OTT Video App Development Basics: Types, Features, Market & Cost

OTT Video App

OTT has become very popular, but still, this abbreviation is not so known. Currently, more than half of the population in the USA is active on OTT for their entertainment. It is used for at least 100 minutes every day. And this data does not end here as OTTs have great popularity in India also. OTT has kicked off the cable TV and made the video streaming first choice on position. So, there are high chances you might also be using any OTT Video Providers for video streaming.

OTT is the abbreviation used for an industrial concept over the top that facilitates a platform to stream videos through the internet straight on your devices like smartphone, tablet, laptop, smart TV, etc. All you need is a device and download OTT, and this is done. Suppose you have ever spent a few hours on Amazon Prime, Netflix, or Hulu. Then you are already engaged with OTT Video App Development and know its frequency of usage very well.

Features of OTT Video Apps

1. Multilingual content

OTTs possess a variety of languages in video content and app languages as well. This ensures wider reach to the audiences and popularity beyond geographical regions.

2. Search

A search option or the section to explore is one of the most exciting features of the app. This way, it enhances content visibility for all age groups. In addition, genre options, language-wise classification simplify entertainment.

3. User profile

This feature has no replacement or discussion. This help user customizes their side of the application and serves a personalized user experience. They are recommended to show and enhance their experience based on their viewing history. Preferred payment options and remembering their genres are small features that keep them active on the platform. 

4. Watchlist

The next must-have feature of the OTT Platform Development is a watchlist for sure. This functionality lets the user save its favorite shows to watch later or create a favorite list to play on an occasion. The notification mechanism working over the watch series is the best part.

5. Social features

Shareability and social presence are like a trigger in the popularity of the OTT platform. These make the daily targets achievable and act as a decisive part of the whole OTT experience. 

6. Screen mirroring

According to a very reputed OTT Platform Development Company, engagement count can be reached up to a hike if the users can access app screen on devices like Smart TV or Desktop other than mobile phones.

7. In-app purchases

The final feature is in-app purchases. It is like the finalizing part of the OTT that ensures the ROI. When you invest such an amount in app development, then requires a good response and revenue. You can achieve this with the help of the payment mode on the application for the subscription model. As you have invested a lot in the application, it can ask for some amount to let users access the new shows.

OTT Monetization Strategy

Three primary Video OTT Platforms monetization models that are followed by the top-listed video content providers and famous around the globe:


Subscription Video on Demand: Under this model, a user can access entire video content uploaded on the app for a limited period they have paid for. This includes the monthly, yearly, subscription models.


Transactional Video on Demand: This is the method where users are asked to pay per view. Here is it the viewer pays for every show or movie they are willing to watch. Every video content has its price. Its prominent example is YouTube.


Ad-Supported Video on Demand: This is the most popular ad-centric model. Here the Best OTT Video Platform Providers provide completely free-of-cost video content services just in return. They show some ads in between and over the content and application interface as well.

How To Create an OTT App?

Video streaming application or the OTT video app development requires selection of correct technology stack, right server, security frameworks, and streaming protocol. OTT is technically delivering multimedia through the internet, where the content is reaching customers directly. This framework allows you to control what is distributed to customers across the web.

Let’s discuss the steps that developers should follow up for the successful creation of OTT apps:

Select a niche

OTT Video Streaming Application Development is a general idea but deciding the type of service you will provide which sector of the entertainment industry you are ready to handle is the basis of choosing a niche, so think twice and go to a specific key.

Develop content inventory

Content is the primary basis of the OTT platform, and you cannot look over the industry without having the bulk of the content. So, this is the first brock of the business model where you must have data to represent as content on your OTT platform.

Choose your business model.

A business model comes from the three main points discussed above:

  • Subscription-based video on demand.
  • Transaction-based video on demand.
  • The ad-based video on demand.

In all three models, you will be earning money with your benefits and disadvantages.

Create your website

You might know this clearly, but you cannot directly achieve the OTT platform business model with the application. It would help if you got a web app developed first because the audience can access a website through any device. Whether small or large, you need to be visible in front of the audience only after that. You will get users in bulk on your application.

Choose the tech-stack

There are various OTT Video Service Providers, and all have their way of working over the project. If you want to get the app designed your way, research and decide developers will use the tech stack in your OTT platform.

