Aspects by which iBeacon Apps are Remodeling to Event Industry

iBeacon Apps

iBeacons works on BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) technology launched by Apple with iOS7. Any device that broadcast the same frame to other devices on the network is called Beacon. iBeacon app development is developing many engagement options that are transforming the event industry. The technology used in the apps renders countless opportunities to upgrade the user experience. If the attendees did not register prior, or if the sponsors or the attendees did not meet prior, or whatever shortcomings come up at any event, venue, exhibition or any gathering; with iBeacon, all gaps can be filled to provide an event full of engagement and synchronicity.

The event industry is transforming with iBeacon apps. Let’s check how?

Makes registrations easy and fast

The iBeacon apps can automatically check in and check out without the need to stand in long queues at the events. The application can make registrations at the event by just scanning the QR code or the designated form. On the successful record, the iBeacon app will check in the person and direct him to the next level.

Builds network at events

Much important part of attending a game is to build systems, professional ones for sure. With the help of iBeacon apps and geofencing, it is easy to know who all are present in the room. The app is intelligent enough to provide you with the name and professional background of the person. With the help of LinkedIn, one can know more about the person and start a conversation. Such applications with Beacon infrastructure help in enhancing the experience at the events.

Food menu

Food is an integral part of any event. Also, serving an exquisite variety of food is essential to have complete event experience. The food must be arranged in a way that caters all the people present at the event. Here the iBeacon apps have their way to guide the member to the food varieties of their choice along with the details of its ingredients. Such a service is commendable when people might want to avoid certain food items due to allergy reactions and food restrictions, etc.

On the other hand, the iBeacon app even assists the event organizer to manage the arrangements by considering the food preferences and habits of the guests.

Helps in finding the way

One of the most useful usages of iBeacon apps is that it helps people reach from one point to another at the event. The application guides the guests at the event direction by direction to reach a destination point. Such is called the floor maps that help people find their path to their destination in the event. iBeacon app development services help find locations when one gets lost at the event venue. You can also use taxi-booking applications if you want to leave an event on an immediate basis


Games added to the events via iBeacon apps are just a way to keep the event participants busy and engaged. Posting facts or a Q&A round and other reading material on the app is quite successful.


With the above potent means in which the technology can add light to the dull experiences, iBeacon app development is undoubtedly a powerful technology that can alter the experience one wants to deliver and receive at the event. iBeacon app development services can enhance the way games are organized and attended.


An Ideal Platform for Online Shopping Website Development- OsCommerce.

In the current era, people like and find it easy to shop on E-commerce websites as one doesn’t have to make the procurements themselves. The online vendors have it delivered at the doorsteps of the consumer. It is visible how e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Flipkart and so on have already made their presence indispensable to the consumer. OsCommerce app development company uses the most widespread and prevalent online shopping structure to develop e-stores. The OsCommerce Platform provides a productive interface option which the user can customize as per his needs. Just by integrating the software any website with MYSQL and PHP4 can take benefit of the platform.

It is currently running more than 200,000 e-stores using the most sorted open-source platform. It is free of cost under the GNU general public license, so it is easy to modify it as per the requirement without breaking any license. The online OS E-commerce community has numerous members inclusive of developers and those that provide help and support related to the platform in the enhancement of the development of e-stores. The platform has all the necessary e-market features.


The versatile platform is compatible and supports all Windows, Linux, Mac and web-oriented devices. It can cater to all sizes of businesses from small, medium-large even to the freelancers. It can be easily deployed in English on any of the two clouds or on-premise hosting. Without the box designing services, it is possible to uniquely and beautifully design the e-store as per the desire of the customer.

Easy integration

It allows the developer to integrate the e-shop across any other form of a platform like social media platforms, payment platforms, etc. Further, the user can anytime contact the support system for any platform related query. With the integration of payment gateway, it even accepts payments of various currencies and regularly updates the worldwide currency rate.

Easy management

With this platform, the users can easily add, edit and delete any number of products and details on their website. The users have the liberty to arrange the combined products and services according to their genre and category in various groups. With the superfluity of choices to choose from, the user can customize the e-store as per their choice.

Secure and protected

The platform is highly safe and protected from the beginning process of its installation. With a completely secure system, it provides the user with protected Id and password.

