How the VR Apps are Navigating Mobile App Development Market?

VR Apps

The advent of virtual reality and augmented reality in the field of mobile app development has upraised the expectations of the app users. The increase in the demand for superior user experience has led to a rise in the need for VR app development.

App users are now aware of technologies and look for groundbreaking applications for their use. Consequently, the entrepreneurs have shifted from traditional mobile apps to apps that offer technical user experience to the end-users. The majority of industrial companies that deal with manufacturing of units, retail, and fashion technology have applications based on virtual reality.

The apps offer more affluent experience by rendering virtual perceptions of products and goods they provide. This virtual availability of products online helps the user to shop efficiently, more often, and feel satisfied. The trend is gaining popularity and becoming a part of mobile application development services universally. Companies have realized the profits and now look forward to integrating VR into their business apps.

VR has brought a revolution in the field of mobile application development: how?

Equal use of VR apps by all types of users

Various brands and companies have shifted to this realm of mobile app development to gain profit from the un-prejudiced use of VR apps. The launch of VR apps has bridged the gap between the users. Thus, these apps are equally accessed by a large number of users in the market. The use of these apps has led to an improvement in the manner various businesses were handled. For instance, it is convenient to have a teleconference now over the phone between two colleagues who are sitting in two different parts of the world. This has saved the travel time and money that would cost to travel and meet the other colleague in person.

Immersive experience

Mobile apps based on VR technology offer great UX to the customers by providing 3D view of the product. The users remain engaged in activities like gaming, staying connected to a friend; colleague via the services offered by the VR equipped apps. The attractions offered by the apps to the customers have managed to give a competitive edge over the apps that do not use this technology. High revenue generation and increased sales are the benefits of integrating VR technology in the business app. The apps have managed to deliver the user a better experience; further, this has improved the businesses in a way that no one would want a non-VR app for their business in the coming time.

Marketing and brand awareness

Virtual reality enabled app in itself has been successful in gaining much appreciation in the market, along with brand awareness and loyalty of the customer. The companies have been found hosting VR events through web and mobile applications quite useful. Such an event encourages the clients to interact and engage themselves with the brand. For instance, the launch of a new mobile phone via a mobile company can be witnessed by people and the impressed customers may buy it as well.

Enhanced efficacy and productivity

The VR apps are meant to have an uninterrupted and smooth functioning of the application to deliver flawless user experience and user interface. Today’s digital market is un-explicable without VR technology. The presence of features like virtual reality in the app itself improves the efficiency and productivity of the app. It is vital to integrate virtual reality into the business to meet business needs.


The growth in the use of VR technology by the mobile app development company certainly describes the digital market and evolving technological trends. The majority of brands has realized the potential and is moving towards the integration of technology into the business. Our VR mobile application development company is developing groundbreaking apps for leading brands. Contact us to own your business app based on VR now.


IoT Bringing on the Change in eLearning Now & in the Future


Knowledge is not limited to just books. Learning is no more limited to schools or educational institutions. E-learning app development has helped the education system to adapt to the changing education norms, technical innovations, student mobility, and age-groups. The internet of things besides smartphones and the web are transforming the process of eLearning now and in the future.

People in this era are making most out of the technology; internet availability has made procuring data and staying connected very easy. The internet of things, which is just an extension of internet connectivity into hardware to aid in everyday tasks, with the help of sensors has the potential to connect and interact with things over the internet; control and monitor their performance.

So when the internet connects the electronic device to other devices that are the internet of things and in the coming future remaining some devices will also be part of it. The burgeoning technology has affected the process of education and learning for good. Now, learning is not always carried on in the classroom; instead, it is easier to carry a class with oneself with the help of IoT app development.

Effects of IoT on eLearning

IoT has brought eLearning and learner closer

With the help of IoT, the students, educators, and almost everyone who wants to learn something have earned a benefit. Smart schools and universities have infrastructures that allow highly personalized learning.  It is easy to have access to the desired knowledge in real-time with the help of devices that connect to the internet like smartphones, tablets, laptops, smart boards. With the absolute freedom at the time and place front, the learners can enjoy the improved educational experience comfortably. It helps them to stay updated with all the information they need and verify the content they are not sure about.

IoT has enhanced the teaching process

The group of teachers and professors that are connected by technology can quickly process and assess their student’s eLearning assignments easily and efficaciously without being biased. Educators can prepare their lectures by conducting in-depth research on the topic and have their prepared lectures anywhere on smart devices through cloud support. Making lesson plans, managing the schedules, and delivering lectures with no time and place constraint will become more efficient.

