Augmenting the Future: Exploring Practicality of AR Apps

AR Apps

Augmented reality (AR) has become more common in the world of games and entertainment these days. Gamers adopted this technology as this technology allowed for more immersive experiences. AR-based applications such as Pokémon Go, Zombie Go, etc. went viral in no time and kept users hooked onto the game. Regardless of this, AR has struggled to gain widespread adoption outside the gaming and entertainment domains. Here we will be exploring how AR apps will bring a revolution to the other industries too who are deprived of AR apps and feel isolated.

So now let’s get onto exploring the practicality of AR in apps other than the gaming and entertainment industry.

AR apps in eCommerce

AR apps in eCommerce

There are significant AR applications in eCommerce, so it seems an odd combination. In the time of online shopping, many prefer shopping in a traditional brick-and-mortar store because they can feel the stuff of the cloth, smell a perfume. Sometimes, things shown online are not the same as what users receive. For instance, in the case of lipstick, the shades might seem to be different so while shopping in the stores, you can check that which is not possible in online shopping.

Some of the organizations tried to overcome this and started providing samples (the price of it is combined with product’s costs) to customers so that they can try it and get them satisfied once before purchase. AR applications can resolve this hurdle by bridging the gap between online and physical stores. Ikea, Cambria, Wayfair, Overstock, etc. are some of the AR-based apps which are available today as e-commerce applications.

AR apps in education

AR seems to be exceptional for the education industry as the technology applies impressive graphics, which entices children. Interactive Flat Touch Panel Display (Smart Boards) is considered revolutionary. Now with the integration of immersive and interactive technology, it is expected that schools will be the largest adopters of AR technology. It won’t be wrong to say that maybe children will learn using AR apps.

AR apps don’t need any supplementary instrument, unlike the VR apps, making it handy for mobile app developers and users both. AR furnishes educators with a chance to improve student engagement and learning. AR apps can be practiced to animate historical timelines, show galaxy composition/ structures, convert case studies or illustrations into 3D images. The scope of AR is unlimited and integrating AR and you can make the study sessions more exciting and interactive for the students.

AR apps in healthcare

Dr. Rafael J. Grossmann was the first person to operate utilizing google glass, and also thinks these types of operations will be common shortly. HoloLens – an AR tool by Microsoft is nowadays assisting in spinal surgery. This tool projects visuals on the patient to guide the surgeon throughout the operation. With such tools, doctors can operate their patients effectively. AR can be useful in keeping a check on a patient’s vital information like heartbeat rate, blood pressure, and so on.

Many of you must be thinking that doctors using technology to operate is absurd. But AR developers are working hard to make healthcare safer. You have to trust healthcare apps and its integration with AR devices till the time robots with artificial intelligence are on-board. Not only for operating, but AR can also be employed to provide training to aspiring doctors.


If we look back into the past, we will find AR holds a plethora of opportunities in games and entertainment apps, but the current scenario has changed dynamically. Mobile app developers all around the world are grappling with user acceptance still it is expected that AR technology will generate revenue of $120 billion by 2020. It will be fun watching how a mobile application development company will utilize this opportunity for better. AR will be seen making our realities more augmented and more dynamic.


What Audience Response Systems can do for Conferences, Events & Classrooms?

Audience Response

All of us must have seen Kaun Banega Crorepati and have seen how the audience poll is conducted. Have you ever wondered how the audience response poll in the show got conducted and how the results get disclosed within a fraction of seconds?

You most likely would have given more consideration, got familiar with the theme, and recollected crucial focuses long after the presentation. Audience responsive systems have for quite some time been considered adequate, intellectually-stimulating, and engaging tools used in adult education and scenarios requiring real-time data collection and audience participation.

These agreements casting ballot frameworks and administrations have been around for a long time, however, have as of late turned out to be moderate enough for across the board use in gatherings, center gatherings, instructive conditions, and other live occasions all things considered and scopes. 