Data storage and recovery

The users need not be worried about the aggregate data. As the data is backed up regularly and is restored whenever required.

Real-time analysis

If a user wishes to then, he can check the real-time stats of the number of clients visiting the website. User can generate the invoice and even monitor the history of orders.

Connecting with customer

These days it is essential to maintain a connection with the customer. Sending regular newsletters and emails helps in keeping in touch with the user and keeps the user updated about the new your new releases and achievements.


The first e-market, e-store or e-shopping solution that is becoming robust day by day is a self-hosted platform. With the facility to manage both the front and the back end of the e-store like adding products and managing sales, the user can handle the aggregate data with ease. Our OsCommerce development company provides excellent technical services for your E-Commerce market place solution. With the top-notch expertise in the area of OsCommerce website development, our services are just what you want for your business.


Effective Strategies to Market your Mobile Application Free

mobile app

Many business owners or entrepreneurs spend much time and funds in making the best application possible. With proper planning of selecting widgets, designing layouts, placing relevant and informational content, people get an application developed for a variety of businesses and activities.

Mobile app development company puts a lot of labor, pays attention to minute details, but still many apps are not getting the same response and love from the public. Many would comprehend it as a quality issue and that developing an app was a poor idea or the concept wasn’t right and so on, but it’s the other way round. Anything new that is launched in the market needs promotion.

So much time, concept, money, labor is put-in to develop a product. This product provides a platform for the customers to interact with the service providers with just a few clicks. But for customers to adopt the newly made application, it is crucial for the developers or the app owner to indulge in the promotion of the app. So what are few of efficient ways to market an app free?

Marketing before releasing an app

Mobile app promotion begins the day the app developers get in touch with the public for their viewpoint for future development. To find out what all features are desirable it is beneficial to get in touch with the potential customers who would use the app. Customer’s feedback helps in two ways. A developer gets insight into what all is necessary to develop along with the marketing of your app.

Use your website

A website is a useful portal to advertise and hence market the mobile app. If you have got one, then use it to the best by having a dedicated page solely for its promotion. A pop-up page when the visitor visits your website alarms and grabs the attention of the visitor to download the application or continue with the mobile version of the website.

A proper SEO

The SEO of the application developer is also a good practice to promote the application. With the best set of keywords, the search engine should be able to show your app in results when the user keys in the query. With an option to download, it is easy for the user to reach the download link.

App store optimization

Along with the SEO, it is imperative to rank the application in the app store following the best ASO strategies. From its name to the price to purchase it, it is essential to have compelling and persuasive screenshots that are well captioned and visually appealing.

Promotional offers

There are many other applications like yours, so it is essential to provide a competitive edge over the other. Give some promotional offers like discounts or trial period offer or free app downloads with limited features. Attracting customer with offers helps you win potential users.

Social media marketing

Promoting the app on highly followed social handles, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and where the potential customer is available, is beneficial. Regular actions like demo videos, social posts, latest news of new developments, etc. Keep the public well aware and connected to your product.

Use official blog

A dedicated blog for the app can feature blogs related to the app. It can include the latest news, developments that make it easy for a user to use it. Add images, screenshots, demo videos, reviews of the users in the content, and following content there can be an option to download the app or a link directed to the app store page to download the app. 


Following a simple criterion, it is important to spend much time in promoting the app as much is spent in developing it. More the work is done in promoting the application, a wider range of public knows about it. Our mobile app development company will develop an app along with it promote your app that highlights your business.


Significant Tips that will Boost Revenue of Your E-commerce Application

E-Commerce app

For every business, its growth and expansion are essential, and the ROI plays a vital role in the growth of the company. These days E-commerce app has become a rave in the current market as well as probably the most utilized service provided by IT development Companies. E-commerce Industry witnessed substantial growth; the market for e-commerce is expanding 15% every year. The escalating requirement for e-commerce has made it a profitable business opportunity for business owners to earn huge profits. Developing an e-commerce website is quite useful in selling products & services online, and also enables you to reach out to more customers easily.

For every business retaining the old ones and making new customers is mandatory to have a grip in the market as more customers mean more sales which indicate higher ROI. Nonetheless, there are specific aspects that are to be inspected during the development of the e-commerce app to make sure it increases your sales. Mentioned below are some of the tips which are required to be looked upon to make handsome profits:

Existing customers are to be targeted

Because business doesn’t have enough customers, they fail. So keeping in mind the target audience, try to improve customer retention strategy instead of concentrating all your efforts on customer acquisition. This way you can make more new customers efficiently, and loyal customers will help you grow even faster as they’ll add many items to their shopping carts each time they visit your site which will generate more revenues.

