Building Mobile Apps for Foldable & Large Screen Mobile Devices

mobile apps

As we all know that the increase in demand for mobile phones has drastically changed over the past few years. Right from the flip mobile phones to keypad phones to QWERTY phones to touch screens now, everything has completely changed in different ways. For about the past 2 years, the entire business has been revolving around foldable mobile phones and this will continue to create a remarkable history in the coming years.

Today, foldable mobile phones are been apart from other types of mobile phones that have grabbed the attention of users in less amount of time and have completely blended the devices that result in the excitement of users. When these mobile phones are not in use, they can be folded into small pocket sizes and can be opened with a larger screen when using.

As per the report from Global device forecast, by the year 2023, foldable mobile phones will present 5% of high-end smartphones in the market which led to the growth of businesses. Primarily because of the high costs involved, the world tech is dived when it comes to the success of foldable mobile phones in the coming near future.

Impact of foldable mobile phones on the development process

The increase in the number of mobile phones (foldable phones) has impacted directly the process of development in today’s competitive scenario. It is a fact that how a mobile app is developed for a single screen is absolutely different from how a mobile app is developed for both small and large screens. The developers will certainly have to focus on several factors like the configuration, size, and more while developing mobile apps for two different screens.

The entire process gets altered when it comes to designing parts of the screens. Sometimes, people generally seem that it is easy and flexible to solve the problems with UI/UX designs and for larger screens, it might be complicated at some point in time. To begin with, the developers will provide the best and more immersive experience for the users because they have a multi-window with foldable mobile phones.

As the best mobile UI/UX development company, it is important to understand the needs of the users and work accordingly on the mobile application development process.  Not only the video streaming apps but also the live content and major streaming services are offered by foldable mobile phones in a larger format for the user’s convexity.

Major features to build mobile apps for foldable and larger screen devices

As we know that foldable mobile phones offer an immersive user experience and therefore, mobile app development becomes more innumerable for the users. Let us have a look at some of the major steps that one should keep in mind while building mobile apps for foldable and larger screen mobile devices:

App Continuity

It is important for foldable mobile phones to give the transition from one screen to another that will satisfy the users with greater experience and will result in better outcomes.


One of the crucial factors that foldable mobile phone has is resizable which makes these mobile phones easy to use and handy to carry. This will help you to ensure the maximum compatibility factor no matter what the environmental functionality is.

Screen Ratio

To ensure compatibility with the number of devices, the mobile apps must be tested on as many screens as possible and in different screen ratios which makes the content or videos or any other stuff valuable and convenient for the users.


Multi-window is another best feature that foldable mobile phones have and is advised to have the multiple applications that are running side by side when the phone is expanded to its larger size and is running at the same time.


This is one of the major points that developers should focus upon while working on foldable mobile phones that the multi-resume feature is important either way. This is done especially to help the apps which run the content or would either get paused whenever a mobile app is not focusing.


The future might seem to be that the foldable mobile phones have more features more than one screen at one time and this configuration might alter or can be safely handled in the same way like the developer works on projected screens for Chrome OS.

Multi-Display Support

The surface of android app development is independently drawn away which is one of the most important factors one (developer) must cover and understand. Hence, the multi-display support will allow users for a better user experience.

Foldable Testing

Are you sure that your mobile phone (foldable phone) is ready to be released or not? Then, perform the testing option in it before you release them. Therefore, as a mobile app developer you must cross-check configuration changes, multi-window, and multi-resume, resizing, and screen ratios in a better way.


When it comes to mobile application development either for the android app development or iOS app development platform, there are several challenges and multiple factors to consider at the time of the development process. Hence, it completely depends upon the users’ requirements what they or their business is looking for in what sort of budget.


How Microservices are Remodelling the Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development

Mobile devices are rapidly growing as the user’s most preferred choice for internet browsing. Amidst the market leaders focusing on furnishing customers with superior user experiences, presently, we are observing an accelerated rise in user expectations which mandates the modification of the user experiences you present. Adopting only a mobile-first strategy is not acceptable anymore. A shift to mobile applications presents you ample advantages over your competitors as in the initial days’ users make-do with a responsive website.