IoT soon will enable people to have access to the internet almost through everything like pens, notebooks, glasses, etc. Even students have switched to laptops and tablets for taking notes on e-Learning applications, one of the reusable technologies. Also, it will surely help institutions to cut down on the operational costs by switching over to tablets and laptops and turning ‘smart.’

IoT has transformed the content

Students no longer have to carry every other book to their classrooms. IoT has allowed carrying more than hundreds of books with the use of ebooks. The classwork and homework can be done on the same device and submitted to the teacher before the deadline. With the availability of highly visual content, there is no longer black and white plain text.  Videos, images, infographics are preferred to engage students and escalate their acceptance of the study material. Since modern learners are used to watching content on the internet, they cannot participate in anything less than that, even if it’s e-learning.

IoT has prospects for special learners

With artificial intelligence, even now special people can have access to the outside world through IoT. Smart devices will change the way of learning for such people. E-Learning will be available on a more significant number of devices, which will attract more learners. Kids with ADHD, dyslexia, and other learning impairments have been benefited by technology. It is seen that autistic kids respond to tablets very well. Smart schools with loT now have space for such challenged students, which will make the general public more understanding and sensitive to special people. It will help such people function smoothly in public environments and make them independent.


With the tremendous potential that IoT and e-learning app development holds, there are unlimited opportunities in the field of education in the future. It is incredible to visualize where the IoT and other software development tools will take the world in the coming time. Our e-learning mobile app development company will design an app for your unique idea to add more to the e-learning experience.


Google I/O 2019: Announcement at the Google’s Developer Conference

Google I/O 2019

On May 7th, 2019 Google I/O conference inducted at Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View, California was a 3-day event where like last year, Google made announcements of its latest releases. This time the emphasis was on the privacy, AR, AI, and many other technologies.

Below is the Complete Summary of the Event:

Formal Announcements

Google’s latest announcements were inclusive of new releases – products and services. The discussion followed by the declaration exclaimed of what new is being launched for the Android app developers and users. Here are the major highpoints of the event where Google expressed what it has launched, keeping a panoptic vision of how it will affect the lives of the people and the society on the whole. Even the spectators are evaluating how these new issues are going to affect the consumer class.

Android Q

The tech giants, as they are called proudly announced that presently, 2.5 billion happy Android users are using Android devices. So for the Android developers, the company has launched Android Q Beta. The 3rd Beta version is not bounded to develop only pixel devices; instead, now it will be installed on 12 different OEMs. This will allow them the possibility to experiment with its functionality of 21 different smartphones. 

The various features include support by the native operating system for foldable devices and 5G network, the device can respond to the notifications system-wide. The mobile gadget can have security covers without the need to reboot the machine, with the ability to push application updates manually on the user’s Android device.

Pixel 3a XL

As the rumors already had it, the company introduced its two android devices called Pixel 3a and an XL version of it. These devices have low out-of-pocket cost with an ability to establish its mien in the market with features like Night Sight for the Pixel cameras with the portrait mode and high-speed motion focus.

The phone is quickly charged as compared to other phones and has a 30-hour charge, and will have security and versions update up to three years along with the Android Q, R, S update as per the pixel devices. Also, it provides a 3.5 mm headphone jack and Google’s call screening starting at $399.

Nest Hub Max

The company publicized its upcoming venture to launch Nest Hub Max, which is a unification of two brands like Nest and Google home.  The device will come with a camera that will have a thumping bass and will present features like Amazon echo Show. It is designed with wide-angle cameras to capture everything anywhere in the room and help the users to make Google duo calls efficaciously. The AI-powered device lets the user make hand gestures to perform tricks than to use voice commands.

Google Assistant

In the Google’s latest release it made another announcement that the assistant that worked by streaming the voice data to the cloud, where it was processed before sending it back to the phone, used 500 GB of language processing database, which is now reduced to half a GB. The Google assistant in no longer dependent on the internet connection to work as with the new launch every phone will have an AI-supported assistant to deliver quick and seamless interactions. The new computational models allow it to run offline while switching between various apps along with performing varied tasks without touching the screen.


Up till now Firebase- the mobile and web development platform had 18 products to offer with 100 improvements over the past six months. At the conference, Google declared that more enhancements would be realized gradually. This includes Performance Monitoring, which helped the developers to collect all the app performance data in a single console will now be available in the beta web apps. This will further help the developers to glean the overall data about the speed and performance of the web app.

Next, comes the Cloud Firestore that is a Google’s NoSQL database is now accessible at lesser costs. The process of searching for fields through the same name from same or different repositories is now more comfortable with the Collection Group Queries.

With the presence of Cloud Emulators, the developers now have the privilege to test the functions locally before deploying them. Also, the Firebase Crashlytics will provide their support to Android NDK and Unity.