The final step to execute your planning to get your application requires you to contact a group of highly energetic OTT video app developers and push ahead a mission to a successful business.


If someone is new to this OTT Video Streaming Services industry, they must contact a reputed, experienced, and accomplished entertainment software development company. Hiring a dedicated team can cost higher so contacting a company will be beneficial and cost-effective as well. They have the section with relevant expertise, and the OTT Video App Development Company gets the same or better work done at less cost and time.


The entry of Technology in our Life – Learn the Pros & Cons


From the existence of life, human beings are dynamically using their brainpower to make their life easier. This is what gave rise to technology and enhanced it from the roots of human existence to the very end. From the invention of basic tools to the robots that work for us, all are outcomes of this regular effort toward a simpler and comfortable lifestyle. Whether we accept it or not but the existence of technology in our lives is irreplaceable and unmatchable.

Although technology has gifted us electricity, modern machinery, internet, also we can see the nuclear weapon lead to world war, lots of distractions, cyber threats, etc. so deciding that whether we are emerging toward boon or bane is very difficult. Let’s check out the major pros and cons, we got from technology in our life. To develop better technology in entire human welfare, check out the major terms that represent both faces of technological inclusion in our lives:

The Pros of Technology

More access to the information:

The Internet has increased the reach of everyone to everything. It has offered us a vast range of informational resources. When you experience surfing the internet, you get to know different ideas, perspectives, and cultures as well. Realtime updates of new stories and affairs, connecting with people, knowing about their lifestyles like what they are up to this include profession, creativity, hobbies, pictures, etc. collaboration through new platforms, chats, and feeds are available on internet to know much more.

We should be thankful for the incredible gift of technology that is Internet of Things (IoT) development, you can access a set of services on it. Connecting with people worldwide has made us explore the world from one corner itself. Maximal data can be transferred through the internet from one device to another easily in very less time.

It helps you save time:

Technology saves your time, must think about the older time when people had to write a letter to send a message, the letter used to reach to the receiver in a minimum duration of 2-3 days. And it used to take the same time in reply. You can analyze the total time that is about 1 week used to be consumed in the entire process of a message and its reply. Now various messaging apps are available where people chat and share numerous messages sometimes in a minute even. This represents a huge difference in the ratio of time consumed and saved by technological ideas.

If you wanted to travel somewhere before, it used to take a lot of time in searching for a way that is quite unsafe and time taking also. Now numerous navigators like google maps are there for you to show the entire route and get a better evaluation of the best-suited way for you to reach easily. Upgraded features of Google maps also let you know the traffic on different routes now.

Communication turned easy, fast and efficient:

Over a long time, artificial intelligence has improved our way of communication and information transmission every decade. At the time of the industrial revolution, we developed great resources for better communication because of excessive requirement. As the need give rise to the invention. We invented the telegraph, which gave rise to the landline telephone, then we developed cell phones and now we are living in the smartphone era. The invention of fiber optics enhanced the data transmission process well.

Technology decreased the cost of many things:

One of the major advantages of technology that has benefited lower class people most is the decrease in the cost of things and resources. Manufacturers all over the world can produce different things in a high amount and in less time through the help of technology. This has raised the competition and competition led to a decrease in the cost of things. Now people can access everything easily as compared to before. Now with the assistance of technological ideas and smart machinery more and more businesses are heading to the market with versatility. This pool of idea has suppressed the cost of articles and services in the market.

The Cons of Technology

It created a dependency:

No one can deny that they cannot live without electricity, smartphone, automobiles, the internet, as well. Less than 5% of people will hardly agree to live without these things worldwide. Most of us have lost our mind power to a level due to technological assistance. People do not remember phone number due to mobile, all the documents and details are handled by your smartphone this is the reason you have nothing on your mind related to such perspective. Calculators prevented mental calculations; these all things represent that we are dependent on technology somewhere.  

Data storage brought security concerns:

People use banking and UPI apps for easy transfer of funds, but this also raises the security risk because you have all the credit and debit details of your bank on the mobile app. A hacker can clear your account in seconds if it gets the access credentials. Firstly, the software is designed and then a security check, flaw penetration, testing, bug fixing, source code security, watermarking, etc. processes are performed further on it. Our almost information from details, photos, videos, audios, docs, all are on the server in a risk.