For a successful mobile application, the key to the mobile app is not restricted to its excellent design and subsequent development. The mobile app development team needs to quicken the delivery of advantages that a mobile application contributes to the users. Usage of the agile procedure, selecting a DevOps system and generating a transition to the microservices model of building a cloud-based app supplies you with an exclusive business advantage.

Microservices empower the mobile app developers to possess the entire project development cycle. It gives much-needed adaptability in mobile application development services. The development team can act upon the data gathered from clients to incorporate changes within the application components on a real-time basis ending in the DevOps system getting increasingly powerful, and the team of mobile app developers progressively dexterous.

What are Microservices?

Microservices architecture is a significant architectural development structure which is valuable for creating complicated software applications. It includes the fragmentation of enormous apps into approximately coupled smaller services. Every microservice focuses on separate business functionality. Each microservice can be autonomously deployed, twitched with, and redeployed without negotiating the application uprightness — the freewheeling blend of microservices lead to the assistance of fast deployments. The highlights build because of client feedback, therefore speedily reach the users.

How microservices vary from conventional development practices?

In the conventional unified app architecture, all the structures of the code are created as a single cohesive unit within which the constituents are interconnected and independent. Every update the mobile app developer demand to make results in changes performed to the intact stack. Moving to another technology stack or adopting a different framework compels a substantial overhaul and editing of the entire code. Interestingly, microservices architecture has the structure which is split in different services that can operate as autonomous processes and interact employing APIs. Containerization empowers the epitome of the services and operations to run in parallel, creating the current framework accessible to maintain. Any updates or modifications can be made on singular services without affecting the entire structure.

Benefits of microservices design in mobile app development

Enhanced potency and agility

Microservices are built, deployed, and examined independently of other constituents in the system, resulting in increased team agility and rapid iteration sequences. The app developers have the elasticity to handle the framework or language appropriate for the functionality developed, ramping up the productivity by radically diminishing the number of codes to be written.

Stimulated speed and scalability

Scaling of different microservices elements at runtime occurs exclusively, facilitating productive resource utilization. We can move the workload of a component to an infrastructure which best suits the task. Microservices offer a more stimulated mobile app development speed accompanied with on-demand scalability. The microservices can effortlessly leverage the versatility of the cloud-native environment, and it also assures the app is more responsive to market conditions.

Continuous deployment

The introduction of microservices ensues that the cross-functional teams control the entire mobile application lifecycle in a constant delivery model. With a team comprising of testers, developers, and operation unit operating together on a development and testing, individual service and debugging occurs in persistent repetitions.

Rise in cross-functional teams

Microservices ends up with improved autonomy for the software developer as they can work individually, which results in quicker decisiveness. When talking about microservices architecture, the cross-functional teams are comprised of individuals who take up more rapid decisions. Operating in small and close-knit groups causes more autonomy to each team members and more responsive technical determination.

Versatility in using technologies & access to a deeper talent pool

The development team is free to opt for the technology stack that best suits the specific service as each developed microservice is written utilizing various technology. The versatility microservices presents you lets you access a deeper talent pool. Decoupled services composed in different programming languages can efficiently synchronize, affix distinct elements, and implement scaling at individual levels.

[Also Read: A New Era of Mobile App Development with 5G Technology]


The shift to a microservices architecture needs to be handled sensibly and strategically implemented as the business profits of transforming are immense. Executing a DevOps practice, with active tracking is inherent for an adequate shift to the microservices architecture. The trend in versatility and impetus has to keep equilibrium with an affiliated addition in complexity.


Typical flaws to avoid before & after Mobile App Launch

Avoid Before and After Mobile App Launch

Does not matter where you are getting your app developed, by chance wherever you are getting your application developed there are always some points which you have to take care of. Because whenever you get eyes on the mobile app development process for your business, sometime it may cost high to you if you are thinking the first time. Must have a better knowledge to avoid such loss.