These are some of the announcements made during the three-day event of Google I/O conference. For if you want to know more about the upcoming releases, stay connected to the blog section!


How are Emerging Technologies Completely Redefining Education Apps?

education apps

Classroom teaching has always been evolving. Earlier, where the blackboards were the only display item to look at and to explain the concepts now, there are innumerable ways implemented to make education a real-life practical experience and one such example is the advent of education apps. These emerging technologies have the ability to make studies enjoyable, complementing the methods of teaching and learning.

Now a single tap or a click can help students with their tasks and experiments at schools and colleges. With the variety of devices that can simulate and track experiments, students take up online courses from the education applications like ByJu’s, Khan Academy and so on to supplement their study. Education app development has made learning simpler and fast. Edtech has a significant impact on the way of learning.

Let’s explore the latest technologies in educational apps:

Virtual reality

Indulgence of VR in the field of education has given drastic results. Students tend to take more interest in studying the topic via VR as it is more engaging and exciting. The percentage of child’s retention is way more in studies supported by VR than the traditional methods.

Live and virtual interactions using 3D modeling are successful ways for engaging and learning experiences delivered through education apps that are in synchronization with the VR equipment. It provides unforgettable understandings in the simulated environment. It even gives a boost to the creative minds of children and is an effective and fast means of delivering education.

Augmented reality

The book based classroom can be transformed into engaging, and highly interactive space build on a stable base, augmented by videos, animations, sounds, and ideas. The educational apps help in increasing the rate of engagement resulting in better levels of learning of concepts. The curriculum lessons are made more exciting and help the teacher in transforming the entire object or even the whole classroom.

Students can take their own decisions, for example on using AR technology to visit back into a place and time. They can explore where and as they want to: Below, under, around the buildings, gardens, etc. The pattern of learning with AR has opened new channels for students to imbibe and learn in the right manner.


Children of any age click very well with games. Gaming is the way one deals with these educational apps. Games introduce the concept of competitors, scoring high points in quizzes and assignments, learning the value of time with the ticking of the clock and so on. Educators find gamification one of the most efficient ways to motivate students towards their studies and to enrich their overall performances.

Cloud-Blockchain technology

Students in colleges and universities use the Blockchain technology to send and receive notes, organize certificates and merit cards all via applications. The data in this format is accepted as valid proof besides relying on the paper-based documents. It is a practical and safe way to share learning material on cloud technology.

Maintaining their assignments and submitting them from anywhere in the world is more comfortable, faster and simpler. It has merely ruled out the process of carrying hard copies of books, assignments. The device containing the app has it all.


Technology in education has revolutionized the whole concept of teaching and learning. Collaborating study materials by using educations apps and similar programs on the internet along with the need to have Edtech in the field of education and training has opened a new realm of learning altogether.

Our education app developer pioneer in education app development so that knowledge doesn’t stay confined to four walls of the classroom. If you have a fresh concept, then contact our mobile app development company to deliver a promising learning experience to the students.


How’s App Quality an Inseparable Quotient for Mobile App Development

Around 5 Millions of apps are available in the market, and it’s a big figure in the mobile app development world. Many apps of food delivery, booking cabs, bank transaction, e-wallet, social networking, as well as for shopping are available on play store, but all of them don’t gain the same importance or same appreciation or number of users. The straightforward reason for that is the quality of an app because the popularity of any app is judged by its quality. And the irony is that people don’t even use the apps having low app quality, so to make an irreplaceable place in the world of apps it’s mandatory to develop the high-quality & feature-rich apps.

Why craze of apps took an instantaneous rise

Users love using apps for their various day-to-day activities as these apps allow them to perform several tasks sitting back at home with just a few taps. From paying electricity bills, to order food all can be done within seconds, but when it comes to quality users don’t wish to compromise/settle. Quality of the app is to be given prime attention while developing an app else user will keep switching to another app, just to find the most suitable solution. For mobile app developers, it’s a crux point to focus on the new and cutting edge technologies to deliver a quality-rich app that is apt to fulfill all the user requirements.

One thing that we can’t deny is the constant evolution of technology. This clearly signifies that apps also need maintenance and regular updates which can be another factor that defines the quality of an app. Not only the expertise of developers, strategies, tools, frameworks, and technologies used are the factors responsible for app quality but also some other factors that have a direct impact on the quality of an app. Here we’ve mentioned some of them:

Effective planning of the app

Planning before you initiate is extremely crucial in achieving the outcomes you desire to attain as you remain more cautious during the development of an app. Sometimes there are last-minute additions to an app which can agitate the design of the app. So planning should be done in such a way that it doesn’t hinder the development process at all. Healthy planning is beneficial to have an assessment of the required resources that’ll be necessitated for further accomplishment of the project.