It is being addictive:

Technology gives you comfort, it often introduces new topics and slowly you become addicted to these things, technology is so amazing the user starts loving it. The major example of this is a smartphone, People are addicted to them, even we spend an average of 3hr45min on screen and it becomes different when you change the field like, an IT person spends more than 12 hours in front of the screen.  

There have been several things that turned user flinched when they asked to leave like video games, smartphones, WiFi, and more. Moreover, fake news or twisted truths spread so fast with technical assistance and people trust it due to a deep trust in tech assisted things.

Summing up

We discussed both advantages and disadvantages of technology and its integration into our life. We cannot deny that technology is very good to us but cannot ignore its negative impacts also. For this, we have to solve this problem we need to consider everything carefully ad use it in a limit as well. Perhaps the comfort of life lies with technology now.


How Customer Reviews are Effective in the Businesses?

Customer Reviews

Live referrals and suggestions are the best methods of advertising and the most successful pathway for a business to reach their customers most of the times. Sharing reviews and saying something about the services and products are some of the most common habits of social people using the internet actively. This is the habit of all customers after they receive the product or service, they speak up themselves if it is good or bad additionally some of them share on the internet or any other platform and some not.

This is with every business whether it is a shopkeeper or a big IT company. You can face it mostly in case of mobile applications. These customer reviews work everywhere whether it is a five-star hotel or a street vendor. Whether it is about a cobbler or a jeweler shop. Customer reviews are trusted 12 times more as compared to the description given by the description given by the business owner or popularity.

Every business owner takes reviews very seriously, you might have observed service providers and even delivery agents ask for the review after completion of the service. Customer Reviews play a 10% role in google search engine result page ranking that is quite interesting. Users trust online posted reviews whether they are buying a property or a smartphone. People have on their mind that a personal experience is better than any illustration. A bad review might affect business very badly, a good review is like potential and more if it is original. The review is very effective in dropping or raising the ratings that prove vitality to the sales enhancement. According to the studies, a business gets a positive review on every star that is about a 5-9% increase in revenues.

Reviews are contributing to business predictions like the way nothing is right now. Transparency is the greatest strength of any business showcasing the strength. Many application optimization techniques are used to improve the user experience that enhances the rating on platforms like PlayStore and AppStore. Now we will get to know how businesses are affected by customer reviews.

People trust online reviews

More than 72% of customers accepted that they consider reviews while opting for any service or product. Most of the businesses are performing this customization to get ratings. Better online visibility comes from higher ratings and brings more customers. The review takes around 207 million website visit aloe every month. People use reviews to decide whether they have to buy the product or not, as the internet is an ocean of opportunities.

Negative reviews appear more than positive reveiws

This is very obvious and confusing as well that negative reviews work more effectively than positive. In frustration, people give a negative review quickly. Even users think that it is important to share the bad experience as compared to the bad. A single negative review is just like loss of at least 30 customers. The worst part is a negative google review is considered about a 70% potential decrease. But still, negative reviews help raise product awareness therefore it is helpful in many cases.

The positive review helps a lot

This is common human nature that hearing or reading something from someone about some product or service make us trust on their thoughts easily. 90% of customers make up their mind for a business just by reading even less than 10 reviews. Customers are commended to spend 31% more on the business with positive reviews. We can see the hotel businesses people are likely to choose the hotel with good ratings, the same thing is seen in food. These reviews boost the competition between businesses they follow up on what others are doing. Numerous mobile app development companies optimize your app to get positive reviews as per user suggestions. You might have seen that popular apps reply from the developer section.

You can Turn the negative review into positive

As this is very obvious that reviews affect a business image deeply, this is the reason you have to concentrate on the business proposition. The interoperability of the reviewer with your business is very important. The negative reviewers can be original or maybe your opponents, this is the reason they do not have any right to handle your business. A review is just an experience and thought, this is not the entire customer base. If people are replying with a bad review you can talk to them make an apology and change it into a positive review this is what successful app developers are doing. This shows how you value your customers and make sure a positive effect of a negative review on your image.

Most of the time, the businesses with an application put major efforts into maintaining a good brand image on the PlayStore or AppStore. They keep checking the reviews on the app and reply immediately as soon as possible. Because reviews are very effective for the number of downloads of an application. You have seen after downloading and pp and running it for 5 minutes, the system asks for a review this is because reviews are a major factor in the popularity of an application.

