A Study on Cross-platform Frameworks for Mobile Application Development

Cross-platform Frameworks

Being a business owner and understanding it how important it is to have and maintain web and mobile application for the business is very important these days. Of all Android and iOS are the highly opted platforms, and developing the same app for both the platforms separately or developing native mobile applications requires enough time and money. However, the entrepreneurs look for quick mobile app development services to save their time and money and instead invest them in the market. To resolve this problem cross-platform mobile app development is used to save time and money while developing a mobile app.

A cross-platform app is developed to run an app on different operating systems.  Such applications are developed by writing a single codebase which is deployed across all platforms. It offers a bunch of benefits like faster development, lower development cost, and broader audience reach to make it a cost-effective approach. It provides rich UI experience, easy integration and maintenance, and offline support.

There is a list of cross-platform frameworks for app development that are well established and have significant features:

Flutter App Development

Flutter was announced by Google in February 2018 that opens the door to developing applications for Android, and iOS with just one codebase. It is an open-source mobile user interface framework and is based on the Dart programming language. With its Hot Reload feature, it enables the developers to see real-time changes in the application while developing the app, which helps in fixing bugs and carry on the development in the right direction. It is robust and can produce complex multifunctional widgets with its broad capabilities for the app. Most of all, Google provides it a large community of developers to support the development of next-generation solutions.

PhoneGap App Development

PhoneGap is an open source cloud-based Adobe’s cross-platform app development framework. It is based on Apache Cordova. With this framework, the developers build the app in JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS for leading operating systems. It allows the developer to add required functionality and plug-ins without facing any hardware restrictions as it doesn’t depend on the device’s native features and its performance. The framework has earned massive demand due to its features and support it offers.

Kotlin App Development

Kotlin is an open source language based on JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and was designed to address the issue of Java. It has several benefits like it takes lesser coding than Java to implement a feature, which enhances the development time and improves its execution. Kotlin offers inter-operability that makes it easy to use its features on the existing project without changing its previous codes.  Thus, it can co-exist with Java on the same project. Its system detects bugs and errors in real time and makes it robust and saves costs that are spent on fixing the bugs. With all its features along with a steeper learning curve, it is a good option for cross-platform development of applications.

Ionic App Development

The Iconic framework is a famous name in the field of cross-platform app development. It makes use of technologies like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. With a powerful CLI, it can code, test and deploy an application to the required platform. Its primary coding language is TypeScript which is a superset of JavaScript that makes it easy to detect errors while coding and results in better quality code. All of its features, with inbuilt elements, and a large community of developers have made it one of the frameworks that can build native-like mobile apps.

Titanium App Development

Titanium allows the developer to create, run and pack native mobile apps for Android and iOS with the help of cross-platform application program interface like JavaScript. It helps in writing code for a native app but using a portable, cross-platform JavaScript code. Titanium consists of Titanium SDK, Appcelerator CLI, Titanium API’s and Modules and so on. It helps developers to use their ability to code in JavaScript to develop native-like mobile apps that are deployed on multiple platforms.

Xamarin app development

Microsoft owns Xamarin, one of the popular cross-platform frameworks that work on the principle of write once and deploys it on any platform. It has allowed the developers to design native apps using the C# code base and then use the same IDE, language, and APIs everywhere. The framework develops an application that delivers native app-like experience, and the apps are attractive. It offers the facility to reuse the code, and its tools and functions make it apt for rapid app development. It has been used for more than 15 thousand companies now.

Sencha App Development

Sencha app development platform is an excellent choice for cross-platform mobile app framework which is used to develop apps using the hardware acceleration technologies. The applications built with Sencha are highly tested, tightly- integrated UI elements and libraries. It can create significant business apps and maintain them with ease. It even supports the PhoneGap/Cordova integration for native application program interface to access and packaging.


In the mobile app development world, the cross-platform frameworks are the tools to develop mobile applications. Are you looking to create a dynamic, robust and attractive mobile application for your business? The frames mentioned above are highly recommended to choose to create a cross-platform app development. Before choosing any of the structures, it’s essential to see if the cross-platform frameworks meet the needs of the business.


Comprehensive Guide for Selecting a Framework Concerning Web Development

Web Development

When you run a business, it is essential to have an online presence. A more significant part of the population accesses information from the internet for all sorts of queries. The pace at which the online space is growing expeditiously, it is not easy to amuse the clients with a bare essential website. So, choosing the right of framework development is quite a significant decision for the business owners. It is necessary to understand various aspects of the business to decide which framework is best suitable for the company finally.