While remote voting keypads and surveying programming have turned out to be all the more dominant, compact, and dependable as the years progressed, the genuine advantage of these Audience response systems originates from the experience of the specialist co-op and the specialized ability of the on-location crowd reaction expert. From the most sophisticated ARS accessible today to charge card size keypads and cell phone-based surveying applications, crowd responsive framework improvement groups have an answer for meeting all financial limits at all degrees of modernity.

What is an Audience Response System (ARS)?

An audience response system is an accessible way to accumulate responses from various individuals in a split second. The audience response system (ARS) is also known as an interactive wireless voting or electronic voting system. The system is a blend of equipment and programming that enables users to submit votes on a handheld keypad.

Moving onto next, let us now understand how and where these ARS can be beneficial and what these ARS can do. 

Great for

Conferences of all sizes

Audience response systems for conferences are great for conferences/ meetings/ gatherings/ discussions of all sizes across several industries. The industries include healthcare, entertainment, marketing, corporate, and government. The software integrates efficiently with PowerPoint, and results summaries are provided at the end of your event.


Accuracy is always crucial. With Audience Response Systems, your data is captured in real-time and precisely. Results from data accumulated can be revealed in front of the audience immediately, or when the session is about to end.


Trainers/ Instructors/ Maters and human resource professionals rely on Audience Responsive Systems for the classroom to boost concentration and advance test comprehension.

Audience Response Systems for Polling, & Voting at Conferences & Events

Employee gatherings & surveys: Audience response systems are a reliable and confidential means to spontaneously assemble valuable insights and feedback from employees throughout conferences, sales and board meetings, and also during team-building training.

As of now, we are done with how these ARS can do for the customers. Let us now proceed ahead and come to the point and discuss the benefits of using an audience response system.

Benefits of using an audience response system

Live Q&A sessions

In classrooms, an audience response system for classrooms can assist teachers in collecting questions from students. It also lets voting on submitted questions. Students can raise queries anonymously without concerns about distress.

Live Polling

In live polling, results get updated in real-time as the responses by participants flow in. Live polls and surveys can be practised in classrooms creatively to foster conversations and highlight general opinion.


Quizzes can be an enjoyable practice in classrooms or conferences. Quizzes are poll questions which one or several options marked as the right answer.


It can be anonymous or not, which encourages learners to participate in real-time.

Fast and accurate data collection

ARS can instantly accumulate data, and you can get real-time feedback/ results and assess the understanding of your students.


An audience response system not only makes events and lectures more engaging, but it also connects with the audience for the discussions in real-time. By incorporating Audience Response System (ARS) into your training sessions, meeting or lecture, you will create opportunities to relax and have fun with your trainers or students, resulting in the development of a positive atmosphere. An atmosphere charged with positive energy elevates creativity and leads to innovative ideas, sparking invaluable contributions. 


Google Maps Rolls out Voice Guidance Aimed to Help Visually Challenged Navigator

Google Maps

In the advanced era, navigating around is as simple as shopping online. Amidst various modes of transportation and multiple geo-locating apps, locating point B from point A has now become pretty simple. However, the challenges are genuine for the visually impaired, and it can be hard to navigate without any assistance. The Google Maps Company declared the launch of a new feature on World Sight Day that will provide a more detailed voice direction. The new feature will be beneficial for those who cannot rely on their vision or are blind. A Tokyo-based business analyst at Google named Wakana Sugiyama led the initiative who is legitimately blind and uses a walking stick to walk around.

For her, travelling from her residence to the office is convenient as she is familiar with the route. But venturing some new and unfamiliar place can be an utterly terrifying experience. She said some of the gravest concerns could be if I’m going the right way or the path is safe or not to cross. She further added, in case if I miss the turn, or if I ‘m on the right side of the road. And most important is that whether I have arrived at the destination or if I already passed it.

Thirty-six million people are blind worldwide, and Sugiyama is among them- the sum that expands to 253 million when factoring in the visually weakened. Glaucoma, retinal degeneration and diabetic retinopathy are the conditions for this blindness among others.

Eye Spy a Solution 

The Japanese Googler has spent the previous year working with the Google Maps group to build up a progressively accommodating route answer for the outwardly weakened. People in Japan and the U.S. will have the option to initiate another component in Google Maps on both Android and iOS to get increasingly verbal reports on strolling trips. The application will give occasional declarations, alarms, and alerts and provide a compass heading also.