Want is an app?

Application is the software installed on the smartphone from PlayStore or AppStore, this works like native to the device but users keep proper choice while choosing an application. Getting eyes on the app is very important. AppSquadz Software is a leading mobile app development company that has catered to more than 650 clients across 30 countries that creates good trust in our service for app development solutions with improved user experience.


The Internet has improved the customer reach to every service, this has affected many businesses. Reviews have made it easy to win trust for businesses but also, they have made it difficult to prove themselves in between the competition. The positive and negative values given by customers are relevant and malicious as well. This is very mandatory for the business to get reviews and positive reviews as far as possible. For this, they need to keep modifying the website and pages.


7 Popular Cross-Platform Apps Development Tools That Will Rule in 2021

cross platform app

With the quickly expanding advancements in innovation, developers are ceaselessly sticking their eyes to the app development tools or frameworks that can make their occupation simpler and limit the app development time. Regardless of whether you are an ace developer or an apprentice, here are the 7 most mainstream Cross-platform app development tools that you need to know in 2020. 

Today, in the exceptionally serious market, where developers are searching for incredible app development tools; then again, businesses are chasing the most ideal approaches to improve their businesses. From new businesses to multi-million organizations, applications are someplace adding a huge edge to the business development and causing them from numerous points of view. 

Presently the focal inquiry is, how might you get the privileged app development framework for your business? 

So what are the main cross-platform frameworks that you ought to pick in 2021? 

Before you burrow profound and dedicate enough time to exploration, we have gathered together a couple of best cross-platform mobile app development frameworks dependent on beneath referenced boundaries: 

  • Performance and Popularity 
  • Code reusability and rich-vault 
  • Easy to learn and uphold all parts of Cross-platform app development. 
  • Strong people group backing and reasonable documentation of framework for amateurs 
  • Ability to get to gadget capacities. 

Here is the rundown of best cross-platform mobile development tools 2021 leading the era with smart integration of coding languages: 

1. React Native (A Top Choice of Cross-platform framework among developers) 

React Native was dispatched by Facebook in March 2015 and has immediately gotten an ideal decision for developers knowing JavaScript. Moreover, planning the app with React Native is very quick and more agreeable for the developers as it is an open-source Hybrid app development and permits you to reuse the codebase for app development. 

2. Flutter (Ideal Framework to Develop Cross-platform Apps with Clock-Challenge) 

Flutter is one of the high-level degrees of UI kit dispatched by Google in 2018, and appropriate to the cutting edge app development climate. It is an open-source Software development kit (SDK) that offers a wide decision of UI components, gadgets, and a superior delivering motor that permits developers to tweak the application with smooth movements. 

3. Ionic (A Popular Cross-Platform Based Framework Based on Web Technology) 

With the critical market offer and web utilization insights of Ionic, developers are forcefully picking this framework to assemble native apps and reformist web applications. 

4. Xamarin (prominent Tool used to Develop Cross-Platform Application) 

As per the review, Xamarin is one of the fifth most famous tools for making superior cross-platform application development. Being sponsored by Microsoft, Xamarin underpins C# codebase and appropriate for .net developers. Building elite applications with Xamarin is very quick and more agreeable as it has a Test Cloud highlight that consequently tests your app and guarantees 100% code reusability. 

5. Cordova (simple to Learn Mobile Application Development Tool) 

As per Stack share, Apache Cordova has gotten 818 GitHub stars and 336 GitHub forks and urging developers to make all the more impressive applications by utilizing the properties of Native assets including Phone’s camera, accelerometer, compass, contacts, messages, geolocation, organizations, warnings and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Building up an application with Cordova is time and savvy as it uses high caliber and various arrangements of highlights that help in creating apps progressively. 

6. Appcelerator (Most Popular Mobile App Development Tool) 

Another advantage of utilizing Appcelerator is that it empowers you to reuse 90% of the code across various platforms which come out as the main bit of leeway when creating native apps. Thirdly, the platform gives admittance to different APIs through an element considered Hyperloop that empowers you to utilize APIs of iOS and Android utilizing JavaScript straightforwardly. 

