Mobile Application Development and Its Phases

Mobile Application Development

Mobile application development is a term used to denote the act or process by which a mobile app is developed for mobile devices, such as personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants or mobile phones. These applications can be pre-installed on phones during manufacturing platforms, or delivered as web applications using server-side or client-side processing (e.g., JavaScript) to provide an “application-like” experience within a Web browser.

mobile application development company from India and USA also consider a long array of screen sizes, hardware specifications, and configurations because of intense competition in mobile Application and changes within each of the platforms. Mobile app development has been steadily growing, in revenues and jobs created. The process of building an App following a detailed one step at a time approach is called Mobile App Development Life cycle.


Mobile Applications In This ERA

Mobile Applications

We live in a digital world where technology plays a crucial role. Various technologies like mobiles, Internet etc helps us to stay connected, well informed and upgraded.

Let’s talk about the most used technology in today’s time, which is a mobile phone or a smart phone. Almost 70% of the world population uses mobile phones for the purpose of communication, information, business, etc. In order to make a mobile phone user-friendly, various changes and add-ons have been done by mobile application developers from India & USA in today’s time because of which they are now called smart phones.

We all are aware of the mobile applications that have made our life easier. We were never so connected which we are and it hasn’t been possible without these applications and mobile application developers. Whether we talk about WhatsApp, WeChat, Instagram, ShareIt etc. all these mobile applications have become a part of our daily routine. Not a day goes by when we don’t check these applications because we have become so addicted and dependent that it is quite hard to stay away from them.


Make Your App Indexed, Ranked & Installed By Simple Steps

Would you like to promote your App? AppSquadz a prominent mobile application development company provides some basic tips for helping your app to appear in Google’s ‘app pack’ search results.

Do you have an app that you’d like to rank in mobile search engine results? If so, you’re going to need to make room in your SEO strategy for app optimization.

For apps, there are distinct ranking factors. Although they are similar to ranking factors for a standard web page, there are differences that you need to know about.

Here’s how you can optimize your app to get the best possible rank.

According to a recent Google report, 27 percent of users find apps through a search engine. That’s up from 2 percent to 3 percent in 2014.

That trend will likely continue. Why? Because Google is emphasizing app downloads from search results while brushing aside Google Play as a search engine. Google has also become better at ranking apps, a trend we can expect to continue.


Want To Create a Successful Mobile Application? Follow These 10 steps:

mobile application

Western smartphone makers, like Apple and Google, are increasingly looking east for growth, giving countries like India significant influence over the features they build into their phones.

India has the fastest-growing smartphone market in the world, accounting for 27.5 million devices sold in the second quarter of 2016, up 17 percent from the previous quarter, according to IDC.

To ensure the visibility of your app in such a complex, competitive market, you need to be very particular about the approach being followed for mobile application development. To create a successful mobile application, you need to follow a systematic approach to app development. Here we have listed 10 steps for mobile application development:

Step 1: A Great Imagination Leads to a Great App

To create a successful mobile application, the first thing you need to keep in mind is:

  • Identify a problem that your app can resolve
  • Decide the features of your app

The app should provide a customer with tangible benefits, including reducing costs via productivity enhancements, new revenue, or improving the customer experience.


Things to know before Developing your Mobile App

mobile application

Pre-planning always comes handy, especially when planning something complex such as developing your mobile application. Below we have mentioned some of the things to plan thoroughly before developing your mobile application.


Indian Mobile App Development Company Charges Lower than the USA Developers

Mobile App Development

Without a doubt, the US is the worldwide hub of IT sector, but the average cost of developing a mobile application is extremely low in India than the US. So, in case you are looking for a career in mobile application development in India, it is best to tap into the mobile application market. According to a recent survey, it has been found that an average cost to build an application for Android/iOS is almost 10 times lower than to mobile app development companies in USA.