared that the Swift UI compiler and its run time will be embedded with Xcode 11. This has allowed developers to develop and run the applications in real-time. In simple words, the design canvas will not just present the image of the app developed, but instead, it will play the live application of it to the developers.

Compatible with iOS 13

The technology comes up with a default provision for the Dark Mode, Dynamic type, and accessibility options to have a smooth Framework to write the code.


The latest generation of Swift UI has reduced a hundred lines of code to just a few lines of code. With the new XCode11, a preview of the most recent changes is available immediately on the device. With the facility to add graphical modules to add a segment of codes, it can merely modify and control the features. Along with these and many other features, the Swift UI has transformed how the developers develop the applications to enhance the overall experience of the app without losing and native app detail. Contact our mobile app development company to build your latest mobile app.


Is GoLang an Excellent Choice as a Programming language for your Business?


GoLang was introduced in the year 2009, and it is Google’s very own open-source programming language.  Today, it has made its place among the other programming languages after the years of growth and advancements.

With the growing demands of the app developers to deliver a breathtaking user experience to the users with the most intuitive and user-friendly user interface leads to new advancements in technology with time. It influences every field of technology from the development of apps to software and tools or programming languages. GoLang is one such language whose graph is going up in terms of growth and advancement that soon it will be regarded as one of the top 10 programming languages in the world. It has been seen that the language can be applied to real products, and its process 50 million logs with more than 200GB of data is processed each day.

Features of GoLang:

Understanding GoLang is a piece of cake

Google programming language is natural in learning because it is clean and straightforward to read. No unique things are required to learn the basics of the language. The programmers who are aware of the C-language syntax can read and understand the GoLanguage on their own.

GoLang is very fast

The language is no doubt very fast and compiles to machine code quickly. The language does not perform any interpretation and has no virtual run time before compiling; hence, it is fast as compared to other languages. So its programs compile at a fast pace and thus produces an executable file of hardly 11 to 12 MB.

Concurrent GoRoutine

Concurrent programming is anytime tough. But with the GoLang, it is straightforward as compared to various programming languages. The language creates a lightweight thread called goroutine and communicates using the same channel.

Memory management

The memory management in Google’s programming language is more straightforward than in other languages like C or C++ as it uses pointers and value types to store dynamically allocated objects.

Tools in GoLang

The static tools in GoLang are very sturdy; for instance, gofmt is a tool that formats the code according to GoLang’s criterion. There are various other tools like a gofmt, golint vet, and so on.

Testing in GoLang

GoLang’s library comes with inbuilt testing support. There is no need to depend on the external texting medium. The things_test.go file is required to be written on followed by running the ‘go test’.  This allows executing the test without taking much longer.

Basic library

GoLang comes with a central library with inbuilt functions to work with primitive types that can work with a web server, cryptography, manage the raw bytes, and take care of I/O.


With several structs to implement various interfaces in GoLang can make it simpler to handle dependencies in the code. Interfaces make it easier to write modular codes for the test, and the availability of functions allows the language to write codes in a functional style.

Static data types

GoLang is a statically typed language. It has primitive data types like byte, strong, and int. It also has structs, and like other strongly typed languages, GoLang can catch hold of any number of bugs in the code. It also has easy to use lists and maps built in the language.


GoLang is a language that takes care of the machine time in a better way than languages like C or C++. The language is advancing at a pace like none other. Soon it will be in the top list of languages. Contact our web app development company to develop your business app using GoLang.