Elegant app design

The design of the app must be simple though elegant, and with best UI/UX designs you can evacuate any complexity that users usually confront and provide better usability. The key to having a good app design is maintaining a balance of simplicity and elegance. The simple design influences the customer manageability of the application & easily enhances user interactivity. Henceforth, we can say that the design of an app also impacts the quality of the app.

App features

For a high-quality app, having top-notch features is a vital factor. The number of features and the type of features determines the quality of the app. It might be expensive for you to have various features loaded on your app, but users prefer to visit apps that offer multiple features. If the features of the app are low, then it seems that the app is of poor quality and users may leave your app. So, it’s again a relevant factor that determines the quality of an app.

Agile development process

Process one opts for developing mobile app matters a lot. Many mobile app development companies follow a different agile development process for their projects. An app with high-end functionalities does find numerous users for it, and people attract towards those apps because of its stunning expressive design. Following an Agile methodology will undoubtedly help you deliver outcomes that suit the taste of the users, which conclusively helps you to increase your customer engagement and improve the quality of your Mobile app.

Security of the app

Security is also a viewpoint when it comes to the privacy of the customers. Confidentiality of an app establishes the belief among your users towards your app. The data theft and hacking is a concern for users if they don’t find an app with great security features they won’t appreciate your app. Consequently, it is imperative to safeguard users’ information to retain your users and to make your customer stay safe so that they don’t disappear from your app. 

App testing

As far as Testing is concerned, it’s the final phase of Mobile app development as well as determines the app quality and strictly suggested for the quality of the application. An app with zero-error or a bug-free app delights the users as it conclusively enhances the performance of the app. Addressing bugs and solving them is done in this phase, likewise enable you to enhance the nature of the application to render satisfactory end results.


Success & Failure of an app completely depends on its quality. Not just coding but the quality of the Mobile app development solution is impacted by several components. To enhance the quality of the app above-stated aspects are to be examined so that more users visit your application.


How Mobile Apps are Transforming the Real Estate Business?

Real Estate Business

Nowadays, almost all sorts of companies need to be digitally present on the online platform to become successful and one such business is real estate business. Being online is proof of one’s existence in the market that is available throughout the world. The technology has transformed our lives too much extent, and it continues to do the way we spend our time and money.

It doesn’t end with having a website for a business. Sites alone cannot generate results; it needs mobile optimization to have a positive impact on sales. Companies now showcase and reveal their services online. Real estate investments add to almost 5% of the nation’s GDP.  So, Real estate mobile app development is undoubtedly an excellent decision to bring the required hike in the business.

With the tremendous advancement in mobile devices, developing such apps is strategic for the business. These apps have considerably benefited tenants, buyers, sellers and builders with a variety of functions linked up with real estates. But it only works when the developers follow some constraints before the mobile app development begins. 

Ways to make a popular app

User interface

The potential users of this app are here to have a glance at what all is available on the app. So the appearance of the app matters a lot. The interface must give a 3-D view of the property listing so that the user can look at the property. The users must have the facility to navigate to the area of their choice. The users must be given the privilege to upload properties as an agent if any. Clients can maintain their list of preferences while browsing through the features.

Easy sign-up/login process

The sign up allows the use of the application. The user whether a broker or a client should be able to verify his/her profile before using the app.

Admin interface

The admin should be able to manage all the property listing requests from the mobile application, where he can list, edit, and modify multiple property listing.

Real Estate App development- Advantages

Rapid property search

Property is the sole factor in this business. The mobile device application makes it effortless and hassle-free activity to look for a favorable feature. Being an agent or a broker if you want your clients to stay connected and return to you again and again then you must have a realtor app. The app will keep the clients updated about the various properties, areas, their images, and rates.

Easy buying and selling

There are a majority of people with less experience in property buying and selling. So, regular customer support available on the app helps the buyer and the seller with frequently asked questions. Customer support helps in building trust among the client and the seller with direct communication.

Quick property sales

In real estate businesses, it is essential to know the mortgage rate of the property. Unavailability of the information usually slows the process, and any delay even changes the mood of the buyer. With the app, the marketing of the property is quick and easy. Speedy and informative interaction can attend clients that are in any part of the world. The app is designed in a way that the deal takes place practically in no time.

Impressive business presence

It is utmost essential to have a robust and remarkable business app to magnify the presence in the market. When you have name and customers recognize you, then they also bring potential business. The mobile device app can help build a unique presence in the market.


Real estate mobile app development helps in the seamless functioning in the market among the users. These apps are going to prove practically very helpful in this business as the future is very bright for these apps in this business field. Contact developers of our mobile app development company who will develop a profitable real estate business app for your business.