Have a look at the points you need to ponder before and after mobile app development and release:

1. Pick a stage 

In a perfect world, with interminable assets, you’d dispatch on both Android and iOS simultaneously with a completely highlighted local application. You’ll need to consider which stage to dispatch on first, and each has its arrangement of advantages and disadvantages. Android is presently the market chief as far as reception and maintenance, however, iOS application development is increasingly beneficial, so if your adaptation system is reliant on paid-for applications or in-application buys, at that point iOS may be your smartest option. Besides that, there are various advancement contemplations to consider before picking a stage:

2. Recognize your beta clients and test, test, test 

Your beta clients will fill in as a definitive experimental group and will be probably the most legit and exact pundits of your new-to-the-world application, so finding the correct gathering is significant. You can decide to do an open beta dispatch, which is available to everybody to acquire impressions or do a private dispatch by a welcome in particular. To start with, consider what your vision is for the application, and alongside that who your optimal client would be: if it’s truly anybody, open beta could be fine. If you incline toward more focused on beta bits of knowledge, locate the nearest conceivable variant of your optimal client, and welcome them.

3. Plan your securing efforts 

Each application will have natural procurement, however, just some will have paid obtaining. Facebook’s foundation is at present the most-utilized, however, utilizing web crawler advertising and other portable advertisement stages ought to be considered in the arranging stage. Versatile promotions function admirably to drive clients since they’re as of now in the portable attitude. Also, when advertisements are served to the correct crowd (by focusing on explicit interests), you’re paying to acquaint your application with your optimal clients.

4. Recognize what’s working and so forth 

In particular, which highlights are your clients reacting to, and what usefulness resounds most? The objective here is to know precisely how clients are connecting with your mobile app development and to twofold down on that usefulness, improving the experience, and giving clients what they need. It may even be that your essential element isn’t what the client’s interface with most, however which will help illuminate your methodology pushing ahead and develop your application further.

5. Take a gander at your underlying App Store achievement 

Downloads aren’t the most significant measurement to quantify with regards to your application achievement long haul, yet during dispatch, it without a doubt becomes the overwhelming focus. You need whatever number eyes on your application as could be allowed, which means following downloads as an underlying pointer of intrigue and use. Likewise, on the off chance that you chose to fabricate applications for different stages, you’ll need to consider precisely how you’ll draw experiences over the different application stores. Application Annie is an extraordinary wellspring of statistical surveying, and their examination stage can gauge your downloads by source, show in general income, and track your App Store positioning.

6. Examine first week standards for dependability 

Are the channels you picked during pre-dispatch conveying in the numbers you needed? The appropriate response lies in procurement and maintenance follow. Go past recognizing the downloads from each source and take a gander at the main week information around standards for dependability: which channels conveyed the most drew in, significant clients? This will assist you with approving the correct sources and quit paying for the ones that just aren’t working.


We are established globally; we are trusted by large and small enterprises for cost-effective and punctual mobile app development services in all the well-developed major countries. The company is stable at the international level due to a highly qualified and professional team.


Flutter 1.12 highlights & what makes Flutter App Development Popular

Flutter App Development

Google announced the newest version of its cross-platform development framework with new partner Adobe, Flutter 1.12 and its plans for the future. Since the initial release, Flutter has flourished in a short time. Millions of mobile app developers are using Flutter for app development purposes. From the last one year, the Flutter app development framework has emerged as the fastest-growing language and open-source project.

This time the latest release Flutter 1.12 may not appear to be a significant release. Still, Google has proclaimed that the fifth stable release of the Flutter framework will bring in subtle improvements. These enhancements cover the beta version of web support and the alpha release of macOS support. Furthermore, it also combines iOS 13 Dark Mode support, enhanced Add-to-App experience, and much more.

Google also revealed the company itself employs Flutter often for its mobile apps. The company is delighted with the results and is making its mind to incorporate more modern and advanced features in Flutter.

By a plug-in that exports Adobe XD designs straight away into Flutter, Adobe announced support for Flutter in its Creative Cloud. Additionally, the company also said, the XD to Flutter plug-in is going to be available as open-source at the beginning of 2020 however as of now you have the option to sign-up for early access on Adobe’s website.

What is Flutter?