A website is considered to be adequately designed when it adheres to the required constraints like easy navigation, minimal website loading time, being responsive across all platforms, having a website that is designed with proper patterns. Such a site is visually appealing, and it should be able to deliver relevant content to its potential visitors or target audience. Few of the popular web app development frameworks are mentioned below:


Google’s Angular Js latest release is doing better and is on the top of the list, fulfilling all the constraints for developing a framework. Being a Javascript-based structure, AngularJs is open source front end development framework. With the sophisticated controllers, directives, and components of Angular Js, the developer needs to have proper knowledge of this leading technology to develop a pro application. It is a popular frame to develop sole page web apps based on model view controller architecture with a two- way binding. It will be a right decision to choose Angular for the next web project.


Facebooks’s ReactJS is another in the list of open-source JavaScript-based frameworks, whose libraries are managed by Facebook and other significant community of developers to address and resolves the challenges faced by the developers. Its libraries are majorly used to develop user interfaces for web-based applications whose data keeps changing from time to time. So ReactJs is another framework one can use for developing an app with regular content changes.


Vue.js is another open-source JavaScript framework for the development of user interfaces. It features the development of single-page applications. With more than 50 K stars on Github, it has been an exceptional framework since 2013 as of now. It shares some similarities with React Js development like use of Virtual DOM, reactive view components along with the various core library functions that are managed by companion libraries. Trying VueJs for a new web project is equally a good option.


Laravel is a framework based on one of the most used web language, PHP. Taylor Otwell built this open-source framework for backend development using MVC structural design. The popularity of the language makes it desirable for many businesses to go for Laravel development. It provides efficient ORM, queue library, convenient authentication, and routing facility. It provides an excellent application program interface support, functions that help in application deployment and its maintenance, and assist in organizing and accessing the database. Many famous websites like Yulair, Fox47, etc. have been using Laravel for backend support.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a popular web development framework that uses Ruby language with the model view controller structure. The ease of use, rich codebase with easing assembling and testing of the code makes it an excellent option for the beginners. Airbnb, Basecamp, GitHub, Hulu are some of its products. Ruby on Rails is performed on the Linux operating system. With the built-in security functions, library-based dependencies to enhance the performance of the application, developing web applications with RoR is fast and efficient. Developers can always take the support of the large friendly RoR community.


The Web application development must be cost-effective and must provide a smooth channel to the customer to reach the website via Google. The site looks appealing and irresistible to the visitor if it is updated and developed as per the latest technologies. Our development company has skilled and expert developers dealing with the latest web development technologies and frameworks.


How’s App Quality an Inseparable Quotient for Mobile App Development

Around 5 Millions of apps are available in the market, and it’s a big figure in the mobile app development world. Many apps of food delivery, booking cabs, bank transaction, e-wallet, social networking, as well as for shopping are available on play store, but all of them don’t gain the same importance or same appreciation or number of users. The straightforward reason for that is the quality of an app because the popularity of any app is judged by its quality. And the irony is that people don’t even use the apps having low app quality, so to make an irreplaceable place in the world of apps it’s mandatory to develop the high-quality & feature-rich apps.

Why craze of apps took an instantaneous rise

Users love using apps for their various day-to-day activities as these apps allow them to perform several tasks sitting back at home with just a few taps. From paying electricity bills, to order food all can be done within seconds, but when it comes to quality users don’t wish to compromise/settle. Quality of the app is to be given prime attention while developing an app else user will keep switching to another app, just to find the most suitable solution. For mobile app developers, it’s a crux point to focus on the new and cutting edge technologies to deliver a quality-rich app that is apt to fulfill all the user requirements.

One thing that we can’t deny is the constant evolution of technology. This clearly signifies that apps also need maintenance and regular updates which can be another factor that defines the quality of an app. Not only the expertise of developers, strategies, tools, frameworks, and technologies used are the factors responsible for app quality but also some other factors that have a direct impact on the quality of an app. Here we’ve mentioned some of them:

Effective planning of the app

Planning before you initiate is extremely crucial in achieving the outcomes you desire to attain as you remain more cautious during the development of an app. Sometimes there are last-minute additions to an app which can agitate the design of the app. So planning should be done in such a way that it doesn’t hinder the development process at all. Healthy planning is beneficial to have an assessment of the required resources that’ll be necessitated for further accomplishment of the project.

Elegant app design

The design of the app must be simple though elegant, and with best UI/UX designs you can evacuate any complexity that users usually confront and provide better usability. The key to having a good app design is maintaining a balance of simplicity and elegance. The simple design influences the customer manageability of the application & easily enhances user interactivity. Henceforth, we can say that the design of an app also impacts the quality of the app.