7. Corona (A Perfect Cross-Platform Framework for Gaming Apps) 

Corona is allowed to utilize and simple to introduce platforms that permit developers to quickly see changes in Lua codes through the implicit Corona Simulator, so there’s no compelling reason to keep up the toolsets. Regardless of whether you are a professional or a beginner developer, each degree of development is permitted to get to the center usefulness of this framework. 


Toward the finish of this article, it merits referencing that despite having all these cross-platform app development frameworks with broad advantages, native app development frameworks have their coding favorable circumstances. 

There is no performance correlation between Hybrid app development and cross-platform development apps. In any case, with regards to sparing app development cost, time, and market time, an enormous fragment of SMEs, new businesses, and even million-dollar undertakings are picking cross-platform frameworks for their next app development venture. 

If you have a complex app development venture that requests the most recent specialized highlights, at that point, it is prescribed to hire a mobile app development company for additional help.


Apple renovates user experience now in iOS 14

iOS is the most engaging and popular operating system in this world. Apple has its tagline “think different” the iPhone app developers at apple company are motivated to think differently from the world that has resulted in the apple’s amazing status in the gadget market. The devices and operating system of apple make it unique this is the reason the apple company has sold its device more than the people living on this globe. Well, the company has sold its Phones alone more than the population of earth that is 7 billion. The company has worth more than 29% in the international market.

How iOS different from other operating systems?

Apple always thinks of user experience, it has always eyed on the user experience and user interface. iOS app Developers at the apple company only think of giving the feel of safety and cyber protection of their data. People love to use iPhone devices in well-developed countries there are 90% iOS devices including MacBook, iPad, etc. Users and on another hand 100% iPhone users. Similarly, the youth of this country always reams for iOS devices only. Once the person opts for any iOS device it never thinks of switching operating systems. Apple has everything unique, despite these things’ apple has the largest number of customers in global market share. The market size of an apple is beyond our imagination despite the costliest products. Apple devices are a gamut of amazing features and integrity. The level of comfort appl provide keeps the user engaged to it for a long time.

iOS 14 vs previous versions

With this status apple always thinks of introducing something new, in its new operating system version or a device like the iPhone model. Whether in terms of model design or features trend in the iOS, apple always stays unbeatable. Now have a look at the iOS 13 that was released last year, it had camera improved and other features that iOS 13 users might have experienced. Likewise, now apple is going to launch iOS 14. Every company and iOS software development research persons are making several assumptions on expected features of the new iOS model and version. Now as iOS is famous and popular. A maximum number of people use the iPhone, that the businesses and enterprises that stabilize their market by the help of applications must make their app compatible with iOS 14.

To keep business as it is for the years it was, your iPhone app needs to have features to keep it synchronized with the iPhone. For this, you must know the new features. All the iPhone app development companies look for such research reports. Go through the context you will know about the expected features your app should be integrated with to run better in iOS 14.

To understand the needs of iOS 14, what changes and features need to be added to your application are can be understood by the help of points mention here.

Dark Mode 

The dark mode is the greatest client confronting change that we saw, bringing a framework wide appearance that fulfilled the evening people among us. Actualizing it very well may be amazingly simple, and it allows you to refine your advantages, evacuating copy hues as you make new ones that can react to the framework interface mode.

Modal Presentation Styles 

You’ll see when you utilize the framework applications in iOS 13, or anything that has been upgraded, that modals present somewhat better at this point. This is because the default introduction style has changed from UI Modal Presentation Full Screen to UI Modal Presentation Automatic, which changes depending on its specific situation. The default introduction style for programmed is UI Modal Presentation Page Sheet.

Scene Delegate 

iOS 13 carried with it the spic and span Scene Delegate and backing for numerous windows. You ought to consider if your mobile app development is one that may profit by this — most efficiency applications will see an incredible improvement by permitting clients on Mac and iPad to open various occasions. Take a gander at how notes act on your iPad, permitting you to open two one next to the other.

App Library 

The new iOS 14 brings a genuinely necessary design to patch up to the home screen. Rather than utilizing old fashioned school-home screen with all the symbols masterminded in lines and segments, iOS 14 will permit sorting these applications in envelopes. It incorporates organizers like Suggested Apps which are applications dependent on the client’s use. At that point there are a lot of different classes of organizers with application symbols inside that clients can just tap and open.