To turn the component on, users can go to the Google Maps settings and choose “Route.” At the bottom of the rundown will be the option to enable “Detailed voice direction,” beneath the “Strolling choices” head. Apple is purportedly additionally chipping away at making its Maps application increasingly available for outwardly weakened clients. The Cupertino-based Goliath has applied for a patent for “contact-based investigation of maps for screen reader users.” Whether this will work out as expected or not is indistinct at this stage.

Anybody Can Use It 

While Google Map’s new component expects to help the outwardly debilitated, it can likewise help somebody who needs a more without screen involvement on their strolling trip, regardless of whether it’s a parent pushing a baby buggy or a voyager hauling bags. “This may not sound phenomenal to those with sight, yet for individuals who are visually impaired or have low vision, this can enable us to investigate new and new places,” Sugiyama wrote in a blog entry.

In Silicon Valley, originators regularly look for the Holy Grail of advancement by propelling moonshot ventures powered by FOMO-driven financial specialists. In any case, do they consider what individuals need? “The thought doesn’t need to be a phenomenal VR experience to be weighty,” said Rebecca Moore, an item executive at Google Maps. “The arrangement can be straightforward.”

This is the thing that Sugiyama was attempting to pass on during Google’s Geo for everyone hackathon, which occurred in July 2018 at the same time over an assortment of Google workplaces — from New York City and Mountain View to Zurich and Tokyo. While a few members pitched cutting edge arrangements, the young lady kept it straightforward: increasingly itemized voice direction. This element is presently wholly coordinated into the Google Maps application and didn’t require any extra satellite information. 

Re-Tuning the Digital Map 

Detailed voice direction bearings depend on a similar advanced guide of the world as our different headings. However, we’ve re-tuned them to be improved for clients with vision impedance,” said Bill Steinmetz, a product engineer at Google Maps. He includes that because the compass sensors on cell phones aren’t in every case exact, the group chose not to utilize them for point by point voice direction – putting together the vocal updates concerning the heading of the client’s movement.

“It’s helpful as clients don’t have to have their telephone situated with a particular goal in mind for the assistive voice direction to work,” said Moore. So, the clients can have their telephones in their pockets or their sacks and depend on sound input employing their earphones. While this component is just accessible in Japan and the U.S. right now, support for new dialects and nations are en-route, as indicated by the Google Maps group.


Mobile App Security Checklist- Best Practices to Secure a Mobile App

Mobile App Security

Several cybercrimes arising has brought the mobile app security into suspicion, and if you also wonder whether your app is reliable or not, think about security assessment. Since several apps demand access to user data, mobile app developers need to implement optimum security for their respective platforms. Today, each organization, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, are progressing and moving towards getting their mobile applications developed. It is not that easy to outshine others in this dog-eat-dog competition in the mobile app industry.

App Security remains a big challenge for mobile application development companies so far. Apps provide businesses with quick and consistent connectivity with their customers, and at the same time, the app security offers a more satisfactory user experience. Companies investing in mobile applications fear security issues, so they’re looking forward to getting high-end solutions that make their apps more reliable and secure.

To help such businesses, here are the best security testing measures to protect your mobile app and make your applications safer from cybercrimes.

While a mobile app security assessment, mobile app developers must implement best practices, including:

  • To evaluate the security strengths and weaknesses of your app, you must examine the vulnerabilities through simulated attacks.
  • Investigating internal checks and reviews the code to examine possible malware and risk.
  • Observing the app interface and infrastructure to discover security flaws.
  • Enhance the security aspect and craft an actionable security plan under expert supervision.

Mobile app checklist-

Secure source code

Unquestionably, securing the source code is one of the most indispensable aspects of mobile application development. Letting the source code accessible to the public is like inviting hackers for data theft. If the projects are left without a passcode, anyone can see, download and change the source code.


