Top 5 Applications for Electric Cars

Applications for electric autos and all autos by and large are a developing business sector. As even our autos are progressively turning out to be separated of the Internet of Things (IoT), the requirement for applications for autos will develop. Also, where there’s a need, there’s an open door. Significantly luckier, we’re here to offer assistance. Progressively, autos are landing off the line with on-boarded Wi-Fi and even screens. Fundamentally, our autos are getting to be PCs themselves. Considerably more imperative, there’s solid motivation to trust that inside of the following decade, Self-Driving Cars will be accessible to general society. Not long after that, they will be the standard. As it were, this is a prospering business sector with various chances for the deft business person. AppSquadz Technologies Pvt. Ltd. specializes in enterprise solutions for the customer, we built apps for electric cars. AppSquadz Technologies Pvt. Ltd. comes in the best iPhone App Development Company in Noida, India. So right off the bat, how about we examine a portion of the best applications for electric autos – and Smart Cars when all is said it has done (not those Smartcards).


Top 5 Programming Languages for Mobile Application Development

Versatile applications have turned into an inescapable piece of one’s regular life. Be it purchasing garments, basic need and different adornments, searching music and motion pictures, or getting to messages and so forth – everything you need to do is to tap on an application. It won’t not be right to say that portable applications are the advanced approach to contact potential gathering of people paying little respect to their physical area.

This has fueled another rivalry among organizations to think of an application that can help accomplishing a steady position in the business sector. What’s more, organizations depend on engineers for getting an easy to use yet profoundly captivating application to counteract losing a gigantic client base. Today Mobile App Development is continuously growing and best Start-up for many companies. Here we tell you 5 programming languages for the mobile app development company.


List of Top 10 Leading Mobile App Development Companies in India

List of Top 10 Leading Mobile App Development Companies in India

India is becoming the fertile landmass for the app development having more than 50 thousands app development companies having more than 300 thousands of mobile app developers. After the US, India has the largest community of Android Developers across the globe. Here are the list top 10 Leading Mobile App Development Companies in India. As per the survey, it mobile app development will be the single largest hub for developers across the map by 2021.


Mobile App Designs- Infographics

Mobile App Design



Lollipop Becomes the Most Popular Version of the Android


Google Recently published the latest android device share statistics which showed that Lollipop has become the most used version of android. Claiming 36.1% of device share, edging past kitkat 34.3%. The jelly bean version holds a 22.3% device share while the latest Android version Marshmallow, released in second half of 2015 is being used in 2.3% of all android devices.

There is a new Android king in town, and its name is Lollipop. Google released its monthly update to the Platform Versions page for Android today, and the gold and silver positions have swapped.

Android Lollipop has managed to finally pass Android KitKat in terms of adoption. The achievement took 16 months: Google debuted the Nexus 9, the first device to sport Android 5.0, back in November 2014.


On the positive front, Marshmallow use nearly doubled in the space of a month, to 2.3 percent. That’s far from huge (it’s the same share as the 2011-era Ice cream sandwich), but it shows that Marshmallow upgrades are arriving in earnest. And those figures should get a healthy boost soon: Marshmallow-toting flagships like the LG and Samsung Galaxy S7 are arriving in force this spring, so many users will jump to Google’s freshest OS as a matter of course.

Gingerbread stands with 2.6 percent, Ice Cream Sandwich with 2.3 percent and Jelly Bean with 19.1 percent.

Android 3.0 Honeycomb was not listed by Google because it has less than 0.1 percent device market share.

Lastly, versions of Android app older than 2.2 Froyo were excluded from the stats, along with devices that don’t have the Google Play Store installed.

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Top 10 Cost-effective Mobile Application Development Companies in India

In the last few years, the mobile app development market is booming at a very rapid pace. Whether it is taxi booking, ordering of Favorited food or paying the household bills, people are highly opting the mobile apps for executing each and every task of daily life. Mobile apps have really made our life very easy & hassle-free; in just a few clicks you can do anything. Here we will tell you about the top 10 cost-effective mobile app development company in India.