App Clips 

One of the promising highlights that iOS 14 shows up with is App Clips. The element lets clients use applications that they would prefer not to introduce however attempt previously. It is a lot of like Google’s Instant Apps where you look at a good application on Play Store, give it a shot and download it on the off chance that it merits your time.

Changing Default Apps 

For a considerable length of time, iPhone clients needed to depend on a default application, for example, Safari for perusing, etc. With iOS 14, Apple has changed the viewpoint by offering clients alternatives to switch its default iPhone app development however they see fit. Even though the component is restricted to program and mail applications as of now, one can anticipate that it should turn out for different kinds of applications too. 

The changes in iOS 14 can give a solid idea to come up with a unique and productive iOS strategy. These points are mixed up with the changes coming in iOS 1 and the changes required in your iOS app development


The content is an analysis over expectations from the iOS users and the pattern with which iOS has introduced itself in its every new version till now. the company introduces something new every time. iPhone app development company, AppSquadz has a professional iOS developer team that keeps coordination over new ideology. Contact us now.


Typical flaws to avoid before & after Mobile App Launch

Avoid Before and After Mobile App Launch

Does not matter where you are getting your app developed, by chance wherever you are getting your application developed there are always some points which you have to take care of. Because whenever you get eyes on the mobile app development process for your business, sometime it may cost high to you if you are thinking the first time. Must have a better knowledge to avoid such loss.

Have a look at the points you need to ponder before and after mobile app development and release:

1. Pick a stage 

In a perfect world, with interminable assets, you’d dispatch on both Android and iOS simultaneously with a completely highlighted local application. You’ll need to consider which stage to dispatch on first, and each has its arrangement of advantages and disadvantages. Android is presently the market chief as far as reception and maintenance, however, iOS application development is increasingly beneficial, so if your adaptation system is reliant on paid-for applications or in-application buys, at that point iOS may be your smartest option. Besides that, there are various advancement contemplations to consider before picking a stage:

2. Recognize your beta clients and test, test, test 

Your beta clients will fill in as a definitive experimental group and will be probably the most legit and exact pundits of your new-to-the-world application, so finding the correct gathering is significant. You can decide to do an open beta dispatch, which is available to everybody to acquire impressions or do a private dispatch by a welcome in particular. To start with, consider what your vision is for the application, and alongside that who your optimal client would be: if it’s truly anybody, open beta could be fine. If you incline toward more focused on beta bits of knowledge, locate the nearest conceivable variant of your optimal client, and welcome them.

3. Plan your securing efforts 

Each application will have natural procurement, however, just some will have paid obtaining. Facebook’s foundation is at present the most-utilized, however, utilizing web crawler advertising and other portable advertisement stages ought to be considered in the arranging stage. Versatile promotions function admirably to drive clients since they’re as of now in the portable attitude. Also, when advertisements are served to the correct crowd (by focusing on explicit interests), you’re paying to acquaint your application with your optimal clients.

4. Recognize what’s working and so forth 

In particular, which highlights are your clients reacting to, and what usefulness resounds most? The objective here is to know precisely how clients are connecting with your mobile app development and to twofold down on that usefulness, improving the experience, and giving clients what they need. It may even be that your essential element isn’t what the client’s interface with most, however which will help illuminate your methodology pushing ahead and develop your application further.

5. Take a gander at your underlying App Store achievement 

Downloads aren’t the most significant measurement to quantify with regards to your application achievement long haul, yet during dispatch, it without a doubt becomes the overwhelming focus. You need whatever number eyes on your application as could be allowed, which means following downloads as an underlying pointer of intrigue and use. Likewise, on the off chance that you chose to fabricate applications for different stages, you’ll need to consider precisely how you’ll draw experiences over the different application stores. Application Annie is an extraordinary wellspring of statistical surveying, and their examination stage can gauge your downloads by source, show in general income, and track your App Store positioning.

6. Examine first week standards for dependability 

Are the channels you picked during pre-dispatch conveying in the numbers you needed? The appropriate response lies in procurement and maintenance follow. Go past recognizing the downloads from each source and take a gander at the main week information around standards for dependability: which channels conveyed the most drew in, significant clients? This will assist you with approving the correct sources and quit paying for the ones that just aren’t working.


We are established globally; we are trusted by large and small enterprises for cost-effective and punctual mobile app development services in all the well-developed major countries. The company is stable at the international level due to a highly qualified and professional team.