Show icons/symbols that depict your site is reliable

None of us want to shop on the e-commerce site that seems faulty or else deceitful. This way you might lose your credibility so try to display some authentic icons/ symbols that depict that your site is reliable and can be trusted by the users for further purchase. For ensuring you’re not lying or misleading the customers, you may display any security badges which prove that you’re trustworthy to have a long lasting relationship with your customers.

Increasing the speed of the app

Users hate the apps which are slow or take much time to load but at the same time the app which takes a few seconds to load lure users efficiently. Customers often prefer an e-commerce app which has a wide range of products but lower loading time. So for any mobile app development company, it’s necessary to increase the speed of the app by making the required adjustments to avoid revenue loss.

Grant customers lucrative incentives

Users love additional offers in the form of vouchers or extra points/rewards, and it might play a vital role for you to have a competitive advantage. By offering these points, you lure customers to visit your e-commerce app again. You can also provide them with promotional gifts whenever a user buys through the app. You can also furnish them with coupon codes and gift vouchers for their first shopping, or on special occasions so that they come back.

Enhanced app performance

If your e-commerce app is not performing well, it won’t be a good option for you. If you fail to improve the performance of your app while implementing your e-commerce strategy, you might suffer a massive loss as you would lose a huge chunk of customers. So it’s important that you maintain the quality of the app. You may hire Magento developers who are apt in making a bug-free, high-quality and high-performing app.

Accept different payment options

In the era of digitalization, people prefer shopping through online payment modes so allow them to do so. The payment method must be convenient for users to get more e-commerce sales. If you only accept Visa and MasterCard, you’ll be alienating a lot of potential customers. So make sure you accept debit cards and credit cards as well. An option of COD (Cash on delivery) also should be there for the users who are not using cards.

Make an offer that users really can’t overlook

You may provide them with deal or offers they just can’t deny. Offering them such deals may attract customers easily, and there would be an abundant rise in sales and ROI. Interesting offers and deals will tempt customers towards your product, and gradually they’ll grab the deal and buy the product. Make sure it must be something irresistible, something that your customers can’t get rid of!


Now when talking about E-commerce apps, it has grown as a vital weapon in generating more sales and enhancing the ROI of the business. The e-commerce market has observed an expansion at a rapid pace as Users visit shopping websites on their smartphones. E-commerce development is reshaping the way shopping was done earlier. E-commerce development has significantly changed the entire consumer behavior and convenience. In no time people purchase stuff of their choice sitting back at home in just a few clicks. It’s high time now for a Mobile app development company to seek into automation, personalization, and mobile-commerce. The above-stated tips will undoubtedly help you in creating profits and boosting revenues of your e-commerce app.


Latest Encryption Method Adiantum for the Billion Users


Encryption is not a topic to be taken lightly.  Present age devices come with strong support for encryption techniques. Encrypted devices keep personal data, accounts, files, credentials and almost everything available on the smart devices securely away from the reach of thieves and hackers. One cannot crack into any phone without knowing the passcode/password pin/pattern, and likewise, it is not feasible to extract any data from such encrypted devices. But there are many devices which come with less robust encryption technology.

Adiantum Encryption

For such low-powered devices, Google has launched the new encryption technology called Adiantum. This Google’s update is to make encryption more effective on less-powerful devices like phones, smartwatches, TV’s that are without cryptographic acceleration, to ensure that all devices are encryption enabled.

With encryption, comes slow performance of the devices.  It is inescapable for the encryption to add overheads that slow down the smart devices and computer systems in many cases. Many times it goes unnoticed as high-end devices have a dedicated processor for encryption. The focus here is on the lower-end devices that like Android smart devices and phones that have a miss of robust encryption methods.

That is when Adiantum comes into the scene.

Adiantum with ChaCha Stream Cipher

Android provides encryption to a lot of smart devices in the form of Advanced Encryption Standards called AES. The higher-end devices use ARMv8 cryptography extension and the lower end devices use a slow ARM Cortex-A7 to lower the cost.  These lower-end processors do not have hardware support for AES. In such a case the devices work slowly and deliver poor user experience.