App features

For a high-quality app, having top-notch features is a vital factor. The number of features and the type of features determines the quality of the app. It might be expensive for you to have various features loaded on your app, but users prefer to visit apps that offer multiple features. If the features of the app are low, then it seems that the app is of poor quality and users may leave your app. So, it’s again a relevant factor that determines the quality of an app.

Agile development process

Process one opts for developing mobile app matters a lot. Many mobile app development companies follow a different agile development process for their projects. An app with high-end functionalities does find numerous users for it, and people attract towards those apps because of its stunning expressive design. Following an Agile methodology will undoubtedly help you deliver outcomes that suit the taste of the users, which conclusively helps you to increase your customer engagement and improve the quality of your Mobile app.

Security of the app

Security is also a viewpoint when it comes to the privacy of the customers. Confidentiality of an app establishes the belief among your users towards your app. The data theft and hacking is a concern for users if they don’t find an app with great security features they won’t appreciate your app. Consequently, it is imperative to safeguard users’ information to retain your users and to make your customer stay safe so that they don’t disappear from your app. 

App testing

As far as Testing is concerned, it’s the final phase of Mobile app development as well as determines the app quality and strictly suggested for the quality of the application. An app with zero-error or a bug-free app delights the users as it conclusively enhances the performance of the app. Addressing bugs and solving them is done in this phase, likewise enable you to enhance the nature of the application to render satisfactory end results.


Success & Failure of an app completely depends on its quality. Not just coding but the quality of the Mobile app development solution is impacted by several components. To enhance the quality of the app above-stated aspects are to be examined so that more users visit your application.


An Ideal Platform for Online Shopping Website Development- OsCommerce.

In the current era, people like and find it easy to shop on E-commerce websites as one doesn’t have to make the procurements themselves. The online vendors have it delivered at the doorsteps of the consumer. It is visible how e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Flipkart and so on have already made their presence indispensable to the consumer. OsCommerce app development company uses the most widespread and prevalent online shopping structure to develop e-stores. The OsCommerce Platform provides a productive interface option which the user can customize as per his needs. Just by integrating the software any website with MYSQL and PHP4 can take benefit of the platform.

It is currently running more than 200,000 e-stores using the most sorted open-source platform. It is free of cost under the GNU general public license, so it is easy to modify it as per the requirement without breaking any license. The online OS E-commerce community has numerous members inclusive of developers and those that provide help and support related to the platform in the enhancement of the development of e-stores. The platform has all the necessary e-market features.


The versatile platform is compatible and supports all Windows, Linux, Mac and web-oriented devices. It can cater to all sizes of businesses from small, medium-large even to the freelancers. It can be easily deployed in English on any of the two clouds or on-premise hosting. Without the box designing services, it is possible to uniquely and beautifully design the e-store as per the desire of the customer.

Easy integration

It allows the developer to integrate the e-shop across any other form of a platform like social media platforms, payment platforms, etc. Further, the user can anytime contact the support system for any platform related query. With the integration of payment gateway, it even accepts payments of various currencies and regularly updates the worldwide currency rate.

Easy management

With this platform, the users can easily add, edit and delete any number of products and details on their website. The users have the liberty to arrange the combined products and services according to their genre and category in various groups. With the superfluity of choices to choose from, the user can customize the e-store as per their choice.

Secure and protected

The platform is highly safe and protected from the beginning process of its installation. With a completely secure system, it provides the user with protected Id and password.

Data storage and recovery

The users need not be worried about the aggregate data. As the data is backed up regularly and is restored whenever required.

Real-time analysis

If a user wishes to then, he can check the real-time stats of the number of clients visiting the website. User can generate the invoice and even monitor the history of orders.

Connecting with customer

These days it is essential to maintain a connection with the customer. Sending regular newsletters and emails helps in keeping in touch with the user and keeps the user updated about the new your new releases and achievements.


The first e-market, e-store or e-shopping solution that is becoming robust day by day is a self-hosted platform. With the facility to manage both the front and the back end of the e-store like adding products and managing sales, the user can handle the aggregate data with ease. Our OsCommerce development company provides excellent technical services for your E-Commerce market place solution. With the top-notch expertise in the area of OsCommerce website development, our services are just what you want for your business.


Attributes of Social Networking Mobile App

Social Networking Mobile App

The scope of social networking mobile app is quite vast than the typical applications like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and so on. From the business point of you, the presence of social plug-Ins in the applications provide unraveled effect on the value and growth of the business. The social apps help in growing the business network increases the business loyalty and credibility, increase the rate of conversions and assists in generating more revenue, provides a platform to interact with the customer and thus have happy and satisfied customers.