Difficulties in encryption can cause severe issues in the security of mobile applications, so secure encryption along with its proper implementation is exceptionally crucial. Broken cryptography happens in two cases, one when you have weak encryption algorithms and the other one is when an incorrect execution of strong encryption is conducted. At times, to speed up the mobile app development process, Android and iOS developers apply some encryption that induces the hackers to crack passwords.

Transit encryption

At the time when data is transferred, it is exposed to several risks. Some sensitive data such as passwords, API keys, and usernames are subjected to the more significant risks always. To eliminate such dangers, you ought to give transit encryption for your data. Whenever the data is transferred via unreliable and risky networks, it will be restricted from all interception and intrusion. Besides this, it’s also essential to know all the latest updated security practices and standards.

Security of API

To a great extent, Mobile app development and API are interconnected. Any risk to the safety of any of these two will hamper the other; so, you should ensure high-end security of the API to accomplish a secure mobile app. You must practice an authorized API in your mobile app for this purpose. Any flaw in API can affect all the connected apps with it so neglecting this may let hackers access the data. Hence, appropriate security rules and measures are to be followed to assure optimum security.

Give proper attention to consumer data protection

The essential aspect of an app’s security is protecting consumer data as any hamper in this aspect can severely damage the reliability of the mobile app and the creditworthiness of the brand. No mobile application development company take any risk in this case as their clients can witness long term downfall in their business because of data theft. But with the advancement of technologies and biometric authentication, this risk of consumer’s data theft can be covered.

SDK security

SDK controls special functions within an app, making it essential to pick the best SDK to provide the features you need. Although security is a raging concern in the mobile apps security world, securing mobile SDK is often dodged and leads to all sorts of obstacles for app business.

[Also Read:-  Tips for Mobile App Security ]


The security needs of every mobile application are different. After a detailed analysis and recommendations of mobile app developers, you need to figure out the security needs of your app. An efficient mobile app development team can help you with the security concerns associated with your mobile application. So you need to contact an expert mobile app development company when it comes to security standards and the latest security trends.


Shoelace- Google New Social Networking Platform


In a world of Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, web-based life and systems administration applications don’t have the best impressions as individuals contend their negative impacts around the world. Shoelace utilizes the interpersonal interaction air and prevalence to urge individuals to meet outside of the webspace and do some sort of movement. It’s a decent difference in pace and could support the two local people and individuals who have quite recently moved to another zone find new exercises and companions in reality.

What is Shoelace?

Google has naturally reported it has plans to dispatch another long-range informal communication application, Shoelace. In the wake of covering its Social systems administration stages, specifically Orkut, Google Buzz, and Google +, Google has now acquainted an application that plans with unite individuals progressively, Shoelace. Shoelace is a portable application that helps associate individuals, all things considered, not only carefully, through basic interests and exercises. It is excellent for people who as of late moved to urban communities or ones who are looking to arrive at other people who live close by.

Just a few months after Google shut down Google+, it has now made the most prominent attempt at building a social media platform. Shoelace is presently available on the Android Operating System and iOS Operating System, but Google is testing it in New York for the time being. The new social networking app is only available in New York City. Since it is a lot simpler and increasingly amusing to meet new individuals when you share things for all intents and purposes, the goal is to bring this app to the cities across the US.

What makes Shoelace different?

The name Shoelace is given to this social networking application is because this app will tie people together based on their interests, just like two laces in a shoe. People are tied together via activities termed as Loops. In this app, users can create their profiles where they can share their all essential information and loops to connect. For users who don’t want to suggest their loops have the option to show their interest in specific categories. In the above case, Shoelace will apply the information provided to recommend daily hand-picked activities.

Googlers are working the task as a piece of the Area 120 incubator, where representatives can explore different avenues regarding new thoughts full-time without leaving the organization. Along these lines, it’s not a Google item, yet may wind up ending up some portion of the Google family. Additionally, if Shoelace doesn’t make it, Google may have agreed to use its musings, features, and computations and fuse them with Google Maps or another future long-go relational correspondence endeavor.

Read More: [Attributes of Social Networking Mobile App]

What else this new social networking platform has?