To avoid this situation, ChaCha 20 cipher is used when the acceleration AES is not available. It is fast and secure and depends on operations that CPU supports. However, in the absence of AES super performance, no option can be used to provide better performance on the lower end devices.

Storage space and Performance

To overcome this problem, Adiantum integrates ChaCha stream cipher in length preserving mode with AES based length encryption proposals like HCTR and HCH. The new process doesn’t require any dedicated additional space or blocks to store the encryption metadata. It is suitable for devices that have low storage space as it doesn’t increase the size of the data.

The original data is of equal size as the encrypted data. Even this aids in faster encryption as no new headers or footers need to be added while encrypting the data. ARM Cortex A7 combined with Adiantum has five times speedier encryption and decryption on 4096-byte as compared to AES-256-XTS.

At the performance level, it is expected that the new technology will create a new layer of security without the need to add expensive specialized hardware to encrypt the locally stored data, further increasing the protection of the data in the devices. Also, it is likely that the low budget devices will benefit from increased security.


Everyone has a right to safeguard their information and data from theft and seasoned hackers. Encryption can toll on devices with less powerful encryption processors. It is believed that the new encryption method will allow the next generation devices to grow more secure further allowing the billion new users to be online safely.

With the ChaCha stream Cipher which is employed with HTTPS encryption, the new technology is faster than AES when expensive hardware is unavailable. Contact our mobile app development company to enrich your app privacy with the latest technology.


Topmost Prototyping Tools for Your Mobile Apps Development in 2019

prototyping tools for mobile app development

Mobile app prototyping is a process of that entails how will the flow of mobile application appear and what functionality it will deliver. All app development projects have different requirements and goals. The seamless transition of the mobile app from its one screen to another is the efficient user interface. Developing a user interface is not an easy job. There are a variety of prototyping tools which support different features. The mobile app development company designs dynamic mobile app prototypes to create innovative and useful mobile applications.

Features of a mobile prototyping tool

A good UI prototyping tool must have a facility to customize the component library to suit different mobile screens and the mood the company brand want to highlight. The changes made on the prototyping tool should be visible on the portable display immediately. The prototyping tool should be able to adapt to the animation transition view on shifting from one mobile device to another.

Benefits of Mobile prototyping tool

It is not enough to know features the prototyping tool to finalize the best tool. Instead, designers of an app development company must understand the context of every tool, how it will prove beneficial for attaining the app development. The mobile app prototyping is shared with the user base, investors and the associates and stakeholders. They, in return, give their valuable feedback on the looks of the application. This even saves the time and cost that would be incurred in delivering application development services. The mobile app prototyping gives the mobile app development company and its designers a clarity on what is to be developed and then delivered to the customer.

Topmost prototyping tools


The sketch is a vector-based designing tool that has an intuitive interface that comes with a set of symbols. The designers get the ability to use pre-designed buttons, widgets, and other items. It allows the designers to work freely without thinking of the resolution of the screen while designing mock-ups, logos, and layouts.

Adobe Experience Design

The Adobe XD is used a lot by the designers as it allows integrating the creations of other Adobe software like Photoshop and Illustrator into the Adobe XD. It even provides a clear, intuitive interface like the Sketch without any complexity


InVision develops interactive mockups for web and mobile projects. The designers can review, design and test their developments and share them with their team. Like Adobe, InVision even integrates the Sketch and Photoshop files. It has a unique feature of adding animation and transition to static images and further saving the data in JPEG, GIF, PSD, PNG, etc formats.


Azure is known as a complete tool in itself. It allows the designer to design the applications from the beginning to the end using the vast function library. It develops mock-ups, idea-board, diagrams, etc. Both designers and coders can use it. Coders work by adding code to create good designs.

Just in Mind

This highly interactive mobile app prototyping tool comes with more than 500 widgets for the web and mobile app designers.


The mobile app prototyping tool helps to bridge the gap between the specifications and execution of mobile app development. Considering various characteristics of app development inclusive of team size, product preferences, the experienced app designers, and our company has the best app development designers. The aim of our app development company and its app development services is to develop an application that is efficient, visually pleasing and delivers high performance. Contact us to avail application development services for mobile devices now.