What all is to be kept in mind while developing social apps

Social connections:

The trend of using social platforms is increasing as it helps people to get connected to their friends and family from all around the world. The applications that allow people to stay connected socially engage people to do a variety of tasks on that application. One of the best methods is to speed up the login procedure. Lengthy signup processes make the customer lose his interest in the application increasing the abandon ratio. Easy, user-friendly login procedure builds user interest in the application.

Choose the best platform:

iOS and Android are the two most prevalent platforms that give a neck to neck competition with each other. Developing and testing the application from beginning to end on these platforms is highly recommended to increase the reach of the application at a global level.

Manage user profiles:

People are fond of staying in the limelight. Allowing users to add more to their social profiles besides a name, age, location and interests give the application an edge to engage people. People can be allowed to do a variety of tasks from adding and sharing photos, videos, music and other stuff related to their personal and professional front like events.

Building networks:

Just a click, can connect people with their far off friends and relative on the social web platform. People can relate to other people in two forms, either they can friend them or follow them. Followers are meant to increase the following of people.

News feeds and notifications:

Social networking mobile applications provide people with the podium to express their view to the heart’s content. News feeds can include photos, posts, videos created by users. There is added functionality where people can interact and comment on the posts made. Even this activity engages people to remain on the application.


Security and privacy are the prime factors of concern. Time to time these should be made tight and firm to keep people content and data safe. Then regular fixation of bugs and maintaining the application up to date in terms of the latest features is essential to keep the user intact.

Interactions with other facilities:

Integration of other interactive services like emails, messages, groups, searches provides an outstanding user experience. Interacting with the social website at the personal and professional front keeps people updated and connected and increase their social activities.

Private communication facility:

Despite the fact it is marvelous to have a public presence, there is much time when the user wants to have a private communication portal. Social networking app development techniques must incorporate this facility to provide everything at one stop. The user must not go to the third party portal to have a safe and protected private communication.


Social networking media app development, being the famous market in itself, aids in transforming the business. It is one place that allows people to stay connected to other people personally and professionally, both. Our app development company provides unraveled unparalleled services for developing application effectively for the social platform. If you even have a vague idea about your request, we are here to provide you with a quick plan for it and help you manifest it.


Mighty Reasons to Adopt Mobile Apps Development for Retail Business

mobile app development, app development, mobile application development

With digitization, many things have come to us in our pocket in the shape of a device called mobile. Mobile has made many lives easy, and people have grown addicted to its use. For even small work we rely on mobile devices. It has been noticed that people spent 3 to 4 hours on average in a day on a mobile phone, out of which majority portion of the time is spent on mobile applications. This has led to the growth of mobile app development in the market.

Variety of businesses from all over the world, do not rely anymore on the physical dimension for promoting their businesses. There is no need for the retailers to communicate discounts and offers to the customers through billboards, pamphlets. All of these promotions can be handled through mobile applications. Majority retail business owners are now shifting to a mobile app development company to grow their businesses universally with mobile app development services.

Reasons to adopt mobile app development

Build a stage

Mobile application works as a stage for the business to reach people all around the world. Mobile apps have benefited both the retailer and the buyer. The mobile app development company has many aspects to consider developing an application. Mobile app development services are economical, prices of app development, the collection of information, listing of products, all is very affordable. Mobile apps for retail or e-store prove to be beneficial on both the client and the retailer’s end.

Smart e-shopping

With the rise in the trends of online shopping where things are just a click away, having an e-commerce store or an online retail store is so beneficial. It helps the business owner to reach the potential buyer only still in one place. Likewise, it helps the buyer to look for a commodity anywhere in the world and purchase it with just a click sitting anywhere in the world. All it takes is shipping the product from the business house to the customer. Get in touch with our mobile application development company to own your mobile app for your business now.

Anyone can have a mobile app for their business

Even if you don’t own a physical store, you can still have customers via your mobile application. The web is a platform where you interact with your customer. This provides the customer with a comfortable shopping experience with no need to stand and shop for hours. With added benefits, customers like buying from your application. Like speedy delivery, discounts, combo offers and so on. Whether you own a big shopping house or not, you can still have a huge list of loyal customers.

Unique and better user experience

With the swift progress in the field of technology, mobile applications today can deliver ultimate user experience. With artificial intelligence it is possible to show customer only that option which interests him in purchasing. Virtual reality, augmented reality all of these technologies can provide the customer with a prior view of the commodity they intend to buy and raise the level of shopping experience. Thus once you have the customer’s attention, profits are not far off your reach.


Today, there is a need to change the way we look at business and means to make a profit. With the world going digital in many ways, it is essential for all to make alterations in the way of doing and creating business opportunities. Staying updated with the trends of e-commerce and adopting the latest trends in the market place is essential to stand ahead in the business race. It’s never too late, get your business app developed from our mobile app development company.