Likewise, users may attain more info of other people in their crews and even make friends right away. It is also easy to find stuff to do and get plans to do them with others with this new launch. The best thing about Shoelace is that users can invite people to join this app, whether they use it or not. Though, the users need to have a Google account to join the app. Google is, at present, taking solicitations for recommendations on spots to go straightaway.

Sign up to share your proposals and jump on the welcome rundown when/if it dispatches in your general vicinity!


E-scooter App Development like Bird and Lime


E-scooters are in the news since they were launched and gaining a lot of popularity. The purpose behind the adoption of these e-scooters is to pave the way to go green (facilitating green transportation). Applications like Lime and Bird already exist in the market. Since these e-scooter applications are getting a massive response among the users, various companies are now launching new e-scooter app development solutions.

What is an Electric Scooter App?

Electric scooter app is an on-demand mobile app which allows users to hire an e-scooter. Just like Uber and Ola app, you can use e-scooter apps for booking your ride with an electric scooter that will furnish you with superior riding experience. The idea behind launching the e-scooter in India is booming as these e-scooters can single-handedly eliminate the cost of cabs, parking issues, maintenance and much more.

Here’s are the reasons why there are too much demand and adoption of e-scooters


E-scooters employ a rechargeable battery and run on power; therefore, you need not spend on expensive fuels and gas, making them quite affordable.

Highly sustainable

Since they don’t use fuels, they don’t contribute to pollution. E-scooters are eco-friendly, so their adoption has grown to a much extent, and they are not going to harm the environment anyway.

Easily accessible

All of us get access to quickly and readily book an e-scooter from anywhere and everywhere. You need not bother about traffic, road congestions, and more before taking your ride.


You don’t have to spend a lot in the name of maintenance cost in e-scooters. In the case of e-scooters, you only need to charge up the batteries of the e-scooters and keep them clean as they run on batteries.

Easily park-able

Parking a vehicle is a big challenge for those who travel with their cars. But with e-scooters, you won’t face such a problem as you can park them in the smallest places as they are quite compact.

After the benefits, now it’s the time to discuss the features which an e-scooter must-have.

Essential features that every e-scooter app must have


So that the users can start to utilize the app, make the sign-up process simple. You may also attach an interactive tutorial to show the rider how to use application. Your onboarding tutorial may also include the tips for safe riding.

Google Maps integration

This feature facilitates users to locate nearby e-scooters. Android application developers usually integrate the Google Maps API, and iOS developers use MapKit framework. With this feature, riders can readily find out the nearby e-scooters.

Real-time GPS tracking

This feature will help you track the routes and get directions when riding. For Android apps, Google’s Location APIs enable GPS functionality, and Core Location framework is generally preferred for iOS apps.

QR code scanner

The applications like Lime and Bird use built-in scanners to decode QR codes on a scooter’s handlebars for locking and unlocking e-scooters. This feature is a bit necessary for security purpose and for unlocking the scooter; a rider requires to scan the QR code on the handlebar from the e-scooter app.

Smart lock

Because of this feature, e-scooter will automatically unlock as soon as the user approaches it and lock when the rider is not around. Internet of Things technology enables keyless locking/unlocking of an e-scooter with a smart system-on-a-chip (SoC).

In-app payments

Integrate a payment gateway into your e-scooter application to accept cashless payments from your customers. This will not facilitate your users but also attract customers who opt for cashless payment. You can choose the Paytm, PayPal, and Google Pay.

Ride stats and booking

Permit your end-users to track their ride stats and history. Also, let your users plan their trips in advance by enabling a booking feature in your e-scooter app.

Social media integration

Users like sharing their ride experience with friends on social media, so you may add the feature of social media integration.

Push notifications

Inform your users about the special events, exclusive discounts and suggested routes with push notifications. This feature is provided through the Apple Push Notification Service for iOS devices and Google Cloud Messaging for Android apps.


If you want to launch your Lime-like e-scooter app, you need to think about-

  • The issues faced by the audience
  • solutions that can solve these issues, and
  • Safety features with the app and the transportation you offer.

If you have the answers to these questions, you may connect with an e-scooter app development company with your quote. Your reliable partner must be a company which offers quality and simple solutions to your complex requirements.