It is Google’s mobile app SDK, having frameworks, widgets, and tools, that furnishes mobile app developers with a simple way to develop and deploy visually attractive and robust mobile applications for Android and iOS platforms. Flutter facilitates a stable and secure cross-platform mobile app development and most importantly, it cuts down substantial app development costs.

What makes Flutter the right choice among app developers and app owners

One code for two platforms

The work of the application developers gets reduced as they have to write one codebase for both the apps- Android and iOS platforms. Since Flutter has its widgets and designs, it doesn’t depend on the platform, which means you have the same app on both platforms.

Less testing

The same app is on both the platforms, which means you require testing once which in turn makes the quality assurance process faster. Developers have to check the app just once and write automatic tests only once as it has one codebase. Less testing will fasten the development process, which is a positive aspect for app owners and developers.

UI which your users will admire

Flutter Dark Mode

Flutter Dark Mode

Flutter is designed in such a way that it focuses on native end-user experiences. The layered architecture enables complete customization, which results in incredibly quick rendering and robust and compliant designs.

Faster apps

Apps made on Flutter perform smoothly and in a quick way, without hanging while scrolling. From the technical point of view, the development process gets minimized as one codebase is used for both the platforms.


Here we have brought into light some of the features and essential points that the Flutter 1.12 holds. Google has announced its latest release with Adobe XD Support. Also, we have talked about what makes Flutter app development the best choice among mobile app developers as well as the app owners. We have also discussed the pros of Flutter briefly. Since the fresh release is out, you can talk about it to your development team or may also connect with a Flutter app development company for the same.


Ways to overcome your Mobile App Development Cost by Hiring a Dedicated Developer

Mobile App Development

The process of mobile app development is done strictly according to the technological aspects of trending ideas. As smartphones are highly trending in the market all youngsters love to use apps that provide amazing startup follow-ups. No one can think of better technology and strategy for mobile app development than a professional developer. The benefits of hiring a mobile app developer personally are beyond your imagination. Behind the visible points, there is a hidden gamut of features that you get after hiring a dedicated mobile app developer.

Reasons why custom app development cost goes over budget:

  • As per the Harvard Business Review, app development projects go over budget over 27% of their proposed price.
  • Generally, one in every six projects encounters an over-budget of 200%. 
  • IT breakdown rates are assessed to be within 5–15%, accounting for damage of $50-$150 billion every year in the US only.
  • Organizations waste the budget due to poor project performance, even if 80% of the project is being completed on time.

Every point and beneficial trend you get is better for your business in some way directly money saving. When you think of getting an app there are two different ways of getting an app, maybe you can hire an app developer or contact a mobile app development company for better assistance. There is a different impact of contacting a company or hiring personally.

Firstly, you have to consider your purpose that what kind of app you need to develop, and how big your project is. What level of versatility your idea has, and according to your thought how many professionals are enough to accomplish your expectations? These things matter a lot.

Now have look what benefits you will get if hire a mobile app developer, mentioned below the further context:

Better for startups and big projects:

As already here mentioned whether you are going to get startup, where you are going to invest, and taking risks without knowing the results, you need to opt for a low-cost option where it is best. And on the other hand, if you have a successful business and now thinking of a big project, there also will be a person who will be better suited.

Availability of technical expertise and resources:

A person working for you only will be available for you all the time and provide better assistance in every perspective whether it is technical or about design and layout of the application.

Tuned workflow:

You always have eyes on your project and stay tuned about the status of the work process over your app development project. The developer hired by you will work for you only and will accomplish the project at a faster pace than other options.

Less legal issues:

When the mobile app developer is working for your project only, everything is clear and mirror-like clean in between your ad the person going to help you in the project. Then any kind of legal issue like late delivery, duration swings, payment issues, etc.

Long-term relationships:

When someone works with you for a long time then it is always aware of your thinking pattern, and your choices. Similarly, whenever you will get to develop a new project you can contact it again, this is cost-effective, time-saving as well as you can get a better help as compared to contacting new platform evetime. You have a surety all the time regarding the project and have to get fewer eyes overwork process than before.

