Do I need a MAC to Develop an iOS Application?

iOS Applications

Do I essentially need to make use of a Mac to make superior iOS applications?  These could involve applications for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch etc. The very simple answer to this is no. But there are other factors we need to assess before applying this statement.

When in the process of application development for any iOS enabled gadgets like iPhone, MacBook, iPad and Apple Watch you have to utilize Xcode. Xcode is a free programming software made by Apple that enables you to plan and code up applications. Xcode just deals with Apple’s working framework, OS X. So on the off chance that you have a Mac; at that point, you can run Xcode no issue. If you don’t have a Mac, there are two works around that I am aware that you can utilize. So altogether there are three ways you can run Xcode. Keep reading if you want to know more.


Top Five Ways to Attract More Users to Your Apps


With the growing amount of competition in the mobile application development zone, it is important for businesses to engage audience with mobile app. Development companies tend to lose track after they develop an app with relevant features. What these companies usually lack is a blend of the right amount of promotion strategies along with the development procedure. A great android and iOS application development project will also be incomplete if it is not promoted correctly. Thus, we have drafted this piece of information to help you meet your promotion expectations.

Keep reading to unlock different ways of attracting users to your application.

App Store Optimisation:

The objective of application store streamlining is to give the client a chance to discover, click, and download your app through the application store. Further, it centres around keyword and change rate advancement. The key factors that impact application position in the list items are the quantity of downloads, client surveys, and number of remarks.

To upgrade your app for the application store, consider these points:

1) Be creative with your title:

You need clients to recall your application’s name, hence choose it with strategies and by investing time. It is possible with your application’s title.

2) Utilise important keywords:

Make it easier for  users to find the answers to their queries. Therefore, use keywords that clients will use to search in the app’s search box.

3) Choose an adequately framed, keyword-rich description:

Put the most critical application includes in the start of the depiction to drive clients to tap the “read more” catch. The ideal number of keywords to specify in the portrayal is five.

4) An aesthetic logo is a win-win:

An appealing logo makes the application stand out as that is the first thing a user notices. Consult with your UI/UX designers to design an appealing and unique logo!

Exploit Social Media:

Web clients invest 30% of their energy online via social media networking. The majority of them get to online networking utilising a cell phone. This implies it will be simpler for them to download an app that gets their consideration in their newsfeed. The web-based social networking stages you pick ought to rely upon your intended interest group.

The most well known stages are Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Tumblr, all with various sorts of clients. For instance, if your app targets recent college grads, think about utilising Instagram and Snapchat, stages twenty to thirty year olds utilise most. If you have a B2B application, advance your app on LinkedIn and Twitter, where different organisations can be found.

The primary idea for app development, nonetheless, is the same for all stages: Create viral substance, increment preferences and endorsers, and spread the news about your app. When considering digital marketing services, think about both free and paid strategies.

Publicise Using Your Website:

Make use of your company website to promote your app. Additionally, make a separate page for your app and utilise it to explain it’s features and programs on the headers. Hence, be sure to include minimal content on this page which navigates users to the App Store or Google Play Store.

Make Use Of Email Marketing:

This is an old technique which is slowly surfacing again. Additionally, push notifications have reached a limit where users have begun ignoring them. Therefore, app development companies make a shift to using email notifications to keep their current and potential subscribers in loop.

Focus On Building Public Relation Techniques:

This step is crucial as it is a building block for zeroing down on target audience and how to make sure they engage with the application. Moreover, this can include reaching out to companies for publishing articles about your app, signing up with bloggers to promote your app, talk to magazines, online portals and more things of this sort to publicise your application.

If you want further assistance about making your app the favourite among your target users, get in touch with us and we’ll help you out!


The Best Ways to Promote your iPhone Applications

iPhone Application

App Promotion is as crucial as app development. It is no point developing a superior application if you cannot target it to the correct users and retain them. Since the iOS application market is the largest, it is imperative your app doesn’t get lost in the sea. This article talks about the various ways you can deploy to promote your iPhone application and make it reach the desired target audience. Keep reading to figure out iPhone app promotion hacks.

1) Reviews:

Submitting your app for reviews at review sites will help your app get a good eye. One must send their app for review to various websites like etc, to make sure your app has ample quality reviews. If these sites consider your app worthy, you can also be featured by them and acquire relative publicity.

2) Social Media:

Today, the easiest way of app promotion is advertising on social media. By taking to sites like Google plus, Facebook, Twitter, one can promote throughout the world. Aggressive social media promotion can lead to large successful campaigns as well.

3) Pitch your App to Influencers:

Believe it or not, influencers are key promoters today. They have an organic connect with the users and can be great promoters if they too connect with the app.

4) Create a Landing Webpage:

Create a well defined and optimized website page for your app. This page must contain all relevant keywords which help your app be discovered in searches. It can contain a video description, pictures, and screens of your app.

5) Create Paid and Free Versions:

If your app is paid, make sure to devise some free versions. This enables a fresh user to explore the app features and then go on to purchase it. Also, a free version of the app can help you get raw, first-hand reviews.

6) Create an App Forum:

An app forum gives your users a chance to interact and give useful reviews about the application. It also helps in support and development of the application.

7) Search Marketing:

It is wise to invest in advertising platforms like Google AdWords, Yahoo Search Marketing and Bing search marketing. They offer keyword related marketing which can be leveraged to promote your app.

8) Create and Share Interesting Infographics:

Invest time and ides in creating engaging content like infographics. These catch attention easily and help you promote your app to a much larger platform. A check on these and you can definitely overcome your app promotion woes! Try them out.

If you need more ideas about promoting your iPhone app, Contact us with your queries and we’ll love to sort them out.


How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Taxi Booking App Like, Ola Or Uber

Taxi booking app

Travelling by shared or rental cab has become the more convenient way of commuting for thousands of people these days. Technology is advancing and so is the pressure to develop high quality functioning apps which can serve many people. Taxi booking applications are one such vertical where millions of people engage to book taxis for their commute. If you want to develop a similar application like OLA or Uber, how much will it cost you in terms of amount and time? How much investment should you make to gain maximum returns, what is the least amount in which you can engage most customers and develop a fully functional taxi booking app. We have the just the right kind of support that you may need.


Top 10 Most Reliable Mobile App Development Companies in the USA

United States is a leading country when one talks about mobile app development companies. The abundance of talent here is incomparable with any other country. There are more than 1000+ mobile application development companies in USA which provide robust services. It includes android app development, iOS app development, digital marketing, web development etc. As per various surveys, USA is the largest application development sector with potential to grow even further. It is definitely a challenging task to manually filter out hand picked companies which have a definite market value. Thus, to help you out, we have made a list of the top 10 mobile application development companies to make your search easier.

Thus, continue reading for a list of the top 10 mobile app development companies to help you out.


Latest Trends in Mobile Apps Development

noisulcnoWith changing times, the mobile application development scenario is also reshaping. Each day has new technical advancements which are giving birth to trends in the industry. With an upcoming and blooming industry like so, we must not expect anything else! So here are some recent and upcoming trends mobile application development companies shall look out for!

Artificial Intelligence:

AI will make a check in both the development procedures of versatile mobile applications and in boosting their capacities. Using progressed examination, subjective interfaces into complex frameworks, and machine learning specialists, AI will give business clients access to capable bits of knowledge at no other time accessible to them. Because of these favourable circumstances, enormous players like Google, IBM, eBay, Facebook have begun contributing and procuring new companies and individuals who are specialists in Artificial Intelligence. An AI enabled assistant is one feature everyone is trying to formulate in today’s application development scenario.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality:

With the current awareness inmobile application improvement patterns, there has been progressive intervention in the field of  gaming and media outlet. VR gadgets like Samsung Gear VR, Google Cardboard and Oculus Rift are picking up prominence. What’s more? Gaming applications like Pokemon Go, iOnRoad, Sky Siege and myNav are brilliant cases of AR recreations. Overwhelming the App Store, these gaming applications demonstrate AR innovation can possibly impact shoppers in drawing in and significant ways.

Internet of Things:

We have seen that keen home makers are getting substantially more intelligent. Home and enterprises are two organisations that have trail-bursted brilliant home innovation. The Internet of Things is forming versatile mobile application advancement patterns since relatively every IoT arrangement needs a committed mobile or application empowering clients to oversee shrewd gadgets. In spite of the fact that building IoT-related programming isn’t that unique in relation to what engineers have been improving the situation years, most Internet of Things arrangements are creative as a matter of course and frequently require coordination with outsider or specialty gadgets and administrations.

Instant Apps:

To furnish clients with speedy access to Android applications, Google created Instant Apps. With a single tick you will have the capacity to download mobile applications in a flash like regular website pages. Besides, it would not be downloaded to your versatile gadget in its full size. It will be introduced just partially. It is significant that Instant Apps activity is equivalent to easygoing website page movement. So our mobiles and tablets won’t be loaded with different applications that we require just once. A breakthrough innovation for those who are tired of downloading an application for one feature. Also, mobile and web app development company have some serious challenges in terms of eye-catchy minimalistic designing!

Security Factor in Apps:

There are a large number of Android applications on google store. More than 60 percent of these mobile applications donot finish security tests and are risk to application clients. Utilising such applications, programmers can undoubtedly access the private data of the mobile application client. Application development companies will centre around enhancing the security highlight of the application. Additionally numerous antivirus applications have come in showcase like McAfee, AVG, 360 Security, and so forth and have turned out to be exceedingly prevalent to shield your cell phone from hurtful application download.

Wearable Devices are gaining reception:

Wearable applications are gaining popularity as the world is shifting to smaller forms of mobile applications. Application development companies are endorsing this growth by promoting the development of these applications. These gadgets demonstrate that this form of technology is getting confined to just human services industry and end up being one of the promising versatile application advancement drifts in 2018.


With these trends slowly hitting the market, within no time our technological horizons will be widespread and ever-growing! By developing mobile and web applications for the smallest of features in every domain we are definitely headed towards a noble integration of technology into the basic daily life!

Write to us to suggest any other trend or intervention that you may have noticed or maybe hoping to see in the near future!