Companies care about their products and they might not let you get your delivery on time but when you get your project it will perfectly be programmed and teste both manually and technically. As well as companies take responsibility for the modification and bug fixing for a limited period. On the other hand, hiring a dedicated mobile app developer is Budget-friendly in every aspect.


The mobile app development companies have professional teams and not even they provide the services only, but also the leading mobile app development companies like AppSquadz that are trusted globally or the incredible services. We have a team that is always ready for your assistance, you can also here the developers personally for your projects. Professionals here are highly experienced in working for huge projects and startups.


Must-have features for Driver App Development that benefit drivers in Taxi Business

Driver App Development

As of now, with the advent of taxi riding apps like Ola and Uber, no driver discovers it challenging to find riders. Adopting a cab from their place has been a trend now rather than walking down in search of a taxi or an auto-rickshaw. Taxi drivers find the app more convenient in many ways with no time wasted in hunt of passengers, which in turn boosts their income. If you want to build a taxi riding or sharing application for drivers with driver-tailored experience, contact a ride-sharing app development company.

As we can see the people are opting for a taxi as a means of transport for their convenient commute. With growth and development, the countries and cities are developing at a fast pace. As the well-developed countries have everything perfect, beautiful views, high buildings, smooth roads, and streets, along with these uncountable people. Usually, well-developed cities have a high uber of people than rural areas.

People are highly literate and rich as well. People opt to commute from one place to another by cars to maintain standards. That is the reason taxis for the people of middle status. Taxi apps and cabs are very popular in well-developed countries and the cities that are under development also have great demand for cars to travel from one place to another. As well there is no doubt that cabs or taxis are more comfortable than any kind of transport, literate people of every age love to travel by themselves. The taxis are the same as the cab, just cab is a modern name of taxis.

Significance of taxi mobile app 

Similarly, as the craze of taxis increased, the craze of smartphones and mobile apps got a pace together. Startups in commute services, mostly get the people with all-time best services of online convenience. taxi mobile apps for the better introduction of the business to youth are very important as well and easy to reach the audience at an extensive level. Taxi mobile app development to book taxi or bike to commute is very common nowadays, the youth that is studying as well as working people find it very helpful. Companies like Ola and Uber have excelled in the field of travel with app facilities for the people. Uber is preceding very fast across the globe and providing services in countries we can see just dream of. Huge projects of uber-like air taxis are going to be true with such software technology and advanced strategic ideas.

Features benefits and trend the app designed for a taxi driver must have, are mentioned below. Go through the content you will find it helpful in further processing of your taxi app development:

GPS tracking, Maps, & Route 

Navigation, throughout the location, is very easy if the app designed for a taxi driver have map integration. A taxi driver would find it easy to locate its passenger, as well as find the directions for the destination. If the driver is newly hired or it does not know any particular place in the case. That time you have to map is helpful to get the route.

Application for Passengers

The taxi driver app should be very synchronized with the application for the passenger. This is how the passenger gets easily synchronized with the app design and find it user friendly. The app for passenger and taxi driver is the same sometimes just have the difference of id and login. Whenever the diver puts in the slot of employment designation changes itself.


The communicative integration in the app, is very helpful. If the area is a bit congested or new for the driver or passenger that time the driver or passenger can contact and know about the duration of reach. Communication whether text or call is very important so that the passenger would wait for calm fully and will not go frustrated.

Real-time location track

This is not a big deal anyway, because the usual social media and chatting apps also have location access features. Similarly, the taxi mobile app must have this feature so that the taxi driver will know the location of its passenger as well the passenger will be satisfied and find the time take by the driver reasonable.

Ease of Booking

The passenger feels very easy to book the ride with an app it is fast and comfortable. It is out of the useless conversation and very authorized. Also, the taxi driver easily can decide whether it has to accept the booking or not then it passes on to some another drive in the radius. Fast booking and faster acceptance are all-time features of online software.

[Read More: How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Taxi Booking App Like Ola Or Uber]


The taxi app development process is one of the main points of the software development business. The majority of small and big companies thinking to invest in commute service and along with this the demand for taxi app development for passenger and river is increasing day by day. We are also a reputed mobile app development company; our testimonials are taxi for sure that was later